


      英 [frɒg]

      美 [frɔ:g]




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  •       青蛙,蛙
  •       对法国人的蔑称,法国佬
  •       饰扣
  •       铁路辙叉,铁道辙岔
  •       蹄叉,蹄楔
  •       挂环,挂绳
  •       嗓音嘶哑,失音
  •       蛤蟆
  •       类似蛙的动物
  •       挂剑圈,挂武器环
  •       蛙,俄罗斯研制的一种地对地战术导弹


  •       [C]蛙 a small hairless tailless animal


      1. any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping
      semiaquatic and terrestrial species

      Synonym: toadtoad froganuranbatrachiansalientian

      2. a decorative loop of braid or cord

      3. a person of French descent

      Synonym: Gaul


      1. hunt frogs for food

      1. 蛙;蛙类动物
      A frog is a small creature with smooth skin, big eyes, and long back legs which it uses for jumping. Frogs usually live near water.


      2. 法国佬(可能具冒犯意味)
      Frogs is sometimes used to refer to French people. This use could cause offence.


      1. 地奇星青蛙:1947年03月03日 冥斗士 地奇星 青蛙(Frog)吉洛斯(Zeros)出生. 1948年10月02日 冥斗士 天间星 阿格龙(Acheron)卡隆(Charon)出生. 1954年05月05日 城户光政财团大管家辰巳德丸(Tokumaru Tatsumi)出生.


      2. 蛙绿:714 Apple 苹果绿 | 716 Frog 蛙绿 | 720 Amazone 刚果绿

  •       常用短语

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    (通常为暂时的)失音,嗓音嘶哑have a (usually temporary) loss or hoarseness of the voice


  •       A frog can live both on land and in water.
  •       These infernall frogs [Jesuits] are crept into the West and East Indyes.

    出自:L. Owen
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的frogga,意为蛙。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      At that point, the frog decides to jump out.(就在这时,青蛙决定跳出来。)

      It is a frog.(那是一只青蛙。)

      The frog keeps on adjusting with the increase in temperature.(青蛙不断在随着温度的升高适应环境。)

      A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale.(在这部卡通童话片里,一位王子变成了一只青蛙。)

      So the frog jumped straight into the bathtub.(所以那只青蛙直接跳进了浴缸里。)

      The frog tries to jump but is unable to do so.(青蛙试着跳跃,但是跳不起来。)

      Little Mark hops like a frog.(小马克像青蛙那样跳。)

      The frog puffed itself up.(这只青蛙胀得鼓鼓的。)

      Green frog jumps in the pond.(青蛙在池塘里跳来跳去。)

      Green Frog meets Blue Frog.(绿青蛙见到蓝青蛙。)

      frog是什么意思 frog在线翻译 frog什么意思 frog的意思 frog的翻译 frog的解释 frog的发音 frog的同义词
