


      英 [kənˈsʌlt]

      美 [kənˈsʌlt]


      名词: consulter 过去式: consulted 过去分词: consulted 现在分词: consulting 第三人称单数: consults


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  •       咨询,请教,询问,征求…的意见
  •       (与…)商量,商议,协商,磋商,商讨
  •       当顾问
  •       【医】会诊,上(医生处去)就诊,找…看病
  •       查考,查阅(参考书),查询,参看,翻阅
  •       看(表)
  •       请...鉴定
  •       考虑,顾及,顾念
  •       谋(便利),图(利益)


  •       协商,磋商


  •       vt. 请教,咨询; 找(医生)诊治 go to... for advance or information
  •       vt. 翻阅、查考(书籍或地图等) refer to; see in order to learn sth from
  •       vt. 顾及,考虑 be thoughtful about
  •       vt. & vi. 商议,商量 discuss with


      1. advise professionally

      e.g. The professor consults for industry

      2. have a conference in order to talk something over

      e.g. We conferred about a plan of action

      Synonym: conferconfabulateconfab

      3. seek information from

      e.g. You should consult the dictionary
      refer to your notes

      Synonym: referlook up

      4. get or ask advice from

      e.g. Consult your local broker
      They had to consult before arriving at a decision

      Synonym: confer with

      1. 咨询;请教;请示(以获得许可)
      If you consult an expert or someone senior to you or consult with them, you ask them for their opinion and advice about what you should do or their permission to do something.

      e.g. Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt...
      e.g. He needed to consult with an attorney...

      2. 商量;商讨;商议
      If a person or group of people consults with other people or consults them, they talk and exchange ideas and opinions about what they might decide to do.

      e.g. After consulting with her daughter and manager she decided to take on the part, on her terms...
      e.g. The two countries will have to consult their allies...

      3. 查阅,查询(书、地图等)
      If you consult a book or a map, you look in it or look at it in order to find some information.


      e.g. Consult the chart on page 44 for the correct cooking times...
      e.g. He had to consult a pocket dictionary.

      1. 顾问:2001.6-2001.9 赴美聘任美国佐治亚理工学院科学基金会项目(Management of Technology and Innovation Program)科学顾问(consult), 兼任佐治亚理工学院TPAC(技术政策与评价研究中心)资深研究员.

      2. 商量:狮子、驴子以及狐狸商量(consult)好一起去打猎,他们捕获了很多野兽. 狮子命令驴子把猎物分一分. 驴子把猎物平均分成三份,请狮子自己挑选. 狮子勃然大怒,扑过去把驴子吃掉了. 狮子又命令狐狸来分. 狐狸就把所有的猎物都堆在一起,

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    就…向(某人)请教〔询问〕 ask the advice of (sb) about/on (sth/sb)
    consult sb about/on sb/sth

          I consult him about it.


          The salesgirl said she would have to consult the supervisor about the matter.


          You should consult your doctor about your cough.


          Parents can consult the teachers about their children.


          We consult a banker about our money.


          The millionaire consulted his legal adviser on the execution of his testament.



  •       You'd better consult your father.
  •       I cannot decide it on my own; I must consult the manager.
  •       He consulted the workers to understand the technical process.
  •       He consulted the dictionary.
  •       She was consulting the map.
  •       They consult our interests.
  •       In carrying out the instructions of the party, he seldom consulted his personal safety.
  •       She always consults her own convenience.
  •       Consult your conscience before you act.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The gods all sat consulting.

    出自:W. Cowper
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       consult的基本意思是为了作出一项决定、取得一项解决办法而进行对话或讨论。可以是单向的,即“请教”“咨询”; 也可以是双向的,即“商议”“商量”。无论是“咨询”还是“商量”,双方地位都是平等的。引申可以表示向书本咨询,即“翻阅”“查考”资料,也可以表示向自己咨询,即“考虑”“顾及”。
  •       consult可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作“请教”解时多接人作宾语; 作“翻阅”解时常接书、词典、地图等作宾语; 作“考虑”解时其宾语多为抽象名词。表示“与…商量”可接介词with; 表示请教或商议的一般内容可接介词about,重大或特殊内容则接介词on; 而接介词for时则表示“为…当顾问”。
  •       consult极少用于被动结构。
  •       ☆ 1540年左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的consultare,意为采纳建议。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Since graduation requirements vary among divisions of the university, you should consult the Bulletin of Information.(由于大学各部门对毕业的要求各不相同,你应该查阅考生手册。)

      If you are in any doubt as to whether you should be doing these exercises, consult your doctor.(如果你拿不准是否应进行这种锻炼,咨询一下医生好了。)

      The two countries will have to consult their allies.(两国得同各自的盟友协商。)

      About two-thirds of adults consult their doctor at least once a year.(大约三分之二的成年人一年至少看一次医生。)

      Consult the man page for details.(请参考手册页获得详细信息。)

      In the UK it is still common for people to say that they are "reading" for a degree! Each student has a tutor whom they can consult on any matter whether academic or personal.(在英国,人们说他们正在“读”一个学位,这仍然很常见!每个学生都有一个导师,他们可以就任何事情咨询,无论是学术或个人问题。)

      Some women are too embarrassed to consult their doctor about the problem.(有些妇女太害羞,不愿就这个问题向医生咨询。)

      She chose to consult dentists.(她选择去咨询牙医。)

      The other two were far away, and he had no one to consult.(另外两个人离得很远,他找不到人商量。)

      If you have no idea about it, consult a dictionary, please.(要是你对这个问题不清楚,请你查字典得了。)

      consult是什么意思 consult在线翻译 consult什么意思 consult的意思 consult的翻译 consult的解释 consult的发音 consult的同义词
