


      英 [hɔ:lt]

      美 [hɔlt]




      过去式: halted 过去分词: halted 现在分词: halting 第三人称单数: halts


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  •       停止,终止,暂停
  •       立定
  •       (铁路)小站,电车站
  •       止步,暂停前进,停住
  •       跛行
  •       歇脚,暂时休息
  •       临时站
  •       临界点
  •       阻止
  •       停顿,中断


  •       停止,终止,暂停
  •       使停止,使终止
  •       停止行进,停住脚步
  •       使停止行进
  •       立定,站住,站
  •       使立定
  •       踌躇,犹豫
  •       歇下,休息
  •       遏制,制止,阻止
  •       停住,停下
  •       制服,压伏下去
  •       使驻扎
  •       跛行


  •       [S]停住,停止,暂停 temporary stop; interruption of progress


  •       vt. & vi. (使)停下来 (cause to) stop for a time; (cause to) bring to a halt
  •       vi. 拿不准; 犹豫 be in doubt; hesitate
  •       vi. 有缺点; 欠完整 be fault or imperfect


      1. an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement

      e.g. a halt in the arms race
      a nuclear freeze

      Synonym: freeze

      2. the event of something ending

      e.g. it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill

      Synonym: stop

      3. the state of inactivity following an interruption

      e.g. the negotiations were in arrest
      held them in check
      during the halt he got some lunch
      the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow
      he spent the entire stop in his seat

      Synonym: arrestcheckhitchstaystopstoppage



      1. stop the flow of a liquid

      e.g. staunch the blood flow
      stem the tide

      Synonym: stemstanchstaunch

      2. cause to stop

      e.g. Halt the engines
      Arrest the progress
      halt the presses

      Synonym: holdarrest

      3. come to a halt, stop moving

      e.g. the car stopped
      She stopped in front of a store window

      Synonym: stop

      4. stop from happening or developing

      e.g. Block his election
      Halt the process

      Synonym: stopblockkibosh


      1. disabled in the feet or legs

      e.g. a crippled soldier
      a game leg

      Synonym: crippledhaltinglamegimpygame

      1. (使)停止行进;(使)停住
      When a person or a vehicle halts or when something halts them, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still.

      e.g. They halted at a short distance from the house...
      e.g. The engine note changed as the aircraft landed, taxied and halted...

      2. (使)(生长、发展、活动等)停止(或中止)
      When something such as growth, development, or activity halts or when you halt it, it stops completely.

      e.g. Striking workers halted production at the auto plant yesterday...
      e.g. He criticised the government for failing to halt economic decline...

      3. (军队口令)立定!站住!停止前进!
      'Halt!' is a military order to stop walking or marching and stand still.


      e.g. The colonel ordered 'Halt!'

      4. (只有小型站台、无建筑物的)小火车站
      A halt is a very small station on a country railway line, which often consists only of a short platform and no building.

      5. 下令停止;叫停
      If someone calls a halt to something such as an activity, they decide not to continue with it or to end it immediately.

      e.g. The Russian government had called a halt to the construction of a new project in the Rostov region.

      6. 停止移动;停下
      If someone or something comes to a halt, they stop moving.


      e.g. Sofia and Alex came to a halt and both tried to regain their breath...
      e.g. The elevator creaked to a halt at the ground floor.

      7. (使)(生长、发展、活动等)完全停止
      If something such as growth, development, or activity comes or grinds to a halt or is brought to a halt, it stops completely.

      e.g. Her political career came to a halt in December 1988...
      e.g. Air traffic in Poland has been brought to a halt by an air traffic controllers' strike.

      1. halt是什么意思

      1. 关机:通知各个进程该退出了,最后关机(halt)或者重启(reboot),通知各个进程该退出了,最后关机(halt)或者重启(reboot),

      2. 停止:LED指示:运行(RUN)/停止(HALT)和系统故障指示. 用一台手提电脑可以在现场或远方方便地连接到D20M专用的维护诊断接口上,用WESMAINT可以监视和模拟实时数据,用D20M监视器(Mornitor)度量和分析串行通信数据,

      3. 停步:给予英雄指令就可以让他他使用某种能力,点击在城市中英雄即可选择指令,指令分为巡逻(Patrol)、停步(Halt)、召唤军队(CallTroops)、捕捉动物(CaptureAnimals)、遣散(Dismiss)、祝福(Bless).


      4. 关闭系统:[-h] 关闭系统(halt)公司内网无法访问外网Oracle服务器(Windows)查询( Query )处理步骤 1查询( Query )处理步骤检查点后台进程(CKPT)用于更新所有数据文件和控制文件的标题以反映该进程已成功完成,使数据库文件同步.

      5. halt的近义词

      5. halt:highly accelerated life testing; 高加速寿命试验

      6. halt的意思

      6. halt:highly accelerated life test; 高加速寿命试验halt


      7. halt:hlt; 暂停,停机


      8. halt:h; 停止,停机

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       When the children's play got too noisy, their mother called a halt.
  •       The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident.
  •       It's about time we called a halt to all this senseless arguing.


  •       Halt there!
  •       The soldiers halted and rested from their march.
  •       The argument often halts and sometimes breaks down completely.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       At last they could go no further without a halt.

  •       The radio series came to a temporary halt in June.

    出自:K. Williams
  •       I'll never know with what halt steps You mounted to this plain eclipse.

    出自:P. Porter
  •       The halt and the maimed..joined in as best they could.

  •       How long halt ye between two opinions?

    出自:Bible (AV): 1 Kings
  •       A sentry's voice westward: Halt! Who goes there?

    出自:G. B. Shaw
  •       He raced down the deck, halting to caress the rusty winches.

    出自:H. Fast
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       halt用作名词时意为“停止”,转化为动词意为“使停止”“制止”,多指骤然有力、果断地、暂时地终止。
  •       halt既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作不及物动词意思是“停止(前进)”,多用于哨兵喊话。用作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。


halt, cease, discontinue, stop
  •       这组词都可表示“中断”“停止”。其区别在于:
  •       1.在指某种状态或活动的结束时, stop和cease可以互换。
  •       2.stop是这几个词当中概念最广泛,使用最多、最普通的词。cease的概念较窄,语气较严肃,是正式用语。discontinue也是正式用语。
  •       3.stop既可指运动或行为的迅速中断,又可指某种状态或活动的结束;cease主要指某种状态或活动的结束或不复存在;discontinue则指长期存在着的习惯或习惯性的活动中止了;halt指骤然有力地终止。
    •       ☆ 17世纪20年代进入英语,直接源自法语的halte;最初源自古高地德语的halten,意为拿,握。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          He slammed on the brakes and the car juddered to a halt.(他猛踩刹车,汽车在剧烈震动中停下来。)

          The production lines ground to a halt for hours while technicians tried to debug software.(生产线陷入停顿数小时,与此同时,技术人员尽力排除软件故障。)

          The car screeched to a halt outside the hospital.(汽车嘎地在医院外面停住。)

          The leading car came to a halt.(行驶在前面的车停了下来。)

          The truck braked to a halt.(那辆卡车刹住了。)

          The bus jerked to a halt.(那辆公共汽车猛地一颠停下了。)

          He pushed in the clutch and coasted to a halt.(他踩下离合器,滑行了一会儿便停下来了。)

          We need to take corrective action to halt this country's decline.(我们得采取纠偏行动来阻止这个国家的衰落。)

          Targland plans to halt this population decline by blocking the current access routes into the desert and announcing new regulations to allow access only on foot.(塔格兰德计划通过封锁目前进入沙漠的通道,并宣布新的规定,即只允许步行进入沙漠,来阻止这种人口的减少。)

          The car squealed to a halt.(汽车嘎的一声停了下来。)

          halt是什么意思 halt在线翻译 halt什么意思 halt的意思 halt的翻译 halt的解释 halt的发音 halt的同义词
