


      英 [bænd]

      美 [bænd]





      过去式: banded 过去分词: banded 现在分词: banding 第三人称单数: bands


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  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       乐团,乐队,管乐队
  •       箍
  •       波段
  •       条纹
  •       频带
  •       嵌条
  •       带,细绳
  •       群,伙,帮
  •       橡皮圈,松紧带
  •       【机】传送带,传动带
  •       镶边


  •       用带捆、扎
  •       用条纹装饰, 加彩条
  •       使聚集,使团结
  •       为…装箍,给…镶边
  •       聚集,联合
  •       分等级,划分档次
  •       携手
  •       拉帮结党


  •       [C](尤指演奏流行音乐的)乐队;乐团 a small group of musicians who play popular music together, often with a singer or singers
  •       [C]一伙,一群,一帮,一队 a group of people formed for some common purpose and often with a leader
  •       [C]带;箍 a thin flat strip or circle of any material that is put around things, for example to hold them together or to strengthen them
  •       [C]条纹;条饰 a strip of colour or material on sth that is different from what is around it
  •       [C](衣服的)嵌条;镶边;带状部分 a flat narrow often endless piece of material forming part of an article of clothing
  •       [C](价值,数量,价格等的)范围 a range of numbers, ages, prices, etc. within which people or things are counted or measured


  •       vt. 用带绑扎 tie with a band
  •       vi. 结合起来,伙同 unite in a group


      1. a thin flat strip of flexible material that is worn around the body or one of the limbs (especially to decorate the body)

      2. an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material

      Synonym: bandingstripe

      3. a restraint put around something to hold it together

      4. a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)

      Synonym: ring

      5. a thin flat strip or loop of flexible material that goes around or over something else, typically to hold it together or as a decoration

      6. a driving belt in machinery

      7. jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger

      e.g. she had rings on every finger
      he noted that she wore a wedding band

      Synonym: ring

      8. a stripe or stripes of contrasting color

      e.g. chromosomes exhibit characteristic bands
      the black and yellow banding of bees and wasps

      Synonym: bandingstriastriation

      9. a cord-like tissue connecting two larger parts of an anatomical structure

      Synonym: isthmus

      10. a range of frequencies between two limits

      11. an unofficial association of people or groups

      e.g. the smart set goes there
      they were an angry lot

      Synonym: setcirclelot

      12. instrumentalists not including string players

      13. a group of musicians playing popular music for dancing

      Synonym: dance banddance orchestra


      1. attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify

      e.g. ring birds
      band the geese to observe their migratory patterns

      Synonym: ring

      2. bind or tie together, as with a band

      1. (流行音乐)乐队,乐团
      A band is a small group of musicians who play popular music such as jazz, rock, or pop.

      e.g. He was a drummer in a rock band...
      e.g. Local bands provide music for dancing.

      2. (演奏铜管和打击乐器的)乐队,乐团
      A band is a group of musicians who play brass and percussion instruments.

      e.g. Bands played German marches.

      3. (一)群;(一)帮;(一)伙
      A band of people is a group of people who have joined together because they share an interest or belief.

      e.g. Bands of government soldiers, rebels and just plain criminals have been roaming some neighborhoods.
      e.g. ...a small but growing band of Japanese companies taking their first steps into American publishing.

      4. (佩戴用或衣物上的)带,箍
      band is a flat, narrow strip of cloth which you wear round your head or wrists, or which forms part of a piece of clothing.

      e.g. Almost all hospitals use a wrist-band of some kind with your name and details on it.

      5. 条纹;带状物
      A band is a strip of something such as colour, light, land, or cloth which contrasts with the areas on either side of it.

      e.g. ...bands of natural vegetation between strips of crops...
      e.g. A band of light glowed in the space between floor and door.

      6. (用以加固或捆绑的)圈,箍
      A band is a strip or loop of metal or other strong material which strengthens something, or which holds several things together.

      e.g. Surgeons placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together.
      e.g. ...a strong band of flat muscle tissue.

      7. (数字、值等的)范围
      A band is a range of numbers or values within a system of measurement.

      e.g. For an initial service, a 10 megahertz-wide band of frequencies will be needed.
      e.g. ...a new tax band of 20p in the pound on the first £2,000 of taxable income.

      8. 将…划分范围;把…分段
      If something such as a tax is banded, it is divided into bands according to the value of the thing being taxed.


      e.g. They appear to rule out some of the ideas that have been mentioned — banding the tax so higher earners would pay more.
      e.g. ...a banding system based on property values...

      in AM, use 美国英语用 be bracketed

      9. see also: wedding band

      相关词组:band together

      1. 区:带区(Band)有两种保护模式可供你选择. 并且你也可对报表本身设置不同的保护方式. 报表设计的用户界面作了很多改进,使得用户能更方便、更直观地设计出报表. 菜单项也作了很大的调整,上下文菜单做了改进,报表设计器的工具栏中增加了一些新选项.

      2. 频段:使用频率(frequency)范围为5GHz UNII频段(band)和ERP-OFDM的展频(spread spectrum)技术,最大传输率为54Mbps. 相较于802.11b/g,802.11a于5GHz的频段下作业最大的优点是有较少的干扰来源,缺点是较小的覆盖(coverage)范围.

      3. 频带:对频带(band)的选择也由用户来确定,包括卫星、极性和频带高低3个条件. 以上4个条件确定后,各机顶盒对应的信号传输通路就确定了. 虽然各机顶盒占用的UB不同,但对所选的卫星、极性和频带高低没有限制.

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文

      Leave a message-(留口信)



      B:Hi, Mr. Smith. This is Mary. Is Jenny there?

      A:No, I’m afraid not, Mary. May I take a message for her?


      B:Yes, please tell her that band practice has been moved to Tuesday night at 8:30.

      A:O.K. No problem. Anything else?

      B:No, but if she has any questions, she can call me at 555-2345.

      A:All right, I’ll leave her the message, Mary. Thanks for calling.

      B:Thank you. Bye.



    联合反对 unite to oppose sb/sth
    band against sb

          We must band against the common enemy.


    band oneself against sb

          They banded themselves closely against the invaders.


      1. band together : 结合起来;


  •       The band played marches.
  •       The band played our national anthem.
  •       The band played all our favorite songs.
  •       The band struck up the strains of a welcome march.
  •       The band is marching forward.
  •       There was a great musical band at the party.
  •       A band of light rain and showers extended from the Canadian border to Central Texas.
  •       A velvet band held back her long hair.
  •       There is an orange band along the snake's back.
  •       I could hear a jazz band playing .
  •       She will hire a band for the party.
  •       We heard the band playing light music last night.
  •       Are you going to see the band at the Corn Exchange tonight?
  •       The white plate has a gold band.
  •       A worker put metal bands around a box.
  •       All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists.
  •       I want some rubber bands.
  •       She wore a band round her hair.
  •       The large wooden box had iron bands round it.
  •       The Beatles are probably the most famous band in the world.
  •       The cards were held together by a rubber band.
  •       He played the cornet in the school band.
  •       Radio signals are transmitted in different bands.
  •       She plays the trumpet in the high school band.
  •       The looters were roaming the streets in bands.
  •       The prices of the colour TV sets will be in the 500 to 800 band.
  •       The scheme is devised for young people in 15 to 20 age band.
  •       If I get this job, I'll be moving into a higher tax band.
  •       We danced to the music of the band all night.
  •       It's one of the dwindling band of independent car-makers.
  •       She's a singer with a band.
  •       She tied her hair back with a rubber band.
  •       The oak box was strengthened with bands of iron.
  •       The tea-pot was brown with yellow bands.
  •       It was a treasure chest with thin bands of black metal round it.
  •       This disease seems only to occur within a very narrow age band.


  •       The male bird has a brown band across its chest.
  •       The trees threw bands of shadow across the sidewalk.
  •       The metal bands around the box broke.
  •       He wants a new band for his hat.
  •       He persuaded a small band of volunteers to help.
  •       Bands of armed men came to the town.
  •       A narrow band of grass separated the greenhouse from the vegetable garden.
  •       There is a band of cloud across the sky.
  •       The band of our school is newly organized.
  •       There were bands of white round the black box.
  •       The former president still has a small band of supporters.
  •       We can expect another band of showers in the afternoon.
  •       The little white boat had a band of a red paint all around it.
  •       It's possible to see bands of several colours in a rainbow.
  •       She wore a band of ribbon in her hair.
  •       She wore a simple band of gold on her finger.
  •       They were robbed by a band of bandits.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The rather ponderous wedding ring..had just below it a narrow, worn, gold band.

    出自:H. Allen
  •       The 'black bands' who still Ravage the frontier.

  •       Mr. Mybug and Rennet joined the band of watchers.

    出自:S. Gibbons
  •       The enemy in the south consisted of little more than a band of guerrillas.

    出自:F. Fitzgerald
  •       What multitudes Were banded to oppose his high Decree.

  •       We have banded together in brotherhood so as to do something about it.

    出自:R. Ellison
  •       People banding themselves together in order to work for a better world.

    出自:I. Colegate
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       band是个多义词,其意思大致可分为三组:一是“群,伙,帮,队”,主要指为了一个共同的目标而以特殊方式聚集在一起的一小群人, 如一小批志愿者或一帮歹徒;流行音乐乐队、伴舞乐队、管乐队、鼓号队、爵士乐队等,也可指兽群、畜鸟群等;二是“带,带状物, 条纹, 条饰”,如系物的带、箍、条,衣服上的嵌条、镶边,牧师服和晚礼服胸前的两条饰带及领圈, 机械中的传送带、传动带,计算机术语中指磁鼓或磁盘上的一组磁道, 物理学术语中指频带、波段、光带、(光)谱带等;三是“段”,即在数量、程度、质量、年龄、价格等方面相近或相关的范围、段等。
  •       band作“乐队 ”“人群,团伙”解时是集合名词,用作主语时如着眼于整个的“队,群”,谓语动词用单数形式;如着眼于队、群中的成员,则谓语动词用复数形式。bands 则指多个乐队或多个团伙。


  •       band的基本意思是把某物用带绑扎起来,可引申表示与某人联合起来。
  •       band作“用带绑扎”解时是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语; 作“结合起来,伙同”解时,是不及物动词,常与against, into, together连用。


  •       这组词都可表示能将两个以上的东西紧紧系在一起之物。其区别是:
  •       bond指限制个体自由的束缚物如绳子、链子或械具如手铐、脚镣等;band除指上述之束缚物或械具外,还指某种窄长扁平的圈、箍等。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古北欧语的band,意为用来捆绑用的细带子。
    •       高考真题例句


          We're bringing you an evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands.

          我们将为您带来现场摇滚和流行音乐之夜, 这些音乐人都来自当地最好的乐队。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          She always ties her hair back in a band.(她总是用一条带子把头发扎在后面。)

          There was a naff band playing.(有一支蹩脚的乐队在演奏。)

          The band can still pack out concert halls.(这支乐队仍能使音乐厅爆满。)

          The band has never been shy of publicity.(这支乐队一向不惮招摇。)

          After intermission, the second band played.(幕间休息后第二支乐队开始演奏。)

          The band is on tour in France.(这支乐队正在法国巡回演出。)

          The band have reportedly decided to split up.(据说这个乐队已经决定解散。)

          My father was a singer in a mariachi band.(我父亲是一只街头小乐队的一名歌手。)

          The band releases its new single next week.(这支乐队将于下周发行新的单曲唱片。)

          The band played all my old favourites.(乐队演奏了所有我最喜欢的老曲子。)

    •       上一篇bank
    •       下一篇banana

          band是什么意思 band在线翻译 band什么意思 band的意思 band的翻译 band的解释 band的发音 band的同义词
