


      英 [ˈgɪdi]

      美 [ˈɡɪdi]



      副词: giddily 比较级: giddier 最高级: giddiest 名词: giddiness 过去式: giddied 过去分词: giddied 现在分词: giddying 第三人称单数: giddies


  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

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      1. lacking seriousness
      given to frivolity

      e.g. a dizzy blonde
      light-headed teenagers
      silly giggles

      Synonym: airheadeddizzyempty-headedfeatherbrainedlight-headedlightheadedsilly

      2. having or causing a whirling sensation
      liable to falling

      e.g. had a dizzy spell
      a dizzy pinnacle
      had a headache and felt giddy
      a giddy precipice
      feeling woozy from the blow on his head
      a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff

      Synonym: dizzywoozyvertiginous

      1. 头晕的;眩晕的
      If you feel giddy, you feel unsteady and think that you are about to fall over, usually because you are not well.


      e.g. He felt giddy and light-headed.

      A wave of giddiness swept over her.

      2. (高兴或激动得)发狂的,举止反常的
      If you feel giddy with delight or excitement, you feel so happy or excited that you find it hard to think or act normally.

      e.g. Anthony was giddy with self-satisfaction...
      e.g. Being there gave me a giddy pleasure.

      There's almost a giddiness surrounding the talks in Houston.

      1. 头晕:对外界刺激有反应was reacting to outside stimuli | 头晕giddy | 已经住院三年had been bedridden in hospital for three years

      2. 头昏眼花:G geeky 令人讨厌 | giddy 头昏眼花 | giggly 傻笑

      3. 眼花缭乱的:giddiness 眼花 | giddy 眼花缭乱的 | giddy-brained 轻率的


      4. 晕眩的:giant 巨人 | giddy 晕眩的 | gift 礼物;天赋

  •       经典引文

  •       They seem to me drunk and giddy with a false notion of liberty.

    出自:G. Berkeley
  •       His head ached and when he sat up he felt giddy.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      When I looked down from the top floor, I felt giddy.(我从顶楼朝下看时感到头晕目眩。)

      I feel a bit giddy.(我的头有点儿发昏。)

      Latin America is accustomed to giddy boom-bust cycles.(拉美经济通常是在兴旺-破灭的周期里打转。)

      Debtors are giddy at the prospect that taxpayers will be forced to pay off part of their loans for them.(债务人对纳税人将被迫还清部分贷款的前景感到郁闷。)

      That would be a breathtakingly steep multiple, even by the giddy standards of the start-up world.(即使对创业界里够令人晕眩的标准本来说,这也是一个让人屏息的陡增。)

      People from the fringes of society (unemployed playwrights and electricians) rose to giddy heights.(而处于社会边缘的人(失业的剧作家和电工)走上了令人眩晕的高位。)

      The giddy little Lady Jane fired a simple Greek phrase at Tom.(轻浮的洁恩小公主对汤姆说了一句简单的希腊话。)

      They may feel giddy and struggle to breathe if they are subjected to the overwhelming smell for a long time.(过敏者如果过久地待在浓烈的香味中,会感到头晕、甚至呼吸困难。)

      Mary Ann was drunk and giddy, leaning on Nick's shoulder in the booth.(玛丽安喝醉了,有些头晕,坐在卡座里斜靠在尼克的肩膀上。)

      The kids were pushing the roundabout at a giddy speed.(孩子们推动着旋转平台快得令人眩晕。)

      giddy是什么意思 giddy在线翻译 giddy什么意思 giddy的意思 giddy的翻译 giddy的解释 giddy的发音 giddy的同义词
