


      英 [kæt]

      美 [kæt]




      过去式: catted 过去分词: catted 现在分词: catting 第三人称单数: cats


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  •       猫,母猫,山猫
  •       猫科动物
  •       九尾鞭
  •       坏心眼的女人,脾气不好的女人
  •       抓人的孩子
  •       有三对活动脚的六脚器
  •       独桅艇
  •       履带式拖拉机
  •       任何有履带的车辆
  •       【海】起锚滑车
  •       工学院
  •       最棒的东西


  •       【海】把(锚)吊放在锚架上,起锚
  •       呕吐
  •       鞭打
  •       宿娼
  •       清空肠胃


  •       =clear-air turbulence 【气】晴空乱流
  •       =computerized axial tomography 电脑化轴向测试
  •       =Computer Aided Test 【计】电脑辅助测试
  •       目录(=catalog)
  •       =College of Advanced Technology(英)工科大学
  •       =computerized axial tomography 计算机化轴向层面X射线摄影法
  •       =computer-aided typesetting 计算机辅助排版
  •       =computer-aided translation 计算机辅助翻译


  •       催化裂化器的,催化裂化的


  •       [C]猫 small furry domesticated animal often kept as a pet or for catching mice
  •       [C]猫科动物 wild animal related to this


      1. feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and no ability to roar: domestic cats

      Synonym: true cat

      2. any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild

      Synonym: big cat

      3. a large tracked vehicle that is propelled by two endless metal belts
      frequently used for moving earth in construction and farm work

      Synonym: Caterpillar

      4. a whip with nine knotted cords

      e.g. British sailors feared the cat

      Synonym: cat-o'-nine-tails

      5. the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea
      has the effect of a euphoric stimulant

      e.g. in Yemen kat is used daily by 85% of adults

      Synonym: katkhatqatquatArabian teaAfrican tea

      6. a spiteful woman gossip

      e.g. what a cat she is!

      7. an informal term for a youth or man

      e.g. a nice guy
      the guy's only doing it for some doll

      Synonym: guyhombrebozo


      1. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth

      e.g. After drinking too much, the students vomited
      He purged continuously
      The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night

      Synonym: vomitvomit uppurgecastsickbe sickdisgorgeregorgeretchpukebarfspewspuechuckupchuckhonkregurgitatethrow up

      2. beat with a cat-o'-nine-tails

      A cat is a furry animal that has a long tail and sharp claws. Cats are often kept as pets.

      2. 猫科动物
      Cats are lions, tigers, and other wild animals in the same family.

      3. see also: Cheshire cat;fat cat;wildcat

      4. (无意中)泄露秘密;说漏嘴
      If you let the cat out of the bag, you tell people about something that was being kept secret. You often do this by mistake.

      5. 好奇害死猫;事不关己,不要打听
      You say 'Curiosity killed the cat' in order to tell someone that they should not try to find out about something which does not concern them.

      e.g. 'All right, I've been reading it. So what?' — 'Curiosity killed the cat, that's what.'

      6. 衣衫褴褛;不修边幅
      If you look like something the cat dragged in or brought in, you are very untidy or dirty.

      e.g. I must look like something the cat dragged in.

      7. (打斗、竞赛中)玩猫戏老鼠,戏弄,捉弄
      In a fight or contest, if one person plays cat and mouse, or a game of cat and mouse, with the other, the first person tries to confuse or deceive the second in order to defeat them.


      e.g. After three hours of playing cat and mouse, they threatened to open fire on our vessel, so we stopped...
      e.g. It's a cat-and-mouse game to him.

      8. 引起纷争;挑起轩然大波
      If you put the cat among the pigeons or set the cat among the pigeons, you cause fierce argument or discussion by doing or saying something.

      e.g. The bank is poised to put the cat among the pigeons this morning by slashing the cost of borrowing.

      9. 地方狭小;空间拥挤
      If you say 'There's no room to swing a cat' or 'You can't swing a cat', you mean that the place you are talking about is very small or crowded.

      e.g. It was described as a large, luxury mobile home, but there was barely room to swing a cat.

      1. 计算机辅助测试:一是新技术普遍应用,普遍采用电子设计自己动化(EDA) 计算机辅助制造(CAM) 计算机辅助测试(CAT) 数字信号处理(DSP)专用集成电路(ASIC)及表面贴装技术等.

      2. 催化转化器:Mobil 1 ESP 配方 5W-30以领先的专有技术调制,完全与最新的柴油颗粒过滤器 (DPF) 和汽油催化转化器(CAT)匹配. Mobil 1 ESP 配方 5W-30 专门用于提供优异的性能和保护,并具有改进的燃油经济性. 主要特点和优势包括:

      3. cat:the computer assistance tests; 计算机辅助测试

      4. cat的解释

      4. cat:the computer-assisted teaching; 计算机辅助教学


      5. cat:computer-assisted training; 计算机辅助训练

      6. cat:computerized self-adaptive test; 计算机自适应考试

  •       常用短语

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  •       经典引文


    了不起的东西〔人或主意〕 be the best thing, person, idea, etc.

      1. bell the cat : 为大家的利益承担危险;

      2. let the cat out of the bag : 泄露秘密;

      3. grin like a Cheshire cat : 常常无缘无故地傻笑;


  •       The cat arched its back.
  •       A cat pounces on a mouse.
  •       A cat was scratching.
  •       Cats catch mice.
  •       A cat has nine lives.
  •       Do you keep a cat?
  •       The old lady keeps five cats.
  •       I have a white cat and a yellow dog.
  •       She stroked the cat softly.
  •       The neighbours took in a stray cat.
  •       When the cat's away the mice will play.
  •       A cat in gloves catches no mice
  •       A cat may look at a king.
  •       A cat shuts its eyes while it steals cream.
  •       Lions, tigers and leopards are all cats.
  •       At the zoo, the bears are next to the cats.
  •       Mrs. Smith is a perfect cat.
  •       Are you cats coming in to hear my new records?

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The coloured cats saw I had an ally, and melted.

    出自:C. MacInnes
  •       词语用法


  •       cat的基本意思是“猫”,指猫的总称。cat还可指包括猫在内的所有“猫科动物”,如狮、虎、豹等。cat引申还可指“人,家伙”,多指邪恶的女人,但有时则随便指一个人而未必带有讽刺的意味。
  •       cat多用来指代雌性的猫,所以其代词多为she或her。
  •       cat是可数名词,其复数形式为cats。
  •       高考真题例句


      Most cats just drag food home because it's a safe place to eat.




      A cat's mom brings home things to her children to help them practice hunting.

      猫妈妈会把东西带回家给她的孩子们, 帮助它们练习捕获食物。



      Your cat can't see bright colors such as red and green.

      你的猫看不到明亮的颜色, 如红色和绿色。



      In the wild, many cats hunt at night because their eyes are designed for low light.

      在野外, 许多猫都在晚上猎食, 因为它们的眼睛生来就能适应昏暗的光线。


  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The cat was lying fast asleep by the fire.(猫卧在炉火旁睡得很熟。)

      Lions belong to the cat family.(狮属于猫科。)

      The cat was washing itself.(猫在清洗自己。)

      Have you fed the cat yet?(你喂了猫没有?)

      Does your cat have any distinguishing marks?(你的猫有什么特殊标记吗?)

      The cat sat licking its paws.(那只猫坐着舔爪子。)

      The cat is from the house next door.(这只猫是隔壁家的。)

      I had to swerve to avoid a cat.(为了避免轧到一只猫,我只好猛然将车转向。)

      The cat licked up the milk.(猫把牛奶舔光了。)

      With a spring, the cat leapt on to the table.(猫一跃跳上桌子。)

      cat是什么意思 cat在线翻译 cat什么意思 cat的意思 cat的翻译 cat的解释 cat的发音 cat的同义词
