


      英 [ˌɪntrəˈdju:s]

      美 [ˌɪntrəˈdu:s]


      形容词: introducible 名词: introducer 过去式: introduced 过去分词: introduced 现在分词: introducing 第三人称单数: introduces


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  •       介绍,引见,使相互认识
  •       引进,传入
  •       采用,推行,推广
  •       提出,制定
  •       引出,引导
  •       使开始,使尝试
  •       作为…的开始;作为…的开头
  •       做(自我)介绍
  •       主持(节目)
  •       使初次了解
  •       实施
  •       创始
  •       将…放入
  •       带领
  •       输入
  •       把(某人)正式带入社交界


  •       vt. 介绍,引见 make known for the first time by telling the person's name to the other
  •       vt. 引进,提出 bring sth in
  •       vt. 实施 bring (new laws, etc.) into practice or use
  •       vt. 将…放〔插〕 put sth (into sth)
  •       vt. 作为…的开头 be a sign that (sth) is about to happen; signal the start of



      1. introduce

      e.g. Insert your ticket here

      Synonym: insertencloseinclosestick input in

      2. be a precursor of

      e.g. The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period

      Synonym: inaugurateusher in

      3. put before (a body)

      e.g. introduce legislation

      4. cause to come to know personally

      e.g. permit me to acquaint you with my son
      introduce the new neighbors to the community

      Synonym: presentacquaint

      5. furnish with a preface or introduction

      e.g. She always precedes her lectures with a joke
      He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution

      Synonym: precedeprefacepremise

      6. bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.

      Synonym: bring out

      7. put or introduce into something

      e.g. insert a picture into the text

      Synonym: insertinfixenter

      8. bring in or establish in a new place or environment

      e.g. introduce a rule
      introduce exotic fruits

      9. bring something new to an environment

      e.g. A new word processor was introduced

      Synonym: innovate

      10. bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment

      e.g. He brought in a new judge
      The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor

      Synonym: bring in

      1. 引进;首次引入;推行
      To introduce something means to cause it to enter a place or exist in a system for the first time.

      e.g. The Government has introduced a number of other money-saving moves...
      e.g. I kept the birds indoors all winter and introduced them into an aviary the following June...

      He is best remembered for the introduction of the moving assembly-line.
      ...the introduction of a privacy bill to prevent press intrusions into private lives.

      2. 介绍;使了解;使初次接触
      If you introduce someone to something, you cause them to learn about it or experience it for the first time.

      e.g. He introduced us to the delights of natural food.

      His introduction to League football would have been gentler if he had started at a smaller club...
      It was Sergeant Miller's introduction to a crime which has occupied him for nearly nine years.

      3. 介绍;引荐;使相互认识
      If you introduce one person to another, or you introduce two people, you tell them each other's names, so that they can get to know each other. If you introduce yourself to someone, you tell them your name.

      e.g. Tim, may I introduce you to my uncle's secretary, Mary Waller?...
      e.g. Someone introduced us and I sat next to him...

      With considerable shyness, Elaine performed the introductions.

      4. 为(电视或广播节目)做开场白;主持
      The person who introduces a television or radio programme speaks at the beginning of it, and often between the different items in it, in order to explain what the programme or the items are about.

      e.g. 'Health Matters' is introduced by Dick Oliver on BBC World Service.

      1. 介绍:) Part I : 介绍(Introduce) 互联网行业产品经理的一项重要工作,就是进行产品原型设计(Prototype Design). 而产品原型设计最基础的工作,就是结合批注、大量的说明以及流程图画框架图wireframe,将自己的产品原型完整而准确的表述给UI、UE、程序工程师,

      2. 简介:类型(Type) 爱情 分级(Class) 普遍级语言(language) 英语发音 字幕(subtitle) 中英韩泰文字幕演员(cast) 茱莉蝶儿 Julie Delpy 伊森霍克 Ethan Hawke 简介(introduce) 年轻人杰西到欧洲旅游在火车上和一名法国女子偶遇男子杰

      3. 引入:有些鸟类被认为引入(introduce)到某些地区,作为猎鸟(game bird)使用. ...

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:Is that the office manager over there?


      B:Yes, it is,


      A:I haven‘t met him yet.

      B:I‘ll introduce him to you .


      A:May I introduce myself? I am Mr. Smith.

      B:Glad to meet you, Mr. Smith. My name is Mr. Green.


      A:Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent?

      B:Haven‘t you met yet?


      A:No, we haven‘t.

      B:I‘ll be glad to do it.


    引进; 插入 put sb/sth inside sth or bring sb/sth into sth
    introduce sb/sth into sth

          He introduced the guest into the room.


          She introduced me into the lobby.


          You need a special tool to introduce the pipe into the hole.


          Introduce the tube into that conduit, please.


          Shakespeare always introduced some comic relief into his tragedies.


          The Romans introduced roads into Britain.


          Modern scientific inventions have introduced many new words into the language.


          They introduced the subject into the conversation.


          They intended to introduce investment and technology into the region.


          The author introduced thieves' slang into his novel.


          The educational bureau demands that all schools introduce a new course into the curriculum.


          She was introduced into upper society.


          A thin, hollow needle was carefully introduced into the patient's abdomen.


          A small amount of alcohol was introduced into the mixture.


          The people are still not very familiar with the machine as it has been introduced into the country only recently.


          Tea was introduced into Europe from Asia .


          Many fruits and vegetables have been introduced into Taiwan in recent years.


          Buddhism was introduced into China about 67 AD.


          Printing was introduced into Europe from China many years ago.


          Gunpowder was introduced into Europe during the first half of the 14th century.


          The police have a good idea how most of the cannabis that is introduced into the country gets past the Customs.


          New technology from the West is being introduced into China.


          Many cars are introduced into China from Japan.


          New machines were introduced into the factory. As a result, not only were time and energy saved but production was greatly increased.


          A Bill was introduced into the parliament yesterday.



  •       Permit me to introduce myself.
  •       Let me introduce him. This is Mr. Turner, our American friend.
  •       It's my great pleasure to introduce tonight's speaker,Professor Lewis.
  •       She introduced a suggestion that the committee should meet every week.
  •       In February 1967, he introduced the Shipbuilding Industry Bill.1967
  •       He introduced some radical reforms.
  •       Farmers are introducing innovations that increase productivity.
  •       Our factory has introduced a number of advanced techniques this year.
  •       Space science has introduced many new words.
  •       Relative pronouns and adverbs introduce attributive clauses.
  •       A slow theme introduces the first movement.
  •       An enormous orchestral crescendo introduces the climax of the opera.
  • 1
  •       I know your name, although we have never been introduced.
  •       The Bill will be introduced in the next conversation.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The fourth member was..Liz,..introduced for reasons of utility.

    出自:G. Greene
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       introduce的基本含义是“引导到里面”,常用于第一次正式使某人认识或了解某人或某事物,可以自我介绍,也可以介绍别人。introduce还有“引进”“实施”“采用”“插入”“作为…的开头”等意思。
  •       introduce是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,把自己介绍给别人时接反身代词。可用于被动结构。introduce的宾语后面接介词to时表示“向某人介绍”“把…介绍给某人”; 接介词into时,表示“传入”“引进”“采用”。


introduce, recommend
  •       这两个词的共同意思是“介绍”。其区别在于:
  •       1.introduce的含义是介绍某人或某物本身,使其被认识; recommend的含义是介绍某人或某物的优点、长处,使其被采用。例如:
  •       He introduced the young man to the manager.他把那个年轻人介绍给了经理。
  •       He recommended strongly the young man to the manager.他极力向经理推荐那个年轻人。
  •       2.recommend可用于“recommend sb sth ”句型,而introduce不能这样用。例如:
  •       The publishing house introduced a series of books to the public.那家出版社向公众推出一套丛书。
  •       The librarian recommended me a new novel.图书馆员向我推荐了一本新小说。
  •       v.(动词)


            误 May I introduce you my old friend Mr. White?

            正 May I introduce my old friend Mr. White to you?


            误 May I introduce her you?

            正 May I introduce her to you?

            析 表示“将某人或某事介绍给他人”,应该说introduce sb/sth to sb else 。


            误 I asked my friends to introduce a doctor who is good with children.

            正 I asked my friends to recommend a doctor who is good with children.


            误 Will you introduce me an English-Chinese dictionary?

            正 Will you recommend me an English-Chinese dictionary?

            析 introduce 表示“介绍(某人与某人相识)”,若表示“推荐(某人,实物,工作,职位等)”应该用recommend。


            误 I was introduced into all his friends.

            正 I was introduced to all his friends.

            析 introduce与to连用时常指某人,与into连用时常指某地。

    •       ☆ 15世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的introducere。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.introduce

          Chinese people who live abroad introduced most of these foods.



          中考真题例句OG 2.introduce

          The book named Variety in the Animal Kingdom simply introduces the huge variety of the animal kingdom.



          中考真题例句OG 3.introduce

          He was the first to introduce Beijing Opera to foreigners.



          中考真题例句OG 4.introduce

          The purpose of the article is to introduce the development of schoolbags.



          中考真题例句OG 1.introduce

          I will introduce him to you before the meeting.



          中考真题例句OG 2.introduce

          It's my pleasure to introduce myself to you.



          中考真题例句OG 3.introduce

          People are introduced from the oldest to the youngest.



          中考真题例句OG 1.introduce

          Introduce the beavers to the wild



          高考真题例句OG 1.introduce

          That changed when a system of high-tech mirrors was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰)into the valley below.

          当一套高科技的镜子系统被引入后, 这种情况发生了改变, 它可以将相邻山峰的阳光反射到下面的山谷中。


          高考真题例句OG 1.introduce

          I first met Paul Newman in 1968, when George Roy Hill, the director of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, introduced us in New York City.

          我第一次见到保罗·纽曼是在1968年, 当时《虎豹小霸王》的导演乔治·罗伊·希尔, 在纽约介绍我们互相认识。


          考研真题例句OG 1.introduce

          The Government has pledged to change the law to introduce a minimum service requirement.



          考研真题例句OG 2.introduce

          Wales has introduced special low speed limits to minimise pollution.



          考研真题例句OG 3.introduce

          Many countries are introducing English into the primary-school curriculum.



          考研真题例句OG 1.introduce

          Sixty toddlers were each introduced to an adult tester holding a plastic container.



          考研真题例句OG 2.introduce

          As others introduced later in the book will also do.



          考研真题例句OG 3.introduce

          Cline introduced her ideal, a Brooklyn woman named Sarah Kate Beaumont.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          They want to introduce a new brand.(他们想介绍一个新品牌。)

          Games are starting to introduce something similar, like mourning the dead.(游戏也开始引入类似的东西,比如哀悼死者。)

          To introduce Justin Tong's success.(介绍JustinTong的成功。)

          Members of the city council and distinguished guests, it is my privilege to introduce to you today, Mr.Smith.(市议会的议员们和尊贵的客人们,我很荣幸今天向你们介绍史密斯先生。)

          Introduce yourself and start a conversation about something you have in common.(介绍你自己,然后开始谈论你们的共同点。)

          After you introduce the topic, pause to hear what your partner says.(在你引入了这个话题后,停下来听听你的伴侣怎么说。)

          In this section, we simply introduce the ideas behind it.(在此部分中,我们简单介绍其背后的理念。)

          Introduce the local cultures.(介绍当地文化。)

          We introduce fragment identifiers for the speakers.(我们为演讲者引入了片段标识符。)

          They want to introduce the way that people communicate and express themselves around the world.(他们想要介绍世界各地人们交流和表达自己的方式。)

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          introduce是什么意思 introduce在线翻译 introduce什么意思 introduce的意思 introduce的翻译 introduce的解释 introduce的发音 introduce的同义词
