


      英 [ˈkʊʃn]

      美 [ˈkʊʃən]


      vt.加垫褥;放在垫子上;保护;减缓;为 ... 装垫子

      形容词: cushiony 过去式: cushioned 过去分词: cushioned 现在分词: cushioning 第三人称单数: cushions


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  •       垫,垫子,靠垫,坐垫,椅垫,软垫,腰垫
  •       橡皮边
  •       垫状物
  •       缓冲器,减震垫,汽垫,胶垫,橡皮衬垫
  •       臀肉,后腿肉
  •       【机】缓冲垫层
  •       【植】叶枕
  •       起保护作用的事物
  •       (台球桌四周的)弹性衬里


  •       给…安上垫子,给...装上汽垫,用软垫垫上,加垫褥
  •       缓和…的冲击,起缓冲作用
  •       把…安置在垫子上,把...摆在坐垫上
  •       【撞球】使(球)碰触台边衬垫
  •       使变缓和,稳住
  •       使免遭损害,使免受令人不快的影响
  •       使柔和,使松软
  •       使坐于或被置于垫子上
  •       用垫子支撑起
  •       隐忍,暗中压制
  •       掩蔽,掩盖,掩饰


  •       [C]垫子,坐垫 a bag filled with a soft substance on which a person can lie, sit or rest comfortably


  •       vt. 在…装〔铺〕垫子 supply with cushions
  •       vt. 对(某事物)起缓冲作用 soften (sth) by absorbing the effect of impact
  •       vt. 保护某人或某事物 protect sb/sth



      1. a soft bag filled with air or a mass of padding such as feathers or foam rubber etc.

      2. the layer of air that supports a hovercraft or similar vehicle

      3. a mechanical damper
      absorbs energy of sudden impulses

      e.g. the old car needed a new set of shocks

      Synonym: shock absorbershock


      1. protect from impact

      e.g. cushion the blow

      Synonym: buffersoften

      1. 垫子;软垫;坐垫;靠垫
      A cushion is a fabric case filled with soft material, which you put on a seat to make it more comfortable.

      e.g. ...a velvet cushion.

      2. (尤指起保护作用的)护垫,隔垫
      A cushion is a soft pad or barrier, especially one that protects something.


      e.g. The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.

      3. 减少对…的震动;缓和对…的冲击
      Something that cushions an object when it hits something protects it by reducing the force of the impact.

      e.g. There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts...
      e.g. The suspension is designed to cushion passengers from the effects of riding over rough roads.

      4. 减轻(令人不快的影响)
      To cushion the effect of something unpleasant means to reduce it.

      e.g. They said Western aid was needed to cushion the blows of vital reform...
      e.g. The price rises will be cushioned by welfare benefits...

      5. 起保护(或缓冲)作用的事物
      Something that is a cushion against something unpleasant reduces its effect.

      e.g. Housing benefit provides a cushion against hardship.

      1. 缓冲:此球线属于多纤复式线(multifilament 16 gauge 球线),感觉非常柔软.我个人感觉多纤复式线具有非常优良的舒适感觉,具有良好的缓冲(cushion)性能.此球线的缺点是耐用性比单芯线(solid core)和混合线(multi-wrap)差.如果缓冲和舒适是您的最重要选择标准,

      2. 垫层:桩锤(Hammer)与桩盖(Cap)及桩盖与桩之间所用之垫层(Cushion)应采用硬木(Hard(2) 若工程司认为该桩在施打作业中迄未达到设计图说所载明之载重量(Bearing Value)或未贯入指定之桩尖高程,经工程司指示应办理加长桩身之接桩工作,

      3. 靠垫:公司主要以绗缝产品为主,产品包括绗缝被 (Quilt),床罩(Bedspread),靠垫(Cushion)和窗帘(Curtain)等室内装饰品. 产品以外销为主,主要市场为美国、欧洲和日本. 近年来积极拓展海外其他市场和中国国内市场.

      4. cushion是什么意思

      4. 垫:无风险资产的既得收益和潜在收益之和称作为安全垫(Cushion). 风险资产的配置值与安全垫成正比. TIPP操作策略就是随着风险资产获利增加,顺势将目标值提高,也就是进行部分获利了结的动作,以期锁定利润.

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       He lay on the sofa with a cushion under his head.
  •       A cushion of mist lay over the fields.
  •       His savings are a cushion against sickness.


  •       The nurse cushioned the patient's head.
  •       His hat helped to cushion the blow.
  •       Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing.
  •       The air bag would inflate in event of a collision to cushion front seat passengers.
  •       He cushioned the baby's head in his lap.
  •       Wage increases have cushioned us from the effects of higher prices.
  • 1
  •       The unemployed are cushioned by social-security benefits.
  •       The chairs are cushioned with a plastic foam.
  •       A child has been cushioned from unpleasant experiences.

      用作动词 (v.)

  • cushion the economy against a recession.

  •       She looked for a role instead, always cushioning her defeats with Martin Spizer's promises.

    出自:H. Fast
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       cushion用作名词的基本意思是“垫子,坐垫”,指人用来躺或坐的器具。引申可指柔软如垫子的“垫状物”,用于比喻可指起缓解作用的东西。


  •       cushion用作动词的基本意思是“在…上装〔铺〕垫子”,由于所铺的垫子多是相对比较柔软的,因此引申可表示为“对(某事物)起缓冲作用”“保护某人或某事物”。
  •       cushion多用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后可接由介词against, in等引起的短语。
  •       ☆ 直接源自中古英语的cuisshin,意为臀部。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.cushion

      Bags, cushion and decorations… Learn skills and leave with modern and unusual textiles.

      袋子、坐垫和装饰品……学习技术, 并且离开时带走摩登的不寻常的纺织品。


  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The team built up a safe cushion of two goals in the first half.(那支球队上半场射进两球,奠定了稳操胜券的基础。)

      She plumps up the sofa cushion.(她把沙发垫子拍得鼓鼓的。)

      He was wrapped in a velvet dressing-gown and sat against a big brocaded cushion.(他裹着一件天鹅绒睡袍,靠在一个大锦缎靠垫上坐着。)

      Lack of a cash cushion.(缺少现金缓冲。)

      I have my walking stick, a drinking bottle, my begging bowl (also serves as a washbasin), a cushion and some food.(我有我的拐杖,一个水瓶,我的讨饭碗(也用作脸盆),一个坐垫和一些食物。)

      There may have been a brown cushion somewhere.(某个角落可能有一个咖啡色的垫子。)

      She embroidered the cushion covers with flowers.(她在这些靠垫套上绣了花。)

      They said Western aid was needed to cushion the blows of vital reform.(他们说需要西方国家的援助以缓解重大变革的冲击。)

      His savings were a comfortable cushion against financial problems.(他的积蓄好比一个舒适的垫子,可以缓解拮据之苦。)

      Think of a plumped-up cushion.(想想填得鼓鼓的靠垫。)

  •       上一篇fluffy
  •       下一篇wheel

      cushion是什么意思 cushion在线翻译 cushion什么意思 cushion的意思 cushion的翻译 cushion的解释 cushion的发音 cushion的同义词
