


      英 [deɪz]

      美 [dez]

      vt. 使 ... 茫然; 使 ... 眩目

      n. 恍惚; 晕眩

      过去式: dazed 过去分词: dazed 现在分词: dazing 第三人称单数: dazes


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  •       恍惚
  •       迷乱
  •       茫然
  •       迷茫
  •       迷乱茫然眼花缭乱


  •       使茫茫然
  •       使发呆
  •       使头昏
  •       使晕头转向
  •       使眼花缭乱
  •       使目眩
  •       使茫然
  •       使眼花
  •       耀眼
  •       使迷乱
  •       头晕目眩
  •       晕头转向
  •       使(某人)迷乱而不能做出正确反应
  •       使(某人)惊奇与迷惑
  •       使眩晕使发昏使迷乱使茫然
  •       发昏
  •       炫耀眩(眼)使眼花缭乱
  •       使…茫然
  •       使 … 眩目


  •       vt. 使迷糊,使眩晕 cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light


      1. confusion characterized by lack of clarity

      Synonym: foghaze

      2. the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally

      e.g. his mother's death left him in a daze
      he was numb with shock

      Synonym: shockstupor


      1. overcome as with astonishment or disbelief

      e.g. The news stunned her

      Synonym: stunbedaze

      2. to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light

      e.g. She was dazzled by the bright headlights

      Synonym: dazzlebedazzle

      1. 恍惚;迷乱;茫然
      If someone is in a daze, they are feeling confused and unable to think clearly, often because they have had a shock or surprise.

      e.g. For 35 minutes I was walking around in a daze.
      我茫然地走了35 分钟。


      1. 晕眩:减低了1到29级玩家受到晕眩(Daze)打击的几率,30级以上的几率不变. 牧师天赋:强化恢复(Improved Renew)降低了每个等级的有效性圣骑士天赋:命令圣印(Seal of Command)的有效性轻微降低. 圣骑士天赋:盾堡(Redoubt)生效后会延续十秒或者产生五次挡格.

      2. 晕:人 而由宠物被击晕(DAZE)取代但是法术消耗增加为20*角色等级 3秒施放时间而且豹群守护不再是一个永久持续技能 每次释放后将持续角色等级*2分钟任何情况只要宠物不是猫科动物或者被更换.死亡.消失.那么豹群守护效果都将立即消失10.盗贼盗贼的潜行现在将在晴天比以前更容易被发现被发现距离增加了5码 而在夜晚将更难于被发现

      3. 迷乱:daytime 白昼 | daze 迷乱 | dazed condition 蒙胧状态

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       The blow dazed her.
  •       The blow on the head dazed him for a moment.
  •       The whiteness of the walls dazed me.
  • 1
  •       I was dazed by the blow on the head.
  •       I was dazed by the news of the plane crash.
  •       I was dazed by her sudden offer.
  •       In a daze of pure satisfaction.

    出自:Day Lewis
  •       Conscious but in a daze, hardly aware of what was happening.

    出自:D. Bagley
  •       She looked dazed, perhaps from the effects of her fall.

    出自:G. Macdonald
  •       I was so dazed with joy that I could hardly speak.

    出自:D. Murphy
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       daze的基本意思是“使迷糊,使眩晕”,指任何一种原因(如击中头部、过量的光线、身体或大脑受到震动)使人的心理机能变得麻木或迟钝,如糊涂或目眩。
  •       daze是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
  •       daze的过去分词dazed常用如形容词在句中作表语。


daze, stun, bemuse, dumbfound, paralyze
  •       这组词的共同意思是“由于某种原因而使心理机能变得麻木或迟钝”,其区别是:
  •       1.原因和结果各不相同。daze指因击中头部、过量的光线、身体或大脑受到震动等使人迷糊或目眩;stun指由于重击或猛跌引起思维能力突然丧失或失去知觉,即人事不省;bemuse指醉酒或身心压力过重等而致头脑混乱、迷茫;dumbfound指某场景或某消息使受惊而说不出话来;paralyze则指某一直接事件或某一令人震惊的消息使某人丧失行动能力或功能。例如:
  •       Banging my head on the door dazed me for a while. 头撞到门使我晕了一下。
  •       He was temporarily stunned by the fall. 他因跌倒而暂时不省人事。
  •       I was beginning to feel slightly bemused. 我开始感到有些迷惑。
  •       She was dumbfounded by the terrible news.她被这可怕的消息惊得说不出话来。
  •       He stood paralyzed by fear.他被吓得站在那里无法动弹。
  •       2.daze, stun, bemuse的宾语都是人,paralyze的宾语可以是人,也可以是物或事物。例如:
  •       The electricity failure paralyzed the train service.停电使火车的运行处于瘫痪状态。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          When she did finally emerge from her room, she walked around as if she were 12 in a daze.(当她最终从她的房间里走出来时,她一路摇摇晃晃,神情似乎有点恍惚。)

          We miss so much when we live in a daze.(恍惚中我们错过了如此多的美好。)

          I stood amazed and floated back to my desk in a daze, and wild applause.(我惊讶地站着,然后在一片热烈的掌声中恍恍惚惚地飘回到我的座位上。)

          Sometimes waits and hopes to be in a daze, did not know should make some any or may make any.(有时候望着一处发呆,不知道应该做一些什么抑或可以做些什么。)

          Today, I woke up in a complete daze.(今天,我从一个大觉中醒来。)

          Little wonder so many young people in Greece seem to be walking around in a daze.(难怪这么多的希腊年轻人看起来如此茫然。)

          I always stared the other side of the road in a daze.(我总是怔怔地往着路的那边发呆。)

          For 35 minutes I was walking around in a daze. I was dizzy, seeing double.(长达35分钟我茫然地走着。我头晕目眩,看东西有重影。)

          Anne joins Peggy, who seems to be in a daze.(安妮和佩吉在一起,佩吉好像在发呆。)

          Sara mutters, "Oh my God," and walks in a daze down the middle of the street.(Sara咕哝着,“噢,天啊,”然后恍恍惚惚地走向街道的中间。)

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          daze是什么意思 daze在线翻译 daze什么意思 daze的意思 daze的翻译 daze的解释 daze的发音 daze的同义词
