dwell on


      英 [dwel ɔn]

      美 [dwɛl ɑn]

      细想; 详论; 详述;拖长(发音或动作);(眼光等)停留在,凝视;居住在…上


  •       英英释义

  •       网络解释


      1. delay

      Synonym: linger over

      1. 细想;详细讲述:due to 由于;应归于 | dwellon 细想;详细讲述 | each other 互相(多用作宾语)

      2. 利用:175 due to 由于,因为 | 176 dwellon 利用 | 177 enter for 报名参加;


      3. 考虑;不断地说:Dump her! 甩掉她! | dwellon 考虑;不断地说 | early bird 集会早到的人

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      If you are afraid of an accident, dwell on the guidance and protection of God.(如果你担心会出事故,寄希望于上帝的指引和保护。)

      Resist this negative approach. Don't dwell on a few shortcomings.(不要老用消极的方法想问题,也不要纠结于一些缺点。)

      But will God really dwell on earth?(神果真住在地上吗?)

      I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.(我不让自己去回忆那段会引起我太多痛苦的往事。)

      Before we make a decision, we should dwell on it.(我们在作出决定之前,应该思考再三。)

      They never dwell on any problems.(他们从不凝思任何问题。)

      Dwell on things that happened in the past.(沉溺于过去发生的不愉快的事情。)

      This is not too serious, so I won't dwell on it.(这个问题并不太严重,在此就不再详述了。)

      You constantly dwell on your singleness.(你会不停地想着自己的单身问题。)

      "I'd rather not dwell on the past," he told me.(“我宁愿不多想过去,”他告诉我。)

      dwell on是什么意思 dwell on在线翻译 dwell on什么意思 dwell on的意思 dwell on的翻译 dwell on的解释 dwell on的发音 dwell on的同义词
