fall through


      英 [fɔ:l θru:]

      美 [fɔl θru]

      落空; 失败


  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


      1. fail utterly

      e.g. The project foundered

      Synonym: fall flatfounderflop

      1. (安排)没有落实;(计划)未能实现;(交易)没有达成
      If an arrangement, plan, or deal falls through, it fails to happen.

      e.g. They wanted to turn the estate into a private golf course and offered £20 million, but the deal fell through.

      1. 失败,成为泡影:fall out 争吵;闹翻;结果 | fallthrough 失败,成为泡影 | fall to doing 着手(做)...;开始...

      2. fall through

      2. 落空,成为泡影:fall behind 落后,落在...的后面[/Post] | fallthrough 落空,成为泡影 | fall in 填满;填写;(for)替代


      3. 失败;毁灭:fall out with 争吵 | fallthrough 失败;毁灭 | family man 有家室之人

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      So if you want to know what it feels like to fall through the air.(所以,如果你想知道从空中坠落的滋味。)

      Fixed: Fall through effect between grid in Looting Menu.(修正:通过在抢劫菜单网格之间的效果。)

      Words fall through me, And always fool me, And I can't react.(却无法言说,常常让我变得像傻瓜,我不知该如何回应你。)

      Or, a property deal may fall through because someone is being too intransigent and inflexible.(或者,地产交易可能告吹,因为有人过于强硬,缺乏弹性。)

      What do you think are the chances this project will fall through?(你认为这个项目失败的可能性有多大?)

      Then you might imagine that a heavy object would take one second to fall through the water of a 10-foot-deep swimming pool.(然后你可以想象一个重物掉进一个10英尺深的游泳池只需要1秒钟到底。)

      Should they fall through in their present plans, the consequences will be fatal.(他们现在的计划一旦落空,后果将极为严重。)

      From late spring through summer, it is rainy and hot; from fall through winter, it is cooler and dry.(春末和夏季,这里多雨而炎热;秋冬季节,这里凉爽而干燥。)

      If you are not in a small group, you are skating on thin ice and you don’t know when you might fall through.(如果你没有在一个小集体里,那么,你的生活将会如履薄冰,你不知道何时会落入水中。)

      No matter what deal you have going on, assume it will fall through.(所以不管你此刻在谈什么合同,都先假定它会签不下来的吧。)