for the sake of


      英 [fɔ: ðə seik ɔv]

      美 [fɔr ði sek ʌv]



  •       网络解释

      1. 为了:我是国家的栋梁之材(an eminent personage),为了(forthesakeof)天下人的利益,我不能死;你只是个不学好的年轻人,不用过分珍惜自己的生命(treasure one's life),请把衣服脱给我吧.

      2. 为了,为了...的利益:forthe rest 至于其余,至于其它 | forthesakeof 为了,为了...的利益 | forthe time being 暂时,眼下

      3. 为了......起见:in the long run最终,从长远观点看 | forthesakeof... 为了...起见 | at first sight乍一看,初看起来

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Filmmakers need to resist the impulse to move the camera quickly from detail to detail for fear of boring the viewer, to frame the image for the sake of drama alone, to add music for fear of silence.(导演们需要不受一些念头的影响,比如想赶紧把镜头从一个细节转到另一个细节以免使观众觉得无聊,或者认为取景只是为了戏剧效果,抑或是因为担心太安静而要添加音乐。)

      He does it for the sake of adventure, to improve himself, to show he's worthy of respect and love from his lady.(他做这个是为了探险,提高自己,证明他是值得他的夫人尊敬和爱戴的。)

      And not just for the sake of equal billing.(当然,这并不仅仅是为了公平起见。)

      For the sake of the child she resolved to be brave.(为了孩子,她决心要勇敢起来。)

      We can't risk big things for the sake of small ones.(我们不能因小失大。)

      Nowadays, some people tend to drink and gamble for the sake of what they call the circles, which is definitely stupid.(如今,有些人为了所谓的“圈子”而酗酒赌博,这绝对是愚蠢的。)

      Smiling for the sake of smiling can lead to emotional exhaustion.(只是为了微笑而微笑会导致情绪衰竭。)

      Our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education—not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge.(我们把孩子送到学校也只不过是为了(让他们)接受实用教育——而并非为了追求知识。)

      She should leave space between one pregnancy and the next for the sake of her and the baby's health.(她应当在这次与下次怀孕之间留出间隔,既是为她,也是为孩子的健康着想。)

      It makes sense that smoking should be banned in all public places for the sake of health.(出于健康考虑,应在所有公共场所禁止吸烟。)