


      英 [deɪ]

      美 [de]




  •       详情解释

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  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释


  •       白昼,白天
  •       时代,时期
  •       工作日,一天,日,一日
  •       节日
  •       黎明
  •       全盛时期,成名时期
  •       日复一日,一天又一天,过一天算一天
  •       天天
  •       竞赛
  •       战斗
  •       胜利
  •       特定日
  •       中国姓氏戴、代的音译


  •       交由仲裁,由仲裁决定


  •       [C]一天,一日 a period of 24 hours
  •       [C][U]日间,白天 the time between sunrise and sunset
  •       [C]工作日 a period of work within a 24-hour period
  •       [P]时期; 时代; 寿命 a particular period or point of time; one's life
  •       [S]全盛时期,黄金时代 a period of success or fame


      1. a period of opportunity

      e.g. he deserves his day in court
      every dog has his day

      2. some point or period in time

      e.g. it should arrive any day now
      after that day she never trusted him again
      those were the days
      these days it is not unusual

      3. the recurring hours when you are not sleeping (especially those when you are working)

      e.g. my day began early this morning
      it was a busy day on the stock exchange
      she called it a day and went to bed

      4. time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis

      e.g. two days later they left
      they put on two performances every day
      there are 30,000 passengers per day

      Synonym: twenty-four hourstwenty-four hour period24-hour intervalsolar daymean solar day

      5. a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance

      e.g. Mother's Day

      6. the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside

      e.g. the dawn turned night into day
      it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime

      Synonym: daytimedaylight

      7. the time for one complete rotation of the earth relative to a particular star, about 4 minutes shorter than a mean solar day

      Synonym: sidereal day

      8. the period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis

      e.g. how long is a day on Jupiter?

      9. an era of existence or influence

      e.g. in the day of the dinosaurs
      in the days of the Roman Empire
      in the days of sailing ships
      he was a successful pianist in his day

      1. (一周中的)一日,一天
      A day is one of the seven twenty-four hour periods of time in a week.

      2. 昼;白天
      Day is the time when it is light, or the time when you are up and doing things.


      e.g. The weather did not help; hot by day, cold at night...
      e.g. 27 million working days are lost each year due to work accidents and sickness...
      每年有 2,700 万个工作日因为工作事故和病假而损失掉了。

      3. 时期;时代
      You can refer to a particular period in history as a particular day or as particular days .

      e.g. He began to talk about the Ukraine of his uncle's day...
      e.g. Did you learn anything in your day, as a student?

      4. 日复一日;一天又一天
      If something happens day after day, it happens every day without stopping.

      e.g. The newspaper job had me doing the same thing day after day.

      5. 如今;在当代;在今天这个时代
      In this day and age means in modern times.

      e.g. Even in this day and age the old attitudes persist.

      6. 破旧;陈旧;状况不佳
      If you say that something has seen better days, you mean that it is old and in poor condition.

      e.g. The tweed jacket she wore had seen better days.

      7. 到此为止;结束
      If you call it a day, you decide to stop what you are doing because you are tired of it or because it is not successful.

      e.g. Faced with mounting debts, the decision to call it a day was inevitable...
      e.g. I want the manager's job when he calls it a day.

      8. (在战斗、辩论或体育竞赛中)获胜,取胜
      If someone carries the day, they are the winner in a contest such as a battle, debate, or sporting competition.

      e.g. For the time being, the liberals seem to have carried the day.

      9. 已过全盛时期;风光不再;不再流行
      If you say that something has had its day, you mean that the period during which it was most successful or popular has now passed.


      e.g. Beat music may finally have had its day...
      e.g. Interior decoration by careful coordination seems to have had its day.

      10. 使…非常高兴
      If something makes your day, it makes you feel very happy.

      e.g. Come on, Bill. Send Tom a card and make his day...
      e.g. It was a joy to see. It really made my day.

      11. 日日夜夜;夜以继日
      If something happens day and night or night and day, it happens all the time without stopping.

      e.g. Chantal kept a fire burning night and day...
      e.g. He would have a nurse in constant attendance day and night.

      12. 将来有一天;总有一天;有朝一日
      One day or some day or one of these days means at some time in the future.


      e.g. I too dreamed of living in London one day...
      e.g. I hope some day you will find the woman who will make you happy...

      13. 几天前;前两天
      If you say that something happened the other day, you mean that it happened a few days ago.

      e.g. I phoned your office the other day...
      e.g. We had lunch the other day at our favorite restaurant.

      14. 挽回局面;扭转败局;转危为安;反败为胜
      If someone or something saves the day in a situation which seems likely to fail, they manage to make it successful.


      e.g. ...this story about how he saved the day at his daughter's birthday party...
      e.g. A last moment election can save the day.

      15. 每天;天天;逐日
      If something happens from day to day or day by day, it happens each day.

      e.g. Your needs can differ from day to day...
      e.g. I live for the moment, day by day, not for the past.

      16. 正好;恰好;一天不差
      If it is a month or a year to the day since a particular thing happened, it is exactly a month or a year since it happened.

      e.g. It was January 19, a year to the day since he had arrived in Singapore...
      那天是 1月 19 号,他到新加坡正好一年的日子。
      e.g. Twenty-five years ago, to the day, England reached the sport's pinnacle by winning the World Cup.
      恰好是在 25 年前的今天,英格兰队在世界杯上夺冠,到达了足球运动的巅峰。

      17. 至今;直到现在
      To this day means up until and including the present time.


      e.g. To this day young Zulu boys practise fighting.

      18. 获胜/失败
      If a particular person, group, or thing wins the day, they win a battle, struggle, or competition. If they lose the day, they are defeated.

      e.g. His determination and refusal to back down had won the day...
      e.g. Few in Westminster doubt that the government will win the day.

      19. (困难的任务)日常工作一部分的,常有的,难免的
      If you say that a task is all in a day's work for someone, you mean that they do not mind doing it although it may be difficult, because it is part of their job or because they often do it.


      e.g. For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work...
      e.g. I said: 'How can I ever thank you?' but he waved the question aside. 'It's all in a day's work.'

      20. your day in court -> see court
      it's early days -> see early
      at the end of the day -> see end
      late in the day -> see late
      to the light of day -> see light
      someone's days are numbered -> see number
      the good old days -> see old
      to pass the time of day -> see time

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

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  •       经典引文


      A:Carter, Christmas Day is coming. Merry Christmas to you.

      B:Thank you. And a merry christmas to you!


      A:What date is it today?

      B:Today is December 23, 2002.
      今天是2002 年12 月23 日。

      A:Oh, the day after tomorrow is Christmas.

      B:Merry Christmas to you!

      A:You too!



      A:I'd like to buy some stamps for this letter.

      B:Let me just weigh it first.

      A:How much will it be?

      B:Are you sending it by regular or by speed?

      A:Just the regular.

      B:That'll be four yuan.

      A:How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination?

      B:Just two days.



      B:Good day.

      A:Good day also to you.


    整天,天天 all the time

      1. lose the day : 打败;

      2. day by day : 逐日;

      3. day and night : 日以继夜;

      4. any day : 随便哪一天, 不论怎样;

      5. the other day : 不久前某一天;

      6. against a rainy day : 未雨绸缪地;

      7. to this day : 至今;

      8. by the day : 按日;

      9. off day : n. 休息日;

      10. day after day : 日复一日;

      11. some day : 来日;

      12. call it a day : 今天就做到这里为止; 暂时停止;

      13. win the day : 得胜;

      14. without day : 不定期, 无限期;

      15. with each passing day : 日益;


  •       The attack occurred six days ago.
  •       How many days are there in a week?
  •       Next day he found they had arranged to go by train to Beijing.
  •       The trial lasted for ten consecutive days.
  •       The day she entered college was a big day for her.
  •       He was in the public eye these days.
  •       The days are getting longer in summer.
  •       The exhibition will be opened day and evening.
  •       They have done a good day's work.
  •       We are paid by the day.
  •       She works an 8-hour day and a 5-day week.
  •       The boy was paid two dollars a day.
  •       We took three days to paint the house.
  •       Christmas Day was a Wednesday this year.
  •       In my day, things were different.
  •       In those days we often went short of food and clothing.
  •       They lived in want in those days.
  •       They were often buried in memories of the past in those days.
  •       The distance between the two cities was in those days too great to permit of frequent contact.
  •       His days are numbered.
  •       Your day will come.
  •       The day is doubtful.
  •       They have lost the day.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The longest day is equall to the longest night.

    出自:N. Carpenter
  •       The day was overcast and drippy.

    出自:S. King
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       day的基本意思是“一天”,指二十四小时长的一段时间,是可数名词。也可指“日间,白天”,既可用作可数名词,又可用作不可数名词,通常不加冠词。
  •       day也可表示“工作日”,指一天二十四小时之内的工作时间,是可数名词。
  •       day还可作“时期; 时代; 寿命”解,常用复数形式,若用单数常须与my, their等物主代词连用。
  •       day还有“全盛时期,黄金时代”的意思,是单数名词,不用于复数形式。
  •       day间或表示“胜利,竞争,战斗”,是不可数名词,前面接定冠词。
  •       Day常用在表示法定的或宗教节日的短语中,其前不加冠词。
  •       day可用作量词, a day可表示“每天”。


save a day, save the day
  •       save a day的意思是“省了一天的时间”, save the day的意思则是“反败为胜,转危为安”。例如:
  •       We saved a day by taking a plane there.我们乘飞机去那里,因而节省了一天的时间。
  •       The team was behind, but at the last minute Tom saved the day with a touchdown.这支球队一直落后,然而在最后的时刻汤姆一次底线得分使球队反败为胜。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 One day morning,I ran into her on my way to school.

            正 One morning,I ran into her on my way to school.

            析 “一天早上”应译为one morning,不能译为one day morning。它既可以指过去的某天早上,也可指将来的某天早上。


            误 Tomorrow will be the Children's Day.

            正 Tomorrow will be Children's Day.

            析 在含有day的节日名称前,通常不加定冠词the。


            误 They usually play indoor games in rainy days.

            正 They usually play indoor games on rainy days.

            析 表示“在特定的某一天”用介词on,如指一天的过程用介词in。


            误 You will receive her letter in one day or two.

            正 You will receive her letter in a day or two.

            正 You will receive her letter in one or two days.

            析 表示“在一两天内”,应该说in a day or two或in one or two days,但不能说in one day or two。


            误 I haven't seen her for five years to day.

            正 I haven't seen her for five years to the day.

            析 表示时间确切到一点也不差时,应该用 the day。


            误 They rested during day and travelled by night.

            正 They rested by day and travelled by night.

            析 “在白天”是by day,用介词by而不用during。

    •       ☆ 直接源自中古英语的dai,意为白天。
    •       高考真题例句


          After six days, it is wise to take a day off to rest.

          六天后, 放假休息一天是明智之举。



          You will feel energized all day long.




          Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil are used for cooking.




          Have a nice day!



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          My day-to-day life is not very exciting.(我的日常生活很平淡。)

          I've had a gruelling day.(我一天下来累得筋疲力尽。)

          Some day he'll be famous.(总有一天他会成名的。)

          Competition is getting hotter day by day.(竞争日趋白热化。)

          The day passed uneventfully.(这一天平平淡淡地过去了。)

          I used to drink coffee day in, day out.(过去我每天喝咖啡。)

          Suppose flights are fully booked on that day—which other day could we go?(假定那天的航班都订满了—我们还可以在哪天走呢?)

          It's such a beautiful day!(天气多么好哇!)

          Tuesday is her half day.(星期二她只工作半天。)

          I've had a rotten day!(我这一天倒霉透了!)

          day是什么意思 day在线翻译 day什么意思 day的意思 day的翻译 day的解释 day的发音 day的同义词
