

      英 [kənˈsɜ:nɪŋ]

      美 [kənˈsɜ:rnɪŋ]




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  •       (表示论及)关于,有关,就…而论 about

      1. 关于
      You use concerning to indicate what a question or piece of information is about.


      e.g. For more information concerning the club contact I. Coldwell.
      e.g. ...various questions concerning pollution and the environment.

      2. 让人不安的;令人担忧的
      If something is concerning, it causes you to feel concerned about it.

      e.g. It is particularly concerning that he is working for non-British companies while advising on foreign policy.

      1. 关于:kiss-in-the-ring 接吻游戏 | concerning 关于 | electrophoretic separation 电泳分离


      2. 一定错!要用:--Enough在画线部分一定错! | --Concerning一定错!要用about, over | --Make comparison of错!要用compare

      3. 关于,涉及:Contains 容納 | Concerning 關於;涉及 | Continuance of eligibility 繼續合格

      4. 关于,论及:comedy 喜剧 | concerning 关于,论及 | consequence 结果,重要(性重大意义

  •       常用例句


  •       What do you know concerning this?
  •       I wrote to the head of the firm concerning Robert.
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      In recent years, we have all been exposed to dire media reports concerning the impending demise of global coal and oil reserves.(近年来,我们都接触到有关全球煤炭和石油储备即将枯竭的可怕媒体报道。)

      Psychological research has given rise to some interesting findings concerning the facial-feedback hypothesis.(关于面部表情反馈假说,心理学研究提供了一些有趣的发现。)

      A very painful surmise arose concerning her character.(对她的人格产生了一种令人难堪的猜度。)

      The engineer and his son held frequent meetings concerning technical problems.(工程师和他的儿子经常就技术问题进行讨论。)

      However, we wish to make a number of complaints concerning the serious delay in delivery and your failure to carry out our instructions with regard to this order.(然而,对于发货严重延误和贵方未能执行我方关于此订单的指示,我方想提出一些投诉。)

      Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence.(许多关于青少年犯罪原因的理论都把焦点放在个人或社会作为主要的促成影响上。)

      The buyer should pay total amount to seller by T/T within 10 days after receipt of the concerning original B/L.(买方应在收到正本提单后10天内电汇支付全部货款。)

      Could I ask you some questions concerning the book?(我可以问你一些关于这本书的问题吗?)

      His work is full of profundities and asides concerning the human condition.(他的作品充满了有关人类境况的深邃见解和话外音。)

      I was not allowed to make any inquiries of my master concerning it.(他们不许我向主人打听这件事。)

      concerning是什么意思 concerning在线翻译 concerning什么意思 concerning的意思 concerning的翻译 concerning的解释 concerning的发音 concerning的同义词
