


      英 [kɜ:s]

      美 [kɜ:rs]




      名词: curser 过去式: cursed/curst 过去分词: cursed/curst 现在分词: cursing 第三人称单数: curses


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  •       祸害,灾祸;祸根,祸因,灾害的原因
  •       诅咒,恶骂,唾骂;咒语,骂人的话
  •       月经,月经期
  •       天罚
  •       咒逐,逐出教门


  •       诅咒,咒,咒骂,恶骂,骂
  •       求上帝降祸于,使遭难,使遭天罚,使受灾祸
  •       【宗】咒逐,把(某人)逐出教门
  •       使苦恼,使困苦,使感痛苦,使受罪
  •       恨,埋怨
  •       不断因…而遭殃
  •       为…所苦,受…之害
  •       念咒语诅咒
  •       降祸于,对…作祟


  •       vt. & vi. 诅咒; 骂 express a wish that great misfortune will happen to sb; swear at


  •       [C]诅咒,咒语; 骂人的话 a word or sentence asking God, heaven, etc.
  •       [C]祸害,祸根 a cause of trouble, harm, etc.


      1. profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger

      e.g. expletives were deleted

      Synonym: curse wordexpletiveoathswearingswearwordcuss

      2. an evil spell

      e.g. a witch put a curse on his whole family
      he put the whammy on me

      Synonym: hexjinxwhammy

      3. an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group

      Synonym: execrationcondemnation

      4. a severe affliction

      Synonym: torment

      5. something causing misery or death

      e.g. the bane of my life

      Synonym: banescourgenemesis


      1. utter obscenities or profanities

      e.g. The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street

      Synonym: cussblasphemeswearimprecate

      2. wish harm upon
      invoke evil upon

      e.g. The bad witch cursed the child

      Synonym: beshrewdamnbedamnanathemizeanathemiseimprecatemaledict

      3. heap obscenities upon

      e.g. The taxi driver who felt he didn't get a high enough tip cursed the passenger

      4. exclude from a church or a religious community

      e.g. The gay priest was excommunicated when he married his partner

      Synonym: excommunicateunchurch

      1. 诅咒;咒骂
      If you curse, you use rude or offensive language, usually because you are angry about something.


      e.g. I cursed and hobbled to my feet.

      2. 咒骂;诅咒;辱骂
      If you curse someone, you say insulting things to them because you are angry with them.

      e.g. Grandma protested, but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside...
      e.g. He cursed himself for having been so careless.

      3. (尤指用粗话)抱怨,发牢骚;咒骂
      If you curse something, you complain angrily about it, especially using rude language.

      e.g. So we set off again, cursing the delay, towards the west...
      e.g. She silently cursed her own stupidity.

      4. 诅咒;咒语
      If you say that there is a curse on someone, you mean that there seems to be a supernatural power causing unpleasant things to happen to them.

      e.g. Maybe there is a curse on my family...
      e.g. He's been the object of a voodoo curse.

      5. 祸根;祸端;祸水
      You can refer to something that causes a great deal of trouble or harm as a curse .

      e.g. Apathy is the long-standing curse of British local democracy...
      e.g. Summer colds are a terrible curse.

      1. 诅咒:吸血鬼们按等级修炼基本(INNATE), 毒(POISON), 酸(ACID), 诅咒(CURSE),血(BLOOD)等系列的所有魔法. 玩家可以选择支配晚上的吸血鬼来威胁人类,或是选择人类来从吸血鬼魔手中救出人类,完成维护人类生存的任务. 所有玩家

      2. curse是什么意思

      2. 咒骂:吸血鬼们按等级修炼根本(INNATE), 毒(POISON), 酸(ACID), 咒骂(CURSE),血(BLOOD)等系列的所有魔法. 人类技术包含:为了对吸血鬼战而使用特殊制作的剑和刀的武士(WARRIOR)系列, 和使用步枪、狙击枪等兵器的军人(SOLDIER)系列,

      3. <诅咒术>:身体的虚弱告诉她,她已经中了敌人的诅咒术(Curse)了,她双手无力地抓住它们国家的神器-亚当的利剑,慢慢地垂了下来一群牛人弥诺陶洛斯(Minotaurus)现在已经冲了过来,旁边仅有地数千多个中了诅咒术(Curse)的士兵也已经快步过来抵御着敌人的攻击,

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    咒骂某人 swear at sb
    curse at sb

          She cursed at one of her servants this morning.


      1. be under a curse : 被诅咒;


  •       She cursed loudly.


  •       The old man cursed his enemies.
  •       The rider cursed his horse.
  •       He cursed a curse that was almost a scream, then he went out.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       I give him curses, yet he gives me love.

    出自:Midsummer Night's Dream,Shakespeare
  •       He cursed Foster for a meddling, cantankerous fanatic.

    出自:Hugh Walpole
  •       The rain that she had been seemed like a blessing.

    出自:C. Freeman
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  •       curse的意思是“咒,骂”,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接同源宾语。还可接as+ n. 作补足语的复合宾语, as不可省略。


curse, damn
  •       这两个词的共同意思是“责骂”“诅咒”。
  •       1.curse指采用任何言语来斥责或诅咒别人,用在最为正式的场合; 而damn指因愤怒、厌烦、轻蔑、失望等情绪而指责或咒骂。
  •       2.curse含有请求某种神力惩罚做了错事的人或者其敌人的意味; 而damn则有“宣称某人某物是坏的”之意。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的cursian,意为咒骂。
    •       近义词

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    •       临近词





          Habits are a blessing, and a curse.(习惯既是一种祝福也是一种咒诅。)

          It is a learned process, which is both a curse and an opportunity for change.(这是一个训练的过程:既是诅咒,也是改变的机会。)

          They curse at me and yell.(他们咒骂我并大喊大叫。)

          If he hit that dime only on the edge he would set down and cry--and curse.(如果他没有打中正中心,他就会坐下来哭泣——还有咒骂。)

          That, in itself, may be a curse.(这句话本身可能就是一种诅咒。)

          His wealth proved a curse to him.(他的财富成了祸根。)

          Yeats, in "Adam's Curse", regrets that the beautiful is something to be labored for and he wants to conceal that labor.(在《亚当的诅咒》中,叶芝遗憾地说,美丽是值得为之努力的,他想隐藏这种努力。)

          They see their failure to produce an heir as a curse from God.(他们将自己未能生育一个后嗣看作是来自上帝的一个诅咒。)

          The Curse of the Mogul is not a gloomy book, for all its censure.(尽管饱受责难,但《莫卧儿的诅咒》并不是一本悲观的著作。)

          It is our curse.(这是我们的诅咒。)

          curse是什么意思 curse在线翻译 curse什么意思 curse的意思 curse的翻译 curse的解释 curse的发音 curse的同义词
