


      英 [ɑ:ˈtɪkjuleɪt]

      美 [ɑ:rˈtɪkjuleɪt]



      副词: articulately 名词: articulateness 过去式: articulated 过去分词: articulated 现在分词: articulating 第三人称单数: articulates


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  •       发音清晰的
  •       善于表达的,口才好的,口齿伶俐的
  •       有关节的,有关节相连的
  •       明了的,明白的
  •       能说话的,有说话能力的
  •       音节分明的
  •       表达得清楚有力的
  •       连接的,接合起来的


  •       明确有力地表达
  •       使成为系统的整体,与…合成整体 ,使相互连贯
  •       清楚地讲话,清晰地发音
  •       用关节连接起来
  •       【语】发音
  •       连接,接合,铰接
  •       【语】发,说
  •       说出,说出口来,发出,表达
  •       【语】形成(声音)
  •       表现(思想)
  •       清楚说明
  •       口齿清楚
  •       清晰吐(词),清晰发(音)
  •       与…合成整体
  •       形成关节


  •       表达力强的 expressing or able to express thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively
  •       口齿清楚的,发音清晰的 (of speech) having clear separate sounds or words


  •       vt. 清楚地表达 express clearly
  •       vt. & vi. 口齿清晰地说话 speak or pronounce, especially clearly and carefully


      1. express or state clearly

      Synonym: enunciatevocalizevocalise

      2. speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way

      e.g. She pronounces French words in a funny way
      I cannot say `zip wire'
      Can the child sound out this complicated word?

      Synonym: pronounceenouncesound outenunciatesay

      3. put into words or an expression

      e.g. He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees

      Synonym: give voiceformulatewordphrase

      4. provide with a joint

      e.g. the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood

      Synonym: joint

      5. unite by forming a joint or joints

      e.g. the ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones


      1. expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language

      e.g. articulate speech
      an articulate orator
      articulate beings

      2. consisting of segments held together by joints

      Synonym: articulated

      The adjective is pronounced /ɑː'tɪkjʊlət/. The verb is pronounced /ɑː'tɪkjʊleɪt/. 形容词读作 /ɑː'tɪkjʊlət/,动词读作 /ɑː'tɪkjʊleɪt/。

      1. 善于表达的;口齿伶俐的
      If you describe someone as articulate, you mean that they are able to express their thoughts and ideas easily and well.

      e.g. She is an articulate young woman...
      e.g. The child was unable to offer an articulate description of what she had witnessed.

      To start a revolution, you need discipline, incisiveness and articulacy.

      2. 清楚地表达(思想或感情)
      When you articulate your ideas or feelings, you express them clearly in words.


      e.g. The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs.

      3. 清楚地说出;吐(字)清楚
      If you articulate something, you say it very clearly, so that each word or syllable can be heard.

      e.g. He articulated each syllable carefully.

      1. 环接:asset-liability view 资产-负债观念 主张在会计报表环接(articulate)中应以 资产负债表作为中心的一种观点. 它不是 以收入和费用作为直接计量企业收益的 对象, 而是以资产和负债的增减计量企业 收益.这种观念特别强调实物资本的维护.

      2. 接合:记忆却无法和意识分离,也并非封闭(close off) ,记忆和意识的交往是双向的,而使得记忆可成为使用的来源,是我们可以人为的接合(articulate) 它. 这种接合性并非记忆的客观部分,而是它的社会层面. 记忆是一个社会事实(social fact) ,

      3. articulate

      3. 阐明:尽管法治是一个好事,但是说得太多也可能是有害的,因此对于法治理论的挑战是要阐明(articulate)什么是法治,为什么它是好事和它的范围是什么?为此,必须格外重视法治的美德(virtues)和法的内在道德(the inner morality). [81]

      4. articulate的解释

      4. 说清楚:对...有信心have confidence in | 说清楚articulate; verbalize; put in words; utter | 接受...之美意embrace the offer of...

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       Articulate speech is very important for a teacher.
  •       His gave a witty, entertaining and articulate speech.


  •       That man is not very articulate.
  •       At the age of 89, he was still sharp-witted and articulate.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Beasts..Created mute to all articulate sound.

  •       The water's own noises..were more apparent than by day..; and constantly they started at what seemed a sudden clear call from an actual articulate voice.

    出自:K. Grahame
  •       Poetry consists of a sequence of articulate sounds in time rather than of forms and colours fixed in space.

    出自:M. H. Abrams
  •       Its most articulate spokesman, Ludwig von der Marwitz..submitted a lengthy petition to the government.

    出自:H. Arendt
  •       Just a note. Will write again. Not very articulate at present.

    出自:M. Shadbolt
  •       If I articulate all the examples of their absurdeties that I could.

    出自:T. Nashe
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       articulate用作形容词的基本意思是“表达能力强的”,可指一个人具有较好的口头表达能力,能将所要表达之事有条有理地表述清楚; 还可指某人说话时语音比较纯正,即“口齿清楚的,发音清晰的”,通常含有称赞的意味。


articulate, concatenate, integrate
  •       这组词的共同意思是“把…连接在一起”。其区别是:
  •       integrate强调紧密地连接或完全地融合,暗示被结合或融合的部分都已失去了原先的特性; articulate强调的是把动物的关节连接起来,引申指把各部分紧密地连起来,但各部分又未失去自己的特性或功能; concatenate则是指把较小的东西连成链锁状。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Articulate your words, regardless of your natural speaking style.(说话清晰,不要关心自己天然的说话风格。)

          Instead of being simply the quarry in a chase, he is revealed as a twisted but articulate antagonist.(他不是简单的追逐中的猎物,而是一个扭曲但清晰的对手。)

          His opponent will be younger, more articulate and better funded.(他的竞争对手比他更年轻,更雄辩,更有资金支持。)

          For you, that's remarkably articulate and full of emotion.(对你而言这是相当明确、激动的。)

          They didn't really articulate any position regarding the actual business plan.(对于实际的商业计划,他们并没有明确地表达任何立场。)

          He is polished, charming, articulate, and an excellent negotiator.(他举止幽雅、富有魅力、善于表达,是个杰出的谈判者。)

          She is clearly the most articulate and self-possessed member of her family.(显然,她是全家口才最好、最沉着冷静的人。)

          After the injury the bones did not articulate as well as before.(受伤后骨的关节不如以前连接得好。)

          These courses are designed to articulate with university degrees.(这些课程旨在与大学学位接轨。)

          Articulate speech is very important.(清楚的表达能力是非常重要的。)

          articulate是什么意思 articulate在线翻译 articulate什么意思 articulate的意思 articulate的翻译 articulate的解释 articulate的发音 articulate的同义词
