come away


      英 [kʌm əˈwei]

      美 [kʌm əˈwe]

      离开; 脱开


  •       英英释义

  •       网络解释


      1. come to be detached

      e.g. His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery

      Synonym: detachcome off

      2. leave in a certain condition

      e.g. She came away angry

      1. 离开:come at 到达 | comeaway 离开 | come back home 回家

      2. 脱开:come at 袭击,达到,得到 | comeaway 脱开 | come back 回来,恢复

      3. 离开;脱落;断裂:How's your work coming along? 你的工作进展如何? | *comeaway 离开;脱落;断裂 | The handle came away in my hands. 门把手在我手里脱落了.

      4. 脱开; 断开; 离开, 发芽, 生长; [方]跟我一起走; [苏]到屋里来:come at攻击, 扑向; 达到; 得到 | comeaway 脱开; 断开; 离开, 发芽, 生长; [方]跟我一起走; [苏]到屋里来 | comeaway none the wiser 结果还是一点也不明白而归

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      I want them to come away from here with a faith in other people and a faith in a benevolent God.(我还希望,当她们离开这里的时候怀有对他人的信念,对仁慈的上帝的信念。)

      "I come away from that with new hope that maybe we can reach agreement," Obama said.(“我因此有了新希望,也许我们可以达成共识。”奥巴马说。)

      It would be easy to come away with a rather chilly image of Britain: hostile to the work-shy, yet jaundiced about work.(人们很容易带着一种对英国相当凄凉的印象离开:对不愿工作的人充满敌意,可又对工作心存不满。)

      And when I review these various arguments, I come away thinking the better explanation falls with the physicalist.(所以当我考察各种论证时,我不会说最佳解释肯定是,物理主义的。)

      The plaster had started to come away from the wall.(灰泥已开始从墙上剥落。)

      'Please, Your Majesty, come away from that window,' I said. 'it.(“陛下,请您离开那扇窗户吧,”我说道。)

      She said, 'It's unbelievable - how did this wheel come away like this?'(她说,‘难以置信—轮胎怎么会这样飞过来呢?’)

      I sometimes come away after this discussion thinking, Why am I wasting our time?(我经常在讨论的最后想,我为何浪费时间呢?)

      At the end of the day, it's a city travelers either loveor hate; few come away indifferent.(一天下来,要么喜欢这里要么讨厌这里,很少有旅客对这里的一切无动于衷。)

      I hope you come away with the following point: NHibernate will dramatically simplify the persistence layer of your application.(NHibernate将会大大简化你程序中的持久化代码层,我希望你可以带着这个观点离开。)