


      英 [kənˈfju:z]

      美 [kənˈfjuz]


      副词: confusingly 过去式: confused 过去分词: confused 现在分词: confusing 第三人称单数: confuses


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  •       弄错
  •       使糊涂
  •       使混乱
  •       使困惑
  •       混淆
  •       搞乱
  •       把…弄糊涂
  •       弄乱
  •       把…混同
  •       使慌乱
  •       使困窘
  •       使狼狈
  •       打乱
  •       把…弄乱
  •       把…混淆
  •       把…混在一起
  •       混为一谈
  •       混淆不清
  •       弄昏
  •       搞糊涂
  •       混同
  •       把…混同
  •       使混淆
  •       使迷惑
  •       混乱
  •       使更难于理解
  •       使…模糊不清
  •       使思想混乱
  •       不能分辨(二者)
  •       使仓皇失措
  •       辨别不出
  •       分不清
  •       使羞愧
  •       误认


  •       vt. 使混乱; 使糊涂 put into disorder; mix up in the mind
  •       vt. 混淆; 弄混 mistake one thing for another


      1. mistake one thing for another

      e.g. you are confusing me with the other candidate
      I mistook her for the secretary

      Synonym: confound

      2. make unclear, indistinct, or blurred

      e.g. Her remarks confused the debate
      Their words obnubilate their intentions

      Synonym: blurobscureobnubilate

      3. be confusing or perplexing to
      cause to be unable to think clearly

      e.g. These questions confuse even the experts
      This question completely threw me
      This question befuddled even the teacher

      Synonym: throwfoxbefuddlefuddlebedevilconfounddiscombobulate

      4. assemble without order or sense

      e.g. She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence

      Synonym: jumblemix up

      5. cause to feel embarrassment

      e.g. The constant attention of the young man confused her

      Synonym: flurrydisconcertput off

      1. 混淆;搞错
      If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.


      e.g. Great care is taken to avoid confusing the two types of projects...
      e.g. I can't see how anyone could confuse you with another!

      Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion.

      2. 把…弄糊涂;使困惑
      To confuse someone means to make it difficult for them to know exactly what is happening or what to do.

      e.g. German politics surprised and confused him.

      3. 搅乱;使复杂化
      To confuse a situation means to make it complicated or difficult to understand.

      e.g. To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.

      1. confuse

      1. 混乱:诱取点 催眠(Sleep) 地面通道混乱(Confuse) 地面通道第二梯子前右岔路尽头疗伤(Cure) 挖掘现场内部石头下可取得道具 旧钥匙(Old Key) 挖掘现场内部第二梯子附近旧钥匙(Old Key) 第一梯子进入内部后的第一路口附近在途中会看见路旁有一块巨石,

      2. 迷乱:迷乱(Confuse)等级:18先修技能:微暗灵视 解释:迷乱这个技能会驱使敌人陷入疯狂,并且开始随机的攻击附近的怪物(或是您以及您的队友). 要特别注意的是,由于这些攻击是随机的,这表示一名在受诅咒前没有攻击您的怪物,

  •       常用短语

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  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    将…误作… fail to tell the difference between; mistake one thing for another
    confuse sb/sth with sb/sth

          You must be confusing me with someone else.


          She always confuses John with his twin brother.


          Don't confuse Austria with Australia.



  •       Waking up in strange surroundings confused her.
  •       So many people talking to me at once confused me.
  •       The road signs confused the driver.
  •       You have confused the meanings of the two words.
  •       He has confused everything in the room.
  •       The chess player confused the computer by making some irrational moves halfway through the game.
  • 1
  •       He was confused by the noise.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Question her.., perhaps frighten her, at any rate confuse her and make her contradict herself.

    出自:R. Hughes
  •       The signposts were turned the wrong way round to confuse German spies.

    出自:F. Weldon
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       confuse的基本意思是“使迷惑”,指人头脑混乱,没法清楚地思维或理智地行动,做出了张冠李戴的情况,强调极其难堪或迷惑不解。
  •       confuse常用作及物动词,多接名词或代词作宾语; 也可与介词with连用,表示“把…同…弄混了”。


confuse, bewilder, puzzle
  •       这组词的共同意思是“困惑不解”。其区别在于:
  •       1.puzzle为日常用语,指对不能解释的事物感到迷惑; confuse指由于思想的迷乱或某些事情的混淆而产生困惑; bewilder指使人思想混乱到不知所措的程度。
  •       2.在语气上, puzzle语气较轻, confuse较重, bewilder最重。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          People often confuse me and my twin sister.(人们常常把我和我的孪生妹妹搞错。)

          People are apt to confuse the two issues.(人们容易把这两个问题混淆起来。)

          The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary which people from many different countries brought to Britain and that is why English has so many difficult rules that confuse people.(来自不同国家的人们把词汇和语法带入英国,形成了英语,这就是为什么英语有那么多让人困惑的规则的原因。)

          Chinese characters always confuse me.(中国汉字总是让我困惑。)

          This can only confuse the audience.(这只会使观众困惑。)

          His comments only served to confuse the issue further.(他的评论只是把问题弄得更加复杂。)

          They farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies to war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves, engage in child labour, exchange information ceaselessly.(它们培养菌类,将蚜虫当作家畜来饲养,发对军队作战,使用化学喷雾来警告和迷惑敌人,捕获奴隶,雇佣童工,并且不停地交换信息。)

          He started keeping tracks of sunspots, mapping them, so he wouldn't confuse them with any potential new planet.(他开始追踪太阳黑子,标注它们的位置,这样就不会把它们和任何潜在的新行星混淆了。)

          If we confuse these three levels, we will not think clearly.(如果我们混淆了这三个等级,我们便不会清晰地思考。)

          To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.(使这个问题进一步复杂化的是,人们感觉愉快的睡眠时间相差很大。)

          confuse是什么意思 confuse在线翻译 confuse什么意思 confuse的意思 confuse的翻译 confuse的解释 confuse的发音 confuse的同义词
