


      英 [ɪkˈsel]

      美 [ɪkˈsɛl]



      n.[计] 电子表格(软件名称)

      过去式: excelled 过去分词: excelled 现在分词: excelling 第三人称单数: excels


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  •       【计】 电子表格(软件名称)


  •       善于,擅长
  •       突出
  •       胜过(他人、其他),胜出
  •       占上风,占优势
  •       (做得)超过
  •       出色,取得出色的成就
  •       出人头地
  •       优于


  •       vt. & vi. 优于,擅长 be the best or better than



      1. distinguish oneself

      e.g. She excelled in math

      Synonym: stand outsurpass

      1. 突出;擅长;胜过(他人)
      If someone excels in something or excels at it, they are very good at doing it.

      e.g. Caine has always been an actor who excels in irony...
      e.g. Mary was a better rider than either of them and she excelled at outdoor sports...

      1. 电子表格制作:物料采购计划的交期、进度控制等工作,以及新产品、新材料采购渠道的搜集. 档案管理方面能做好资料信息、文件档案的打印、归类、保管与分发;部门间有关事务的沟通与协调. 熟练操作office办公软件,如文字处理(Word)和电子表格制作(Excel)等

      2. 擅长:安装方法很简单的,你只要 一个通用串行总线(UNB)连接线连接电脑和手机,使用手机附带的软件就可以安装各种软件,我给自己的手机安装了微软文丨字(WORD)处理软件,演示软件 能量点(POWERPOINT)和擅长(EXCEL)这几个软件都挺好用的,


      3. 依克塞尔:伦敦图书博览会继在伦敦东部依克塞尔(ExCel)展绩不佳之后,将于明年转战伦敦西部. 而法兰克福图书博览会组织者之前已被要求在奥林匹亚附近的厄尔斯(Earls)广场举办一项竞争类比性活动,之前那里曾举办过图书展会. 之后,

      4. Basic IT user knowledge (Microsoft-Word,Excel,Power Point:--语言:中文-普通话,懂外语者优先;L... | --具备电脑基础知识,熟悉使用 Word,Excel,Power Point等 Basic IT user knowledge (Microsoft-Word,Excel,Power Point,) | --有高度的责任心,正直度,有进取心,能吃苦耐劳;Hig...

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       He excels in mathematics.
  •       He excels as an orator.
  •       How could a Spartan..excel in any fine art?

    出自:J. A. Symonds
  •       They were..deficient where she excelled.

    出自:E. M. Forster
  •       He..excelled at games.

    出自:J. Hilton
  •       Trollope excelled at evoking the spirit as well as the appearance of any place.

    出自:J. P. Hennessy
  •       She excelled as a hostess.

    出自:N. Mitford
  •       词义讲解


excel, exceed, outdo, outstrip, surpass, transcend
  •       这组词的共同意思是“超过”。其区别在于:transcend原指超越世俗、物质世界等,暗示高高凌驾于一般事物之上; exceed指超出权利、权力的限度或管辖的范围,也指超出规定的时空范围,还指在大小、数量、程度上超过; excel指在成就或学识上胜过他人; outdo指有意打破先前的纪录或胜过前人; outstrip指在竞赛、竞争中超过对手; surpass指在质量上、气力上、速度上、技术上等超过对方。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Without conflicts and contradictions, there is no way to excel in others.(缺少冲突和矛盾,就没有办法胜过他人。)

          Never mind trying to excel.(不要介意尝试超过别人。)

          The French excel at the leisurely family meal.(法国人善于悠闲地享受家庭餐。)

          Excel at your work and excel at your hobbies.(精通你的工作和爱好。)

          Many excel at moving goods and money around.(许多人擅长四处周转货物和资金。)

          It can't be skills like arithmetic, which machines already excel in.(不可能是算术之类的技能,这些机器已经很擅长了。)

          Excel at what you do.(精通你所做的。)

          Do you want to excel on the job?(你是否想在工作上做到最好?)

          If Excel isn't quite your cup of tea, don't worry, you can create a table in Microsoft Word or a similar word processor.(如果你不太喜欢Excel,别担心,你可以用MicrosoftWord或类似的文字处理软件创建一个表格。)

          A good education can give you the tools to excel.(一种优秀的教育模式能够为你提供超越他人的方法。)

          excel是什么意思 excel在线翻译 excel什么意思 excel的意思 excel的翻译 excel的解释 excel的发音 excel的同义词
