


      英 [ˈhju:mərəs]

      美 [ˈhjumərəs]


      副词: humorously 名词: humorousness


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  •       诙谐的
  •       有幽默感的
  •       幽默的
  •       可笑的
  •       滑稽的
  •       滑稽有趣的
  •       轻佻的
  •       喜剧的
  •       风趣的
  •       想入非非的异想天开的
  •       反复无常的
  •       变幻莫测的
  •       潮湿的湿润的


  •       幽默的,诙谐的 having or showing a sense of humor; funny


      1. full of or characterized by humor

      e.g. humorous stories
      humorous cartoons
      in a humorous vein

      Synonym: humourous

      1. 滑稽的;(尤指)幽默的,诙谐的
      If someone or something is humorous, they are amusing, especially in a clever or witty way.

      e.g. He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him.
      e.g. ...a humorous magazine.

      He looked at me humorously as he wrestled with the door...
      Occasionally he made a humorously sardonic remark.

      1. 幽默的:二年前我就提出本校的大学理念,当时开会经由全体教职员热烈鼓掌通过,真理大学就是要宣扬谦逊的(Humble)、人道的(Humane)、幽默的(Humorous)三 H 的大学理念,来教育学生,来培养学生,希望人人具有健全发展的人格.

      2. 的:根据美国户外广告协会(OAAA)的说法, 一般而言,有创意的(innovative), 有美感的(aesthetic), 或幽默的(humorous)户外广告, 才能吸引受众的注意,引发消费者会心的一笑, 同时增加对广告的记忆度.

      3. 有幽默:hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的 | humorous 有幽默 | impartial 公正的

  •       常用例句


  •       This is a humorous novel.
  •       He is a very kindly and rather humorous man.
  •       词义讲解


  •       这几个词都可表示“引人发笑的”。其区别是:
  •       amusing表示“逗笑的,令人开心的”;funny表示“可笑的,滑稽的”,语意比amusing强,在口语中,还有“不可理解”的意思;comical表示“喜剧性的,令人捧腹的”,只用于人的表情、行为或某一局面等,很少用来指具体事物;humorous表示“幽默的”,指有意识地产生一种轻松可笑的效果;ridiculous表示“荒谬的,愚蠢的”,有时可引申为“令人发笑的”,具有鄙视的意味。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.humorous

          Both of us had the qualities and virtues that are typical of American actors: humorous, aggressive, and making fun of each other—but always with an underlying affection.

          我们两个都有着美国演员特有的品格和美德:幽默, 进取, 爱彼此打趣——但心底还是敬重对方。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          I'm not exactly sure what she does there, but it seems to be related to humorous poems.(我并不确切地知道她在那里做什么,但似乎与幽默诗歌有关。)

          The Jordan III have been well-known using the humorous ads depicting Spike Lee as Mars Blackmon.(乔丹三世因使用幽默的广告将斯派克·李描绘为火星·布莱蒙克而著名。)

          Feminist reclamations of Fern, by contrast, emphasize her non-sentimental qualities, particularly her sharply humorous social criticism.(相反,女权主义者对弗恩的重新分析强调她非感伤性的品质,尤其是她尖锐地幽默的社会批判。)

          The humorous poem was admirably recited, and the speaker much applauded.(这首幽默诗朗诵得特别好,观众给予他热烈的掌声。)

          The British teacher is very humorous and always tells us jokes.(这个英国老师非常幽默,经常给我们讲笑话。)

          The Prince was being humorous—"My sense of humor will get me into trouble one day," he has confided to aides—but listening to Charles Windsor can indeed prove stimulating.(王子很幽默——他曾向助手透露:“我的幽默感总有一天会让我惹上麻烦。”不过,听查尔斯·温莎的演讲确实令人振奋。)

          This host is both humorous and funny.(这个主持人既幽默又风趣。)

          The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.(该作品文笔痛快地犀利和极端地幽默。)

          In the advance of the movement, the humorous saying has acquired a proverbial currency, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing world. I've done it hundreds of time."(在这一运动的推进中,幽默的说法众所周知:“戒烟是世界上最容易的事。”我已经做过几百次了。”)

          The OED defines LOL as an interjection "used chiefly in electronic communications… to draw attention to a joke or humorous statement, or to express amusement".(《牛津英语词典》将LOL定义为一个叹词,“主要用于电子通信……以引起对笑话和幽默语句的注意,或表示可笑”。)

          humorous是什么意思 humorous在线翻译 humorous什么意思 humorous的意思 humorous的翻译 humorous的解释 humorous的发音 humorous的同义词
