


      英 [iˈlu:d]

      美 [ɪˈlud]


      过去式: eluded 过去分词: eluded 现在分词: eluding 第三人称单数: eludes


  •       英英释义

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      1. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)

      e.g. He dodged the issue
      she skirted the problem
      They tend to evade their responsibilities
      he evaded the questions skillfully

      Synonym: hedgefudgeevadeput offcircumventparryskirtdodgeducksidestep

      2. escape, either physically or mentally

      e.g. The thief eluded the police
      This difficult idea seems to evade her
      The event evades explanation

      Synonym: evadebilk

      3. be incomprehensible to
      escape understanding by

      e.g. What you are seeing in him eludes me

      Synonym: escape

      1. 错过;未获得
      If something that you want eludes you, you fail to obtain it.


      e.g. Sleep eluded her...
      e.g. At 62, Brian found the celebrity and status that had eluded him for so long.

      2. 躲避;避开;逃避
      If you elude someone or something, you avoid them or escape from them.


      e.g. He eluded the police for 13 years.

      3. 不为…所明白;不为…所记得
      If a fact or idea eludes you, you do not succeed in understanding it, realizing it, or remembering it.

      e.g. The appropriate word eluded him.

      1. 躲避:Anri到LV20时的辅助魔法:一级躲避(Elude):使敌人的命中率大幅度下降,主要是对付那些催眠抗性高的敌人,让他们攻击MISS也能提高我方同伴的生存能力. Narsha到LV20时的辅助魔法:谈到这位公主先要说一下虽然在未转职前她就能学会高级的辅助魔法,

      2. 逃避,规避:elucidate 阐明,说明 | elude 逃避,规避 | emaciate 使瘦弱


      3. 逃跑,躲避:exclaim 惊叫,尖叫 | elude 逃跑,躲避 | reclaim 取回

      4. 逃避:dwarf侏儒 | elude逃避 | fiend恶魔

  •       经典引文

  •       Quite a simple and obvious idea, but till now it had eluded her.

    出自:P. G. Wodehouse
  •       Zigzagging across the North Atlantic, to elude the last submarines of the war.

    出自:J. Thurber
  •       Praxis would elude her escort..and slip off home.

    出自:F. Weldon
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The two men managed to elude the police for six weeks.(这两个男人想方设法逃避警方追捕达六个星期。)

      This difficult idea seems to elude me.(这个难题看起来难住我。)

      Yet even then, the following step - a corresponding change in behaviour - seems always to elude me.(然而,即便那时,我也极少采取后续步骤,即:在行为上作出相应的改变。)

      To elude a defender by doing a complete spin, making a 360-degree turn.(通过完成旋转,转了360度的圈来摆脱防守队员。)

      If you're always thinking you need to do something to embrace your power - because that's what permission really is - then it will always elude you.(如果你经常在想自己需要做一些事情去显示你的力量—因为那就是真正的许可—那么它就经常逃避你。)

      The Jedi pursued her to Korriban, killing Omega, but Arbor continued to elude them.(绝地们追踪她到科里班,消灭了奥米加,但阿伯又跑了。)

      Parties were able to elude each other for the space of half an hour without going beyond the known ground.(在半小时的时间里,双方都能避开对方,而不会迷路。)

      I occasionally use more advanced mathematics, but have structured the material so you can follow even if some mathematical details elude you.(我偶尔会用到更高等的数学,不过也组织好了资料,这样即使你记不起来某些数学细节也可以跟得上。)

      Elude esp. in a baffling way.(躲避,例如以一种令人困惑的方式。)

      One must live with time and die with it, or else elude it for a greater life.(人们必须与时间存亡,亦或者逃避世界追寻更高远的生活。)

      elude是什么意思 elude在线翻译 elude什么意思 elude的意思 elude的翻译 elude的解释 elude的发音 elude的同义词
