


      英 [ˈɪntɪmət]

      美 [ˈɪntəmɪt]




      副词: intimately 名词: intimateness 过去式: intimated 过去分词: intimated 现在分词: intimating 第三人称单数: intimates


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  •       亲密的,亲近的
  •       私人的,个人的
  •       详细的
  •       密切的
  •       内心深处的
  •       内部的
  •       直接的
  •       完全的
  •       本质的,实质的
  •       有性关系的,私通的
  •       精通的,熟悉的
  •       舒适的,怡人的
  •       气氛融洽的
  •       便于有亲密关系的
  •       深入的


  •       知己
  •       密友
  •       至交


  •       宣布,通知,通告
  •       暗示,暗指,透露
  •       提示,示意
  •       明白表示,说出来,明白告诉


  •       亲密的,密切的; 有性关系的 having or being a very close and friendly relationship; having a sexual relationship, especially outside marriage
  •       私人的,个人的 private and personal
  •       [A]详尽的,精通的 (of knowledge) detailed and obtained by deep study or long experience


  •       vt. 示意,暗示 make sth known (to sb), especially discreetly or indirectly


  •       [C]至交,密友 intimate friend

      The adjective and noun are pronounced /'ɪntɪmət/. The verb is pronounced /'ɪntɪmeɪt/. 形容词读作 /'ɪntɪmət/,动词读作 /'ɪntɪmeɪt/。

      1. 亲密的;密切的
      If you have an intimate friendship with someone, you know them very well and like them a lot.


      e.g. I discussed with my intimate friends whether I would immediately have a baby.

      He did not feel he had got to know them intimately.

      2. 有恋爱关系的;有性关系的
      If two people are in an intimate relationship, they are involved with each other in a loving or sexual way.

      e.g. I just won't discuss my intimate relationships.
      e.g. ...their intimate moments with their boyfriends.

      You have to be willing to get to know yourself and your partner intimately.

      3. 个人的;私下的;隐私的
      An intimate conversation or detail, for example, is very personal and private.


      e.g. He wrote about the intimate details of his family life...
      e.g. I hate to interrupt your intimate conversation but we do have an assignment to discuss.

      It was the first time they had attempted to talk intimately.

      4. 宁静怡人的;温馨的
      If you use intimate to describe an occasion or the atmosphere of a place, you like it because it is quiet and pleasant, and seems suitable for close conversations between friends.

      e.g. intimate candlelit dinner for two.

      5. (联系)密切的,紧密的
      An intimate connection between ideas or organizations, for example, is a very strong link between them.

      e.g. intimate connection between madness and wisdom...
      e.g. France has kept the most intimate links with its former African territories.

      Property and equities are intimately connected in Hong Kong.

      6. 深刻的;详尽的;精通的
      An intimate knowledge of something is a deep and detailed knowledge of it.

      e.g. He surprised me with his intimate knowledge of Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer.

      ...a golden age of musicians whose work she knew intimately.

      7. 暗示;提示
      If you intimate something, you say it in an indirect way.

      e.g. He went on to intimate that he was indeed contemplating a shake-up of the company...
      e.g. He had intimated to the French and Russians his readiness to come to a settlement.

      1. 亲密的:这些都是矛盾的姿势,亲密的(intimate),身体上的争斗. 当这场身体的斗争被译成正式的逻辑(表述)时,就出现了矛盾的陈述. 这种幽灵的回归(revenance)并非偶然地降临在言语(words)头上,随之而来的是临近某个(some)或多余的(spare)他者的死亡.

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       He is my intimate friend.
  •       She is on intimate terms with John.
  •       I can't tell them my intimate thoughts.
  •       This is an intimate knowledge of African religions.


  •       Both felt that they had become very intimate.
  •       The question is intimate.


  •       He was intimate with her.
  •       I have long been intimate with him.

      用作形容词 (adj.)


      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       There is an intimate interdependence of intellect and morals.

    出自:R. W. Emerson
  •       A notice..intimating a reduction of ten per cent in the wages of miners.

    出自:Manchester Examiner
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


intimate, close, familiar
  •       这三个词的共同意思是“亲近,亲密”。其区别是:
  •       familiar指经常接触,长时间的交往使彼此熟悉,亲近,甚至随便,不拘小节; close指由于感情、爱好、兴趣等方面的接近而趋于亲近,也指关系上的亲密; intimate是正式用语,指由于有某种关系(如血缘关系、朋友关系等)或深刻了解彼此的思想感情,或有共同的爱好、志向而亲近。例如:
  •       His familiar behaviour annoys me,I don't know him at all well.他随便的态度使我很不自在,其实我和他一点也不熟悉。
  •       They are close friends.他们是亲密的朋友。
  •       He is on intimate terms with my father.他和我父亲的关系很亲密。
  •       v.(动词)

    intimate, hint, suggest
  •       这组词的共同意思是“暗示”,其区别是:
  •       hint和intimate指用间接、含蓄的语言“暗示”, intimate更为坦白; suggest可指直接“建议”,也可指暗中流露。例如:
  •       He hinted his dissatisfaction with her work.他暗示了对她工作的不满。
  •       She hinted that it was time we left.她暗示我们该走了。
  •       He intimated that he intended to marry her.他暗示要娶她。
  •       The dean intimated his approval of the plan.系主任表明同意这一计划。
    •       ☆ 17世纪30年代进入英语,直接源自后期拉丁语的intimatus,意为使人知晓,宣布;最初源自古典拉丁语的intimus,意为最里的。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.intimate

          Charles Darwin, over 150 years ago, imagined a world far busier, noisier and more intimate(亲密的) than the world we can see and hear.

          150多年前, 查尔斯·达尔文曾设想过一个比我们能看到和听到的世界更繁忙、更嘈杂、更亲密的世界。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          We are on intimate terms with our neighbors because they're very easy going.(我们与邻居保持着亲密的关系,因为他们很平易近人。)

          We post intimate photographs of ourselves.(我们贴出自己的私密照片。)

          She complained that intimate aspects of her personal life had been made public property.(她抱怨说,自己私人生活的极其隐私方面已经被公众当成了谈资。)

          Intimate distance ranges from direct physical contact to a distance of about 45 centimeters.(亲密距离的范围从直接物理接触到大约45厘米的距离。)

          They two are on intimate terms.(他们俩很亲近。)

          He knew an intimate little bar where they would not be disturbed.(他知道一处适合幽会的小酒吧,他们在那里不会受到打扰。)

          In particular, dairy maids, whose responsibility was to milk cows, and so they had a very intimate relationship with cattle, often didn't get smallpox.(特别是挤奶女工,她们的职责就是挤奶,因此她们与牛有着非常亲密的关系,通常不会得天花。)

          A primary group involves two or more people who enjoy a direct, intimate, cohesive relationship with one another.(一个基本群体包括两个或以上的人,彼此之间有直接、亲密、紧密的关系。)

          He surprised me with his intimate knowledge of Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer.(他对克尔恺郭尔和叔本华的深刻了解令我感到惊奇。)

          I discussed with my intimate friends whether I would immediately have a baby.(我和我的密友们商量我是不是该马上要孩子。)

          intimate是什么意思 intimate在线翻译 intimate什么意思 intimate的意思 intimate的翻译 intimate的解释 intimate的发音 intimate的同义词
