


      英 [ˈbɔ:də(r)]

      美 [ˈbɔ:rdə(r)]


      vt.与 ... 接壤;加边于


      名词: borderer 过去式: bordered 过去分词: bordered 现在分词: bordering 第三人称单数: borders


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  •       边界,国界,边境,国境, 边疆,边界地区
  •       边缘,边,缘
  •       滚边,边沿,边饰,饰边,镶边,布边,包边
  •       花坛
  •       框
  •       边地,领地


  •       边界的
  •       形成边界的
  •       靠近边界的


  •       近似, 近乎,近于,几乎
  •       接界,毗邻,与…有共同边界,(与...)接壤,挨着,与…接界,邻接,毗连
  •       围住
  •       在(衣服等上)镶边,为…镶边
  •       构成...界,形成…的边
  •       靠近, 和...相近,接近
  •       濒于
  •       沿…的边
  •       环绕…


  •       [C]边,边缘 band or strip
  •       [C]边界,边境 line dividing two countries or areas; frontier


  •       vt. & vi. 与…接界,在…的边上 be a border to (sth); be on the border of (sth)


      1. a strip forming the outer edge of something

      e.g. the rug had a wide blue border

      2. a decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge

      Synonym: moldingmoulding

      3. a line that indicates a boundary

      Synonym: boundary lineborderlinedelimitationmete

      4. the boundary of a surface

      Synonym: edge

      5. the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary

      Synonym: marginperimeter


      1. lie adjacent to another or share a boundary

      e.g. Canada adjoins the U.S.
      England marches with Scotland

      Synonym: adjoinedgeabutmarchbuttbutt againstbutt on

      2. extend on all sides of simultaneously

      e.g. The forest surrounds my property

      Synonym: surroundenvironringskirt

      3. enclose in or as if in a frame

      e.g. frame a picture

      Synonym: frameframe in

      4. provide with a border or edge

      e.g. edge the tablecloth with embroidery

      Synonym: edge

      5. form the boundary of
      be contiguous to

      Synonym: bound

      1. 边界;边疆;边界地区
      The border between two countries or regions is the dividing line between them. Sometimes the border also refers to the land close to this line.

      e.g. They fled across the border.
      e.g. ...the isolated jungle area near the Panamanian border...

      2. 和…毗邻;与…接壤
      A country that borders another country, a sea, or a river is next to it.

      e.g. ...the European and Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean.

      3. 镶边;包边
      A border is a strip or band around the edge of something.

      e.g. ...pillowcases trimmed with a hand-crocheted border.

      4. (花园边上的)狭长花坛,花带
      In a garden, a border is a long strip of ground along the edge planted with flowers.


      e.g. ...a lawn flanked by wide herbaceous borders.
      e.g. ...border plants.

      5. 形成…的边界;环绕;毗连
      If something is bordered by another thing, the other thing forms a line along the edge of it.

      e.g. ... the mile of white sand beach bordered by palm trees and tropical flowers
      e.g. Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.

      相关词组:border on

      1. border

      1. 边框:■ 容器的概念: 根据CSS对网页样式的定义,页面上的所有元素都放在一个容器里,这个容器叫BOX. BOX也就包括: 元素本身; 围绕元素的空格;(padding) 围绕元素空格外的边框;(border) 边框外的边距. ...

      2. 扩边:接下来我们讲~Select > Modify 里的平滑(Smooth)扩边( Border) 扩展(Expand)和收缩(Contract) 功能. 平滑:就是能把选区的直角改为圆角 扩边:看下面的图图就知道功能拉~~~~

      3. 边缘:原先应用的ABCD征象现可扩展为ABCDEF征象:痣的不对称性(Asymmetry)、边缘(Border)不规则、颜色(Colour) ...黑色素瘤约60%是由黑痣恶变来的. 将恶性黑色素瘤与各种痣,尤其是发育不良痣,鉴别开来是有一定难度的.

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    近乎 be almost the same as sth


  •       This is a border of flowers round the lawn.
  •       He is on the border of fifty.
  •       They live on the border of starvation.
  •       You must go through customs in order to pass across the border.
  •       Do you need a passport to cross the Scottish border?


  •       France boards Germany.
  • 1
  •       The country is bordered on one side by a river.
  •       Her dress is bordered with silk.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       He affected an impartiality that by turns led him to the borders of insincerity and contradiction.

    出自:Horace Walpole
  •       His night-cap border'd round with lace.

  •       Trimmed quickthorn hedges bordering the road.

    出自:H. Williamson
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       border用作名词的意思是“边,边缘”,通常指作装饰的部分,引申可表示“在…范围内”。border还可表示“边界,边境,国界”,强调两个区域间的分界,这一分界不是人为划定的,而是由一种地表特征,尤指江河、山脉等显著的自然边界。
  •       the Border指某一具体的交界地区,尤指英格兰与苏格兰之间或美国与墨西哥之间的交界地区。


  •       border用作及物动词时意思是“交界,和…相连”,引申可用作“加边,镶边于”解。
  •       border也可用作不及物动词,意思是“接壤”“近于,接近”,其后接介词on或upon。


border, boundary, bounds, limit
  •       这组词都有“疆界”“边境”“界限”的意思。与boundary和border相比, limit是最普通用词,含意较广,可用于任何最外面的限度、范围、分界等; bounds通常表示的不是看得见的边界(线),而是用于比喻意义,指人的行为; boundary主要用来指领土,尤其是地图上表示的边界、分界线,也可用来比喻知识、欲望等抽象事物的界限; border通常强调两个地区之间的边境,指沿分界线一带的土地。
    •       ☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的border,意为边界。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The UN convoy was mined on its way to the border.(联合国车队在驶往边界的途中触雷被炸。)

          He was arrested by guards at the border crossing.(他在边境过境处被卫兵逮捕。)

          Renewed fighting has been reported on the border.(据报道,在边境地区战火重燃。)

          Villages along the border are regularly raided.(边境附近的村庄经常遭受突袭。)

          Our car was turned back at the border.(我们的汽车在边境被挡了回来。)

          There are reports of skirmishing along the border.(有报道称在边界一带发生了小规模冲突。)

          Jordan reopened its border with Iraq.(约旦重新开放了与伊拉克的边界。)

          There has been a build-up of troops on both sides of the border.(边境两边的军队都在逐渐增兵。)

          Border skirmishes between India and Pakistan were common.(印巴边境的小冲突曾经是常有的事。)

          A special UN commission was formed to demarcate the border.(一个特别联合国委员会被设立以期划定边界。)

          border是什么意思 border在线翻译 border什么意思 border的意思 border的翻译 border的解释 border的发音 border的同义词
