


      英 [dɔ:n]

      美 [dɔn]



      过去式: dawned 过去分词: dawned 现在分词: dawning 第三人称单数: dawns


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  •       黎明,曙光,佛晓,天亮,东方发白
  •       开端,发端,端绪,端倪
  •       萌芽
  •       醒悟
  •       晨曦,朝霞
  •       开端,开始
  •       道恩(音译名)


  •       开始出现;渐露端倪
  •       顿悟,渐渐明白,渐悟,开始(为人所)明白
  •       破晓,东方发白, 露曙光,(天)刚亮
  •       亮,渐亮
  •       出现,浮现,初现
  •       萌芽躁动
  •       开始(为人所)明白,变得明朗,开始清楚
  •       使开始明白,使渐渐领悟,使开始理解


  •       [C][U]黎明; 拂晓 the time of day when light first appears; the first appearance of light in the sky before the sun rises
  •       [S]开端; 萌芽 the beginning or first appearance of new period, idea, feeling, etc.


  •       vi. & link v. 破晓; (天)初亮 begin to grow light
  •       vi. 开始现出 begin to appear


      1. the earliest period

      e.g. the dawn of civilization
      the morning of the world

      Synonym: morning

      2. the first light of day

      e.g. we got up before dawn
      they talked until morning

      Synonym: dawningmorningaurorafirst lightdaybreakbreak of daybreak of the daydayspringsunrisesunupcockcrow

      3. an opening time period

      e.g. it was the dawn of the Roman Empire


      1. become light

      e.g. It started to dawn, and we had to get up

      2. become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions

      e.g. It dawned on him that she had betrayed him
      she was penetrated with sorrow

      Synonym: clickget throughcome homeget acrosssink inpenetratefall into place

      3. appear or develop

      e.g. The age of computers had dawned

      1. 黎明;拂晓
      Dawn is the time of day when light first appears in the sky, just before the sun rises.

      e.g. Nancy woke at dawn.

      2. 开端;起始阶段
      The dawn of a period of time or a situation is the beginning of it.

      e.g. We can only guess what went through the mind of a man who could look back to the dawn of powered flight.
      e.g. ...the dawn of the radio age.

      3. 初现;出现;开始形成
      If something is dawning, it is beginning to develop or come into existence.

      e.g. Throughout Europe a new railway age, that of the high-speed train, has dawned...
      e.g. A new era seemed to be about to dawn for the coach and his young team...

      ...the dawning of the space age...
      Tettlinger uncovered his eyes in the first dawning of hope.

      4. (一天)到来,开始
      When you say that a particular day dawned, you mean it arrived or began, usually when it became light.


      e.g. When the great day dawned, the first concern was the weather...
      e.g. The next day dawned sombre and gloomy.

      5. at the crack of dawn -> see crack

      相关词组:dawn on

      1. 晨曦:巴基斯坦<>(Dawn)报周五援引调查人员的话称,嫌疑最大的是巴基斯坦虔诚军. 分析人士认为,与基地组织有关的拉什卡-简戈维组织(Lashkar-e-Jhangvi)也可能是幕後黑手.

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    逐渐(被人)知晓,明白 become gradually known by (sb)
    dawn on〔upon〕 sth

          A grey day dawned upon the sleeping city.


          The ocean dawned on our view.


          A smile dawned on his face.


          A new era is dawning upon the world.


    dawn on〔upon〕 sb/sth

          The fact has just dawned on me.


          The truth may one day dawn upon you.


          At last it dawned on us.


          The answer dawned on me when I wasn't thinking about the work.


    It ~ed on sb that/wh-clasue

          It suddenly dawned on me that I'd caught the wrong train.


          It dawned on me that the following day would be her birthday.


          It dawned on me that I was lost.


          It has slowly dawned upon us that he will not help.


          It dawned on me where I had seen him before.


          It suddenly dawned upon me why he was so anxious to know when the accident took place.



  •       The dawns here in the mountains are very beautiful.
  •       Did you hear the cock crow at dawn?
  •       At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.
  •       They got across the bridge before dawn.
  •       They work from dawn till dark.
  •       The war was ended and we looked forward to the dawn of much happier days.


  •       Day dawns in the east.
  •       The morning dawned brightly.
  •       The day was just dawning.
  •       Day will soon dawn.
  •       The day was dawning when we set out.
  •       They were waiting for the day to dawn.
  •       The space age dawned in the twentieth century.
  •       A new age dawned with the invention of the radio.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       From the dawn of manhood to its decline.

    出自:S. Johnson
  •       You could see the first dawn of an idea stealing slowly over his countenance.

    出自:C. Lamb
  •       I saw him more clearly as the day dawned.

    出自:J. Barth
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       dawn的意思是“黎明; 拂晓; 天刚亮”,既可作可数名词又可作不可数名词,前面通常用介词at或before。
  •       dawn引申可表示“开端; 萌芽”,总是用单数形式,常与定冠词the连用。


  •       dawn用作不及物动词,多与介词on/upon连用,基本意思是“天破晓,黎明”,引申可表示人“(在头脑中)开始出现,开始觉醒,明白过来,明确起来,清楚起来; 出现,呈现”等。
  •       dawn偶尔也可用作系动词,接形容词或名词作表语,表示“发亮; 破晓”。


dawn, twilight
  •       这两个词都有“曙光”的意思。其区别在于:
  •       1.dawn指太阳刚要或刚刚升起的“黎明,拂晓”时分; twilight指日出前的曙光。例如:
  •       They stepped out into the twilight.他们走进曙光中。
  •       2.twilight还可指“暮光”“黄昏”,而dawn不可。
  •       3.用于比喻, dawn可指某个时期的“开端; 开始”; twilight则指“恐慌时代”“没落时代”。
  •       v.(动词)

    dawn, break
  •       这两个词都可作“破晓”解。其区别在于:break的主语只能用day; 而dawn的主语用day和morning都可以。例如:
  •       The day breaks at five.
  •       The morning〔day〕 dawns at five.
  •       五点钟天就亮了。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 At the dawn the guests departed.

            正 At dawn the guests departed.


            误 At early dawn, they got up and set off.

            正 At the early dawn, they got up and set off.

            析 at dawn〔before dawn, from dawn〕 till dark等短语中不可加the,但在at the early dawn, with the dawn等短语中一定要加the。

    •       ☆ 直接源自中古英语的dauen;最初源自古英语的dagung,意为破晓。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          At dawn, he saw, not far away from him, a long stretch of sand.(黎明时分,他看见不远处有一大片沙滩。)

          They continued the search as dawn broke.(他们在天亮之后继续搜寻。)

          Paul talked unceasingly from dawn to dusk.(保罗从早到晚不停地说话。)

          The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn achieved that goal with spellbinding results.(《黎明之门下的风笛手》实现了目标并取得了绝佳的成果。)

          Nancy woke at dawn.(天刚亮南希就醒了。)

          The prisoner will be put to death at dawn.(囚犯将在黎明时被处死。)

          I woke up just before dawn.(我正好在拂晓前醒来。)

          Dawn was breaking when they finally left.(他们终于离开时正是破晓时分。)

          Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn.(士兵在拂晓时分攻进城里。)

          The troops landed at dawn.(部队已在黎明登陆。)

          dawn是什么意思 dawn在线翻译 dawn什么意思 dawn的意思 dawn的翻译 dawn的解释 dawn的发音 dawn的同义词
