


      英 [kənˈtend]

      美 [kənˈtɛnd]


      名词: contender 过去式: contended 过去分词: contended 现在分词: contending 第三人称单数: contends


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  •       搏斗,奋斗,战斗,争斗
  •       全力对付,对付困境,处理问题
  •       争辩,争论,辩论,力辩
  •       相周旋,抵抗
  •       声称,(坚决)主张,认为,宣称,断言,坚信(...为事实)
  •       角逐,争夺,竞争,(为...)斗争,展开斗争,争


  •       vi. 争论 argue
  •       vt. 硬说 assert


      1. maintain or assert

      e.g. He contended that Communism had no future

      Synonym: postulate

      2. have an argument about something

      Synonym: arguedebatefence

      3. to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation

      e.g. They contested the outcome of the race

      Synonym: contestrepugn

      4. compete for something
      engage in a contest
      measure oneself against others

      Synonym: competevie

      5. be engaged in a fight
      carry on a fight

      e.g. the tribesmen fought each other
      Siblings are always fighting
      Militant groups are contending for control of the country

      Synonym: fightstruggle

      6. come to terms with

      e.g. We got by on just a gallon of gas
      They made do on half a loaf of bread every day

      Synonym: copeget bymake outmake dograppledealmanage

      1. 处理;对付;解决
      If you have to contend with a problem or difficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it.

      e.g. It is time, once again, to contend with racism...
      e.g. American businesses could soon have a new kind of lawsuit to contend with.

      2. 声称;争辩;主张
      If you contend that something is true, you state or argue that it is true.

      e.g. The government contends that he is fundamentalist...
      e.g. 'You were just looking,' contends Samantha. 'I was the one doing all the work.'

      3. 竞争;争夺
      If you contend with someone for something such as power, you compete with them to try to get it.


      e.g. ...the two main groups contending for power.
      e.g. ...with 10 UK construction yards contending with rivals from Norway, Holland, Italy and Spain.

      1. 竞争:社会团体能够成为成员汲取利益的载体,也可以成为消除社会抱怨气氛激进转化的安全阀--过滤成员的过激和非理性行为会团体间的竞争应该是相互良性竞争,不能妨碍其他主体前行,其目标是共同体发展;而非排他性、内讧性的竞争(Contend).

      2. 主张:现在我希望主张(contend)的东西是[尽管一切相对价值判断能够被显示为仅仅是事实陈述]没有任何一个事实陈述会永远地成为,或包含,一个绝对的价值判断. 让我解释一下这种情况:假定你们中的一个人是一个无所不知的人,

      3. 争辩:confess 供认;承认 | contend 争辩 | continue 接着说

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

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  •       经典引文


    为获得…而争吵 quarrel about (usually sth) which both parties wish to possess
    contend about sth

          Sisters contended about silly trifles.


          The two nations have been contending about the rights to deep-sea fishing in their waters.



  •       We contended that every college student must have a command of a foreign language.
  •       Columbus contended that the earth was round.
  •       The police contended that the difficulties they faced were too severe.
  •       He contended that there must be life on Mars.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Nature and fortune..seem to have contended which should enrich him most.

    出自:Henry Fielding
  •       The pulling and pushing of interested groups contending for the assistance of the sovereign power.

    出自:W. Lippmann
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       contend的基本意思是非敌意、平等地“争”,其对手一般是人而不是物,其手段是“文争”而不是“武斗”,其性质仅限于竞争而不是敌意,其目的仅限于制服而不是打败。本词强调为取胜而付出艰苦努力的必要性及紧张程度,引申可表示“声称”“主张”。
  •       contend作“竞争”解时是不及物动词,接介词about或over表示“为…争吵或争夺”; 接介词against表示“与…斗争或竞争”; 接介词for表示“为获得…而竞争”; 接介词with表示“应付,对付”。
  •       contend作“声称”“主张”解时是及物动词,接that从句作宾语。


contend, compete, contest
  •       这组词的共同意思是“争论,竞争”。其区别在于:
  •       compete指在体育或辩论等需竞争的活动中,为征服或取胜而进行的努力,有时暗示在奖赏的鼓励或刺激下进行竞争; 而contend暗示竞争的紧张程度,通常指双方成功的机会相等,所以,为取胜或征服对方,就需要艰苦的努力,强调奋斗或斗争的必要性; contest则指在竞争中毫无保留地展示自己,比如在总统竞选中,双方尽力展示自己的优势,以战胜对方。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          More recently, he has had to contend with thorny personnel issues.(最近,他已经不得不参加棘手的个人事件。)

          The euro zone also has financial imbalances to contend with.(欧元区同样需要解决金融不平衡的问题。)

          While Barak didn't agree with this view, he had to contend with it.(可巴拉克不认同这一观点,所以他不得不应付争议。)

          Some researchers contend that sleep plays no role in the consolidation of declarative memory (i.e., memory involving factual information).(一些研究者认为,睡眠对于陈述性记忆(例如:牵扯到事实信息的记忆)的巩固没有影响。)

          Then there is the rivalry between India and Pakistan to contend with.(此外还有印度和巴基斯坦间的争端有待解决。)

          Third, European entrepreneurs must still contend with thick red tape.(第三大限制是,欧洲企业家至今仍要同恼人的“繁文缛节”做抗争。)

          Africa would also have to contend with huge economic losses.(此外,非洲还必须应付巨大的经济损伤。)

          Anyone actually venturing into the sea will have to contend with sharks, stinging jellyfish and surfboarders.(任何真正冒险进入大海的人都必须与鲨鱼、蜇人的水母和冲浪运动员搏斗。)

          The firm is too small to contend against [with] large international companies.(这家公司太小,无法与国际性的大公司抗争。)

          It is time, once again, to contend with racism.(又是对付种族主义的时候了。)

          contend是什么意思 contend在线翻译 contend什么意思 contend的意思 contend的翻译 contend的解释 contend的发音 contend的同义词
