


      英 [ˈdjʊərɪŋ]

      美 [ˈdʊrɪŋ]

      prep.在 ... 期间


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  •       在…(的整个)期间,在...的时候,当...之时,当...之际,在...过程中
  •       在...期间的某一时候
  •       一直


  •       (表示时间)在某情况的一段时间 at some time while sth else is happening
  •       (表示时间)在…期间,当…之时 all the time that sth is happening

      1. 在…期间(持续地)
      If something happens during a period of time or an event, it happens continuously, or happens several times between the beginning and end of that period or event.

      e.g. Sandstorms are common during the Saudi Arabian winter...
      e.g. Plants need to be looked after and protected during bad weather.

      2. 在…期间(逐渐地)
      If something develops during a period of time, it develops gradually from the beginning to the end of that period.


      e.g. Wages have fallen by more than twenty percent during the past two months...
      在过去的两个月里,薪资降幅超过 20%。
      e.g. American business in Britain during the 1950s grew much faster than British business.
      20 世纪 50 年代,美国企业在英国的发展速度要比英国本土企业快得多。

      3. 在…期间的某一时间
      An event that happens during a period of time happens at some point or moment in that period.

      e.g. The attack is believed to have been carried out during the early morning hours...
      e.g. During his visit, the Pope will also bless the new hospital.

      You do not use during to say how long something lasts. You use for. You do not say, for example, 'I went to Wales during two weeks'. You say 'I went to Wales for two weeks'.
      表示某事持续多久时不用 during,而用 for。例如, 不能说: I went to Wales during two weeks, 而要说: I went to Wales for two weeks.(我去威尔士呆了两周)。

      1. during的近义词

      1. 在期间:第二种连接就是利用像当(as、when)在......期间(during)、正值(while)这样的连接词来连接陈述,以及时建立连接关系. 最有力的第三种连接就是使用确实有因果关系字眼来做陈述. 像造成(makes)、起因于(causes)、迫使(forces)还有要求(requires)等词汇,

      2. 期间:第二种连接就是利用像当(as、when)在……期间(during)、正值(while)这样的连接词来连接陈述,以及时建立连接关系. 最有力的第三种连接就是使用确实有因果关系字眼来做陈述. 像造成(makes)、起因于(causes)、迫使(forces)还有要求(requires)等词汇,


      3. 在...期间,在...时候:She walked down the street. 她沿着街道走. | during 在...期间,在...时候. | During the holiday, we went to the south. 我们假期去了南方.

      4. 短语 during 后面不能跟随句子:have sb. Do. 让...人去做 | during +短语 during 后面不能跟随句子 | papaya 木瓜

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


      A:Thank you for coming to see me off.

      B:Not at all.

      A:If I have time, I’ll come again.

      B:You’re welcome at any time.

      A:Thank you for your hospitality. I hope I didn’t cause you too much trouble during my stay.

      B:You’re most welcome.

      A:I’m afraid I have to go now. The plane will take off soon.

      B:Call us as soon as you get home.




      A:Now that we’re about to own a house, I think we should get it covered.

      B:Yes, I talked with an insurance saleswoman about it yesterday.


      A:You did?

      B:Sure. She said that once we finalize the sale, we just need to make an appointment with her.

      A:How long will it take to get covered?

      B:I believe the insurance policy will kick in immediately.

      A:That’s great. Did you pick up any brochures.


      B:Not yet.

      A:Maybe we could start reading up on the different policies now. I heard that many of the homes that were damaged during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans weren’t covered.


      B:You’re kidding! Did they have some home insurance or did home insurance just not cover floods?

      A:Most of the policies didn’t cover floods.

      B:I guess we should make sure to read the fine print very carefully. Shall we go there now?

      A:Why not? I have nothing better to do.



      A:So, what’s your educational background?

      B:I graduate from high school with a 4.0, graduated from university with a degree in English, and am currently in the middle of obtaining a master’s degree in Linguistics.
      我以4.0 的成绩从高中毕业, 大学获得了英语学士学位,近来正在读语言学硕士学位。

      A:What university did you go to ?

      B:I went to UCB, the university of California, Berkeley.


      A:Are you from California originally?

      B:No, I’m from Colorado. I received a full scholarship to UCB, so I went.
      不,我来自科罗拉州,我活得了UCB 全额奖学金,所以我去那里了。


      A:That’s great. How did you like your classes there?

      B:I like my professors a lot. They seemed to have a lot of passion for teaching. They weren’t the stuffy professors that I thought they’d be.。
      我很喜欢我的教授。 他们似乎有很多教学热情。他们不是我想象的那种乏味的教授


      A:How about the other students? Did you get along well with them?

      B:The students were from all over the country. I found that most of my friends were people who were from the mid-west?

      A:That’s interesting. Why do you think that is?

      B:I’m not sure. I lived in Iowa during middle school, so I guess we had that in common. Mid-westerners and people from the west coast have a different view of the world.

      A:What do you mean?

      B:It’s hard to explain. I guess people from the west coast come off as a bit snobby sometimes, especially if you aren’t come from the west coast。

      A:I see. Well, thanks for coming in for the interview. My secretary will get back to you within a week.


  •       Where shall you go during the summer?
  •       During which years was he Prime Minister?
  •       The sun gives us light during the day.
  •       The fire started during the workmen's dinner.
  •       There happened many events during his term of presidential service.
  •       Some time during the night the crew came on board.

    出自:J. Conrad
  •       During the early months of the year, the air was like cold washing-up.

    出自:M. Amis
  •       Hilaire Belloc was born during a thunderstorm.

    出自:A. N. Wilson
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       during可以表示一定时间中的某个时间点,意思是“当…之际”; 还可表示一定时间中的某个时间段,意思是“在…期间”; 也可以表示在某事件过程中的某一时间点,意思是“在…时”; during也可表示延续某事件的全过程,意思是“在…持续的时间”“在…整个期间内”。


during, for
  •       这两个介词都可表示时间段。
  •       1.during表示什么事情发生在什么时间,其后必须带有限定成分的时间词组; for表示什么事情持续了多长时间,其后的时间词组可以是限定的,也可以是非限定的。
  •       2.during可以与延续性动词连用,也可以与瞬间动词连用; for除了表示目的以外,一般不可以与瞬间动词连用。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.during

          During these times, people travelled by train or in carts pulled by horses.



          中考真题例句OG 2.during

          Tooth brushing became popular during the World War I.



          中考真题例句OG 3.during

          You made great progress in English during the long winter vacation.



          考研真题例句OG 1.during

          One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contracts during an audit.



          考研真题例句OG 2.during

          During a separate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension in the family.



          考研真题例句OG 3.during

          During the decade before the economic crisis, spending on legal services in America grew twice as fast as inflation.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The goods were damaged during transport.(货物在运输期间受损。)

          Two substitutions were made during the game.(比赛中换了两次人。)

          Callers now pay 33 cents during peak hours and 30 cents during off-peak hours.(现在,主叫方在高峰时段支付33美分话费;而非高峰时段则是30美分。)

          They suffered dreadfully during the war.(他们在战争中遭受了巨大的痛苦。)

          He praised her leadership during the crisis.(他称赞了她在危机中的领导作用。)

          A storm arose during the night.(夜间暴风雨大作。)

          The cars collided during a heavy rainstorm.(这些车在一场暴雨中相撞了。)

          He hates to be interrupted during training.(他讨厌训练中被打断。)

          She hadn't been attending during the lesson.(上课时她一直不专心。)

          Shopping during sales can be maddening.(促销期间购物会让人恼火。)

          during是什么意思 during在线翻译 during什么意思 during的意思 during的翻译 during的解释 during的发音 during的同义词
