


      英 [dɒl]

      美 [dɑ:l]





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  •       玩偶
  •       洋娃娃,玩具娃娃,娃娃
  •       甜姐儿(现多认为含冒犯意)
  •       美貌却不聪明的女人,貌美心拙的妇女,美丽但无头脑的女人
  •       俊妞儿(现多认为含冒犯意)
  •       逗人爱的孩子,小宝贝
  •       姑娘,少女
  •       有吸引力的男子
  •       黄土结核
  •       漂亮的姑娘,美女,美人儿(现多认为含冒犯意)


  •       打扮得漂漂亮亮,把…打扮得花枝招展
  •       着意打扮,浓妆艳抹
  •       更吸引人
  •       装饰得更美丽(与up连用)


  •       [C]玩偶,(玩具)娃娃 a toy like a very small person


  •       vt. 把…打扮漂亮 dress sb/oneself in a smart or showy way



      1. a small replica of a person
      used as a toy

      Synonym: dolly

      2. informal terms for a (young) woman

      Synonym: damewenchskirtchickbird

      1. 玩偶;洋娃娃
      A doll is a child's toy which looks like a small person or baby.

dolled up
      She was dolled up for the occasion.

      相关词组:doll up

      1. 洋娃娃:开始安妮老师用一个洋娃娃让海伦反复摸,然后在海伦的手掌心里反复拼写洋娃娃(DOLL)这个单词,直道海伦学会了为止,安妮老师就是这样让海伦通过触摸来感受物体与文字之间的关系,如此学习对于一个耳聋眼瞎的人是多么困难呀,

      2. 玩具娃娃:此次通报涉及的产品有两类3批次,分别为一批热散热片(Heating Radiators)和两批玩具娃娃(Doll). 通报指出:热散热片的主要问题是存在化学危险,因其垫片中含有石棉纤维,使用期间将对消费者的健康产生危害;玩具娃娃存在的问题是化学危险,

      3. doll

      3. 娃娃:因为儿童大都是最富于同情的,且其同情不但及于人类,又自然地及于猫犬,花草,鸟蝶,鱼虫,玩具等一切事物,他们认真地对猫犬说话,认真地和花接吻,认真地和人像(玩偶,娃娃)(doll)玩耍,其心比艺术家的心真切而自然得多!

  •       常用短语

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    把…打扮得漂漂亮亮dress sb/oneself in a smart or showy way
    doll sb/oneself up

          Julia dolled herself up for the party.


          She dolled herself up as though she has been a girl of eighteen.


          She was dolled up in jewels.



  •       She asked me to make some clothes for doll.
  •       She is nothing but a pretty doll.
  •       My grand-daughter is a little doll.
  •       The doll had jointed arms and legs which could be moved anywhere.

    出自:C. McCullough
  •       Jeff said he'd also doll up in his dress suit and get shaved.

    出自:H. L. Wilson
  •       The Globe Theatre was all dolled up with fresh paint.

    出自:F. Astaire
  •       Old Mr. Burke dolled himself up for a date.

    出自:J. Kerouac
  •       中考真题例句

      中考真题例句OG 1.doll

      Doll is made of cotton.



      中考真题例句OG 2.doll

      The doll from Jenny’s mother is as expensive as the toy bear from her father.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      It's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs.(这是个胳膊和腿都能活动的乙烯基塑料娃娃。)

      The boy's mom wanted the doll most.(男孩的妈妈最想要的是娃娃。)

      What has she got? She has got a purple doll.(她有什么?她有一个紫色的娃娃。)

      What a love of a clay doll!(多么可爱的泥娃娃!)

      There was enough for the doll and even some spare money left.(这些钱足够买娃娃了,甚至还有一些剩余的钱。)

      At last I fell asleep with a new doll and a white bear in my arms.(后来,我怀抱着新的洋娃娃和白熊睡着了。)

      She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.(她抓起洋娃娃,使劲往石墙上摔。)

      I love my doll, and she brought me a lot of fun.(我爱我的娃娃,她给我带来了许多快乐。)

      A little girl had a doll.(一个小女孩有一个洋娃娃。)

      He gave the boy some money to buy the doll.(他给了那个男孩一些钱去买洋娃娃。)

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