


      英 [əˈreɪ]

      美 [ə'reɪ]



      过去式: arrayed 过去分词: arrayed 现在分词: arraying 第三人称单数: arrays


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  •       英英释义

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  •       大量
  •       衣服,盛装,衣裳
  •       阵列,列阵
  •       一批,一系列,一大群,一连串
  •       陪审团名单
  •       【数】数组,阵列
  •       阵容
  •       军队;部队;民兵;军事力量
  •       装扮,打扮


  •       打扮,打扮,装饰
  •       使...列队
  •       提出(陪审官)名单,召集(陪审官), 使(陪审官)列席
  •       配置(兵力), 整(队),部署兵力
  •       排列,集结(部队),使(军队)列成(战斗队形),列阵


  •       [C]展示,陈列,一系列 impressive display or series
  •       [U]衣服,服装 clothes; clothing
  •       [C]数组,阵列 collection of data arranged so that it can be extracted by means of a special program


  •       vt. 部署兵力; 排列,整队 set in order; marshal
  •       vt. 盛装,打扮,装饰 dress, especially splendidly



      1. an arrangement of aerials spaced to give desired directional characteristics

      2. especially fine or decorative clothing

      Synonym: raimentregalia

      3. an impressive display

      e.g. it was a bewildering array of books
      his tools were in an orderly array on the basement wall

      4. an orderly arrangement

      e.g. an array of troops in battle order


      1. align oneself with a group or a way of thinking

      Synonym: align

      2. lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line

      e.g. lay out the clothes
      lay out the arguments

      Synonym: rangelay outset out

      1. 一大批;一大群
      An array of different things or people is a large number or wide range of them.


      e.g. As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions...
      e.g. A dazzling array of celebrities are expected at the Mayfair gallery to see the pictures.

      2. 陈列;布置
      An array of objects is a collection of them that is displayed or arranged in a particular way.


      e.g. There was an impressive array of pill bottles stacked on top of the fridge...
      e.g. We visited the local markets and saw wonderful arrays of fruit and vegetables.

      3. (多个望远镜、太阳能电池板之类的仪器设备连接在一起构成的)阵列
      An array of instruments such as telescopes or solar panels is a number of them that are connected together to form a single unit.

      4. 数列;数组;阵列
      In science and mathematics, an array of things such as atoms or numbers is a regular pattern or structure that is formed by them.

      e.g. ...methods which can be used to create an ordered array of molecules within materials...
      e.g. The image is then stored on the computer hard disk as a vast array of black or white dots.

      1. array的意思

      1. 阵列:(4) 阵列(array)命令的应用:当需要绘制等间距而相同的图素或图形时,用阵列阵命是非常容易的. 如当已绘制36000mm长的前后墙、中走道墙和10800mm长的山墙线后,需要划分10个开间,并绘制进深为4500mm的开间墙线时,可先画一根4500mm长的竖线,


      2. 创建按指定方式排列的多重对象副本:体设置对话框(style)SC: 缩放比例 (scale)SN: 栅格捕捉模式设置(snap)DT: 文本的设置(dtext)A ---- 创建圆弧(ARC)AA ---- 计算对象或指定区域的面积和周长(AREA)AR ---- 创建按指定方式排列的多重对象副本(ARRAY)H、BH ----

      3. 数组,阵列:引用包括类(class),界面(interface), 代表(delegate)和数组阵列(array). 值与引用不同之处在于:值直接存储它的数据内容;而引用存储对象 的引用. 是不是粉费解?!打个比方吧. 你在某地买了套别墅(好棒噢). 却从未去过,只知道地址,

      4. array的解释

      4. array:arrayname; 则不创建这个数组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       He was unable to escape the array of facts.
  •       She puts on her finest array.


  •       They arrayed themselves before the general.
  •       Array the paintings so everyone can see them.
  •       They arrayed themselves in all their finery.
  • 1
  •       The soldiers were arrayed on the opposite hill.
  •       A large number of new books are arrayed on the shelf in the bookstore.
  •       She is arrayed for her wedding.
  •       He is arrayed in ceremonial robes.
  •       She was arrayed with splendid trappings.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The pomp, the pageantry, the proud array.

  •       A force of thirteen thousand fighting men were arrayed in Hyde Park.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  •       He saw arrayed around his consciousness endless pictures from his life.

    出自:J. London
  •       Three sorts of inksblue, red and greenswere carefully arrayed before her.

    出自:A. Wilson
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       array用作名词的基本意思是“展示,陈列,一系列”,用作可数名词; 引申可指“衣服,服装”,用作不可数名词。用在计算机术语中,表示“数组,阵列”,指可经某种程序取出的一系列数据,用作可数名词。


  •       array原指整齐排列成行的一队人或一长列物品,用作动词时,表示“排列”“部署(兵力)”。
  •       array还可指为展示其效果而进行的展出或展示,有“装饰”“打扮”之意。
  •       array的主语一般为人,宾语可以是人也可以是物或事物。array不用作不及物动词,说“打扮自己”时以反身代词作宾语。
  •       ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的areer,意为整齐排列;最初源自通俗拉丁语的arredare:ad (去) + redare (准备),意为准备好。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      You can find more information about the wrapped array style in the article "Array Gotcha—Null Array vs. Empty Array".(您在《ArrayGotcha—NullArrayvs.EmptyArray》这篇文章中可以找到更多关于包装排列风格的信息。)

      I was constantly ill, with a baffling array of symptoms.(我不断地生病,还伴有一大堆莫名其妙的症状。)

      Throughout the cultures of the world, East and West, a virtually limitless array of sounds has been employed in the service of musical expression.(在世界各地的文化中,无论东方还是西方,几乎有无限的声音被用来服务于音乐表达。)

      A glance along his bookshelves reveals a bewildering array of interests.(扫一眼他的书架就可以看出他杂七杂八的兴趣爱好。)

      Today, a visit to a lighting store reveals a stunning array of choices.(今天,对一家灯具专卖店的探访揭露了一系列令人震惊的选择。)

      You will see a green cylinder with a clock next to it while you create this array.(在创建此阵列时,您会看到一个绿色的圆筒,旁边还有一个时钟。)

      The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option.(参众两院的议案将创建医疗保险交易所,让小企业和个人可以从一系列私人计划和可能的公共计划中进行选择。)

      As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions.(随着最后期限的临近,她心绪变得纷繁复杂起来。)

      The diving spots afforded such a wide array of fish and sea creatures that Larry saw more than thirty varieties of creatures.(潜水点养着种类繁多的鱼类和海洋生物,拉里看到了三十多种不同的生物。)

      The consequences of interacting with the array of sharp spines on a sea urchin or porcupine are pretty obvious to any creature passing by.(与海胆或豪猪身上的尖刺相互作用的结果对任何经过的生物来说都是相当明显的。)

      array是什么意思 array在线翻译 array什么意思 array的意思 array的翻译 array的解释 array的发音 array的同义词
