


      英 [dəˈrektəri]

      美 [dɪˈrɛktəri, daɪ-]



      名词复数: directories


  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       指南,(使用)手册
  •       董事会,理事会
  •       【计】目录
  •       工商名录,公司名录,机构名录
  •       (电话)号码簿,姓名地址簿(录),人名地址录
  •       【宗】礼拜程序大权,礼拜规则书
  •       一群董事


  •       指导(性)的,引导的,指引的,给予指导的
  •       指挥的,管理的
  •       方向的
  •       顾问的,咨询的


  •       [C]人名地址录,(电话)号码簿 book giving a list of people's names,etc.for various purposes



      1. an alphabetical list of names and addresses

      2. (computer science) a listing of the files stored in memory (usually on a hard disk)

      1. (通常按字母顺序排列的)通讯录,姓名住址录,工商行名录
      A directory is a book which gives lists of facts, for example people's names, addresses, and telephone numbers, or the names and addresses of business companies, usually arranged in alphabetical order.

      e.g. ...a telephone directory.

      2. (计算机磁盘中文件等的)目录
      A directory is an area of a computer disk which contains one or more files or other directories.

      e.g. This option lets you create new files or directories.

      3. (国际互联网网站上的)专题目录
      On the World Wide Web, a directory is a list of the subjects that you can find information on.

      e.g. Yahoo is the oldest and best-known Web directory service.

      1. directory是什么意思

      1. 目录:搜索引擎优化(SEO)相关术语核心提示: 目录(Directory)目录是由人为编辑的搜索结果. 大多数目录依靠的是人为提交而不是爬行器(spider). (参见 SEO 和搜索引擎. )关键字、关键词和关键短语(Keyword、keyterm 和 keyphrase)关键字、关键词和关键短语是 Web 站点在搜索引擎结果页面(也称为 SER...


      2. 目录 目录:为门户定制 门户网站框架的定制(Customization)指由用户对门户网站页面隔离区 隔离区(DMZ)是网络的一部分,通常位于网络的安全部分和非目录 目录(Directory)是用户和资源信息(例如,


      3. 名录:五、名录(Directory)是专门收录有关人物、地名、机构信息的工具. 词典、百科全书、年鉴、手册等工具中也有大量的人名、地名和机构资料,相对它们而言,名录汇集的有关信息更为广泛、全面,而且针对性强,检索方便.

      4. directory在线翻译

      4. 电话簿:二手车市场开门,他们买了辆噪音低、、速度快不起眼(inconspicuous)的小车,还上了临时牌照(temporary plates). 6. 当他们准备回去取回钱箱时,发现那家主人度假回来了,于是他们查(consult)了电话簿(directory),准备假扮警察破案.

      5. directory:dir; 目录,索引薄,电话号码本

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       Her name is listed in the telephone directory.
  •       The telephone directory gives people's names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
  •       You can find my phone number in a telephone directory.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      He dialled directory assistance.(他拨了查号台的电话。)

      To restore, replace your database directory with the backup directory.(在恢复时,将数据库目录替换为备份目录。)

      Mr. Marra, whose New York telephone number is ex-directory, could not be contacted yesterday.(马拉先生在纽约的电话号码没列入电话薄,昨天联系不上他。)

      Stop the directory server.(停止目录服务器。)

      Define your working directory.(定义工作目录。)

      This directory includes most training providers and colleges in the country.(这份目录包括该国大多数的培训机构和大学。)

      The content of this page is from the TIMARU port or TIMARU customs import and export company directory.(本页面内容主要是来自提马鲁港口或提马鲁海关的进出口公司目录。)

      Make the directory containing the files the current working directory.(将包含这些文件的目录作为当前工作目录。)

      Yahoo is the oldest and best-known Web directory service.(雅虎是提供网上目录检索服务最早、最知名的网站。)

      Define the installation directory.(定义安装目录。)

      directory是什么意思 directory在线翻译 directory什么意思 directory的意思 directory的翻译 directory的解释 directory的发音 directory的同义词
