




      形容词: inventorial 副词: inventorially 名词复数: inventories 过去式: inventoried 过去分词: inventoried 现在分词: inventorying 第三人称单数: inventories

  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义


  •       存货,库存,盘存,藏量,库存量
  •       清单,存货清单,存货盘存(报表),报表
  •       详细目录,目录
  •       财产目录,财产清单,财产目录的编制
  •       清单上开列的货品
  •       藏书
  •       存贮问题


  •       编制,编制目录,把…登入目录
  •       盘存,清点存货,验看
  •       开清,开列…的存货清单,
  •       列入详细目录


  •       [C]详细目录,存货清单 a list, especially one of all the goods in a place


  •       a detailed list of all the items in stock
  •       the merchandise that a shop has on hand;

          "they carried a vast inventory of hardware"
          "they stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory"

  •       (accounting) the value of a firm's current assets including raw materials and work in progress and finished goods
  •       a collection of resources;

          "he dipped into his intellectual armory to find an answer"

  •       making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand;

          "an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing"
          "they held an inventory every month"


  •       make or include in an itemized record or report;

          "Inventory all books before the end of the year"

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       This is a detailed inventory of all the jobs to be done.
  •       The inventory showed that the store was overstocked.
  •       She..made an inventory of all the objects on the desk.

    出自:S. Bellow
  •       Alex was making an inventory of Sarah's Philadelphia house.

    出自:E. Hardwick
  •       近义词

  •       临近词



      inventorying是什么意思 inventorying在线翻译 inventorying什么意思 inventorying的意思 inventorying的翻译 inventorying的解释 inventorying的发音 inventorying的同义词