


      英 [ˌɪntəˈmɪtənt]

      美 [ˌɪntərˈmɪtənt]


      副词: intermittently 名词: intermittence


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  •       间歇的
  •       周期性的
  •       断断续续的


  •       间歇热


  •       [A]间歇的; 断断续续的 happening, then stopping, then happening again; not continuous


      1. stopping and starting at irregular intervals

      e.g. intermittent rain showers

      1. 间歇的;断断续续的
      Something that is intermittent happens occasionally rather than continuously.

      e.g. After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned.
      3 个小时断断续续的降雨之后,比赛取消了。

      The talks went on intermittently for three years.
      会谈开开停停地进行了 3 年。

      1. intermittent的近义词

      1. 间歇性的:性能问题通常可以分为两类:间歇性的(intermittent)和非间歇性的(non-intermittent). 间歇性问题难以排除,因为这些问题可能随着工作负载或应用程序运行的时机而在任意时候发生. 对于诊断间歇性性能问题,可以使用的一个非常有用的工具是 db2pd -catch.


      2. 间歇:以病人的基因型和行为为基础,可以预计出可能的疾病发展,可以执行间歇( intermittent)的诊断评估和进一步给出改变生活方式的建议,可以提供医药的regimen 或程序以保持健康.

      3. 間歇性:第三阶段乃对上述四向度发展适当的支持系统,依其需求强度区分为间歇性(intermittent)、有限的(limited)、广泛的(extensive)和普遍而深入的(pervasive)四类(Hickson, et al., 1995, p.44)AAMR(2002):智能障碍是指在智力功能和适应行为上存有显著的限制而表现出的一种障碍.


      4. 断续:最新的RF信号,特别是开放使用的工业、科学和医学(ISM)频段,经常采用扩频通信技术,比如蓝牙和WiFi,那些信号是断续(intermittent)的或是突发(bursty)的.

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       Did you hear the intermittent sound outside?
  •       Our picnic was marred by intermittent rains.
  •       As the terrain rises and drops, you get intermittent views of those rock masses.

    出自:D. DeLillo
  •       I must have relapsed into intermittent sleep and restlessness.

    出自:D. Wigoder
  •       词语用法


  •       intermittent形容虽然总是重复出现,但时常是若隐若现。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      If the memory leak is exacerbated by certain requests, failures can be intermittent and hard to predict.(如果内存泄漏由于某些请求而恶化,可能会不断出现错误并且难以预测。)

      So, even under normal situations, the gene flow among the subpopulations is more of an intermittent trickle than a steady stream.(所以即使在正常条件下,这些亚物种间的基因流动也更像是一条断断续续的细流,而不是一条不停流淌的小溪。)

      Intermittent claudication is caused by peripheral vascular disease.(间歇性跛行是由周围性血管疾病引起的。)

      After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned.(雨断断续续地下了3个小时之后,比赛被取消了。)

      Running intermittent builds, which delay rapid feedback.(运行间歇构建(intermittentbuild),这使反馈延迟。)

      Eternal fights for your enemies, intermittent fights for friends.(对敌人,要永远斗争;对朋友,要间歇斗争。)

      Actual loss will depend upon the particular frequencies to which one is exposed, and whether the sound is continuous or intermittent.(实际的损失将取决于暴露的特定频率,以及声音是连续的还是间歇的。)

      Myth: it's an intermittent bug.(谬论:它是一个间歇的程序错误。)

      Solar and wind energy, for example, are still very expensive and, perhaps more crucially, intermittent.(比如,太阳能和风能,它们花费太高,最重要的是,能量供应无法保持稳定。)

      It's a cold night here, with intermittent rain showers and a blustery wind.(这里是寒冷的夜晚,阵雨不断,旋风席卷。)

      intermittent是什么意思 intermittent在线翻译 intermittent什么意思 intermittent的意思 intermittent的翻译 intermittent的解释 intermittent的发音 intermittent的同义词
