


      英 [ˈkɒnfɪdəns]

      美 [ˈkɑ:nfɪdəns]





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  •       秘密,私房话
  •       信任,信赖
  •       把握,确信
  •       自信,信心
  •       大胆,狂妄
  •       胆量
  •       厚脸,无耻
  •       信念
  •       信任感
  •       信誉,信用


  •       通过骗人的手段骗取


  •       [U]信任 faith; full trust
  •       [U]信心,自信 feeling of certainty; trust in one's own ability
  •       [C]知心话,秘密 secret which is told to sb


      1. freedom from doubt
      belief in yourself and your abilities

      e.g. his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular
      after that failure he lost his confidence
      she spoke with authority

      Synonym: assuranceself-assuranceself-confidenceauthoritysureness

      2. a secret that is confided or entrusted to another

      e.g. everyone trusted him with their confidences
      the priest could not reveal her confidences

      3. a feeling of trust (in someone or something)

      e.g. I have confidence in our team
      confidence is always borrowed, never owned

      4. a trustful relationship

      e.g. he took me into his confidence
      he betrayed their trust

      Synonym: trust

      5. a state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable

      e.g. public confidence in the economy

      1. 信任;信赖
      If you have confidence in someone, you feel that you can trust them.

      e.g. I have every confidence in you...
      e.g. This has contributed to the lack of confidence in the police...

      2. 自信;信心
      If you have confidence, you feel sure about your abilities, qualities, or ideas.

      e.g. The band is on excellent form and brimming with confidence...
      e.g. I always thought the worst of myself and had no confidence whatsoever.

      3. 肯定;把握
      If you can say something with confidence, you feel certain it is correct.


      e.g. I can say with confidence that such rumors were totally groundless.

      4. 私下;秘密
      If you tell someone something in confidence, you tell them a secret.


      e.g. We told you all these things in confidence...
      e.g. Even telling Lois seemed a betrayal of confidence.

      5. 秘密;知心话
      A confidence is a secret that you tell someone.


      e.g. Gregory shared confidences with Carmen.

      6. see also: vote of no confidence

      1. confidence在线翻译

      1. 自信:Trek WSD之特殊设计,包含了 舒适 (Comfort) 操控 (Control) 自信 (Confidence) 我们称为3C . 如果你选择了自行车运动,那么,很高兴,我们有共同的运动项目,希望有机会多多交流!自行车运动又有很多分类. 我选择的是山地车(MTB)中的越野车,

      2. confidence

      2. 置信度:有两个量,置信度(Confidence)和支持度(Support). 假设有如下表的购买记录. 下面以迭代的方式 找出频繁集. 首先找出1-itemsets的频繁集,然后使用这个1-itemsets,进行组合,找出2-itemsets的频繁集. 如此下去,直到不再满足最小支持度或置信度的条件为止.

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    秘密地,暗中 as a secret

      1. in confidence : 私下地, 秘密地;



  •       The servant enjoyed his master's confidence.
  •       I had confidence, however, in my own youth and energy.
  •       They sat in a corner exchanging confidences.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The King reposeth all his confidence in thee.

    出自:Richard II,Shakespeare
  •       She had but a limited confidence in her brother's judgement.

    出自:H. James
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


confidence, belief, faith, trust
  •       这组词都可以表示“相信”。其区别在于:
  •       1.faith指有事实依据证明某人或某物真实可靠,毋庸置疑; belief是普通用语,指没有经过自己亲自观察和亲身经历就去相信,即使事实不真或根本不存在也不产生怀疑。例如:
  •       I have great belief in his ability to succeed.我相信他有能力获得成功。
  •       confidence指根据自己的观察,有充分的理由和证据承认某事是正确的。例如:
  •       I had confidence in my own youth and energy.我对自己的年轻和精力很有信心。trust指从本人直观感觉认为某人的行为是正确的、符合道德标准的,可以信托。例如:
  •       A child usually has perfect trust in his mother.孩子通常都很信任自己的母亲。
  •       2.faith后可接that从句; belief后也可接that从句。例如:
  •       Their great driving force is the belief that they are doing right.他们相信自己做得对的信念驱使他们前行。
  •       confidence除可接that从句外,还可接动词不定式。例如:
  •       I hadn't got enough confidence to go ahead .我没有足够的信心前进了。
  •       trust除可用作名词外,还可用作动词。例如:
  •       Can you trust his account of what happened?你相信他所说的这件事发生的原因吗?
    •       ☆ 1430年左右进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的confidentia;最初源自此语的confidentem(confidere的过去分词):con (表示一起) + fidere (信任),意为互相信任。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.confidence

          Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being.

          对自己有信心会帮助你做出更好的选择, 因为你可以看到对你的幸福最好的结果是什么。


          高考真题例句OG 2.confidence

          An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny.

          和西蒙度过一个晚上, 会让你有信心变得幽默。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          My confidence began to burgeon later in life.(我的信心到了晚年开始迅速增长。)

          Confidence is the key to success.(信心是成功的关键。)

          He lacks confidence.(他缺乏信心。)

          I have every confidence in you.(我对你有完全的信任。)

          She walked into the party oozing confidence.(她信心十足地来到晚会上。)

          Reyes emits confidence without conceit.(罗伊斯表现出自信但不自负。)

          Floats will provide confidence in the water.(救生圈可以增强在水中的信心。)

          Her confidence grew with the passage of time.(她的信心与日俱增。)

          Her confidence had now completely evaporated.(她的信心已消失殆尽。)

          She always has an aura of confidence.(她总是满有信心的样子。)

          confidence是什么意思 confidence在线翻译 confidence什么意思 confidence的意思 confidence的翻译 confidence的解释 confidence的发音 confidence的同义词
