


      英 [mɒb]

      美 [mɑ:b]



      形容词: mobbish 副词: mobbishly 过去式: mobbed 过去分词: mobbed 现在分词: mobbing 第三人称单数: mobs


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  •       暴民,暴徒,乌合之众
  •       群氓,下层民众
  •       人群
  •       (罪犯、恶棍的)一群,一伙,帮派,团伙
  •       民众,大众
  •       犯罪团伙,犯罪集团
  •       黑手党(the Mob)
  •       一群罪犯
  •       兽群,牧群,畜群


  •       聚众闹事的
  •       暴民的


  •       聚众滋事,聚众滋扰,聚众生事,成群暴动
  •       成群袭击,围攻,聚众袭击
  •       围拢,围聚,成群围住,聚众包围,大举包围
  •       蜂拥进入,成群结队地涌进或围着
  •       成群结队地骚扰


  •       [C]暴徒 a large noisy crowd, especially one which is violent


  •       vt. 聚众包围 crowd round (sb) noisily in great numbers


      1. a disorderly crowd of people

      Synonym: rabblerout

      2. an association of criminals

      e.g. police tried to break up the gang
      a pack of thieves

      Synonym: gangpackring

      3. a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities

      Synonym: syndicatecrime syndicatefamily


      1. press tightly together or cram

      e.g. The crowd packed the auditorium

      Synonym: throngpackpilejam

      1. 暴民;乌合之众
      A mob is a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people.

      e.g. Bottles and cans were hurled on the terraces by the mob...
      e.g. The inspectors watched a growing mob of demonstrators gathering.

      2. 大众(含贬义);(尤指)愤怒暴乱的群众
      People sometimes use the mob to refer in a disapproving way to the majority of people in a country or place, especially when these people are behaving in a violent or uncontrolled way.

      e.g. If they continue like this there is a danger of the mob taking over...
      e.g. They have been exercising what amounts to mob rule.

      3. 黑社会;犯罪集团
      You can refer to the people involved in organized crime as the Mob .

      e.g. ...casinos that the Mob had operated...
      e.g. It was a Mob killing.

      4. 团团围住;成群围住
      If you say that someone is being mobbed by a crowd of people, you mean that the people are trying to talk to them or get near them in an enthusiastic or threatening way.

      e.g. Her car was mobbed by the media...
      e.g. They found themselves being mobbed in the street for autographs.

      1. 怪物:Q:我很好奇,当治疗一个被怪物(mob)攻击的人[被攻击者]时,和治疗一个攻击怪物但自身没受到攻击的人[伤害输出者]时,效果有什么不同呢?Q:是不是说消失(fade) 只是将仇恨暂时的减去了10秒或20秒?在fade效果消失后又加回来了呢?


      2. 群氓:)在这一点辜鸿明在<>(春秋大义)中再三表示对群氓(mob)的蔑视,的确是儒者本色. 孔子对樊迟的鄙夷也是同样的意思. 对于自己不感兴趣的事情,没有理由作太多的臧否. 所以,作为一个儒家信徒,我不讨厌基督教.

      3. mob的近义词

      3. mob:management by objectives; 目标管理

      4. mob:mobility; 包括松动度


      5. mob:mobile offshore base; 移动式海上基地

      6. mob

      6. mob:main operating base; 主要作战基地

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    向前挤 crowd forward
    mob forward

          The newsmen mobbed forward.



  •       An angry mob is attacking the palace.
  •       The mob were throwing up their caps and cheering.
  •       Mobs collected round the court.
  •       Whose mob is he with?


  •       Fans mobbed the actor where he went.
  •       The demonstrators mobbed the police.
  •       The angry crowd mobbed the losing team as it left the football ground.
  •       Customers mob the stores on sale days.
  • 1
  •       He was mobbed by his supporters.
  •       The pickpocket was mobbed by angry women.
  •       The restaurant was mobbed by a large crowd.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       A lawless mob..looting and defying the police.

    出自:B. Mason
  •       I've just escaped death at the hands of a mob.

    出自:J. Nagenda
  •       You will be mobbed and unable to leave the place.

    出自:R. K. Narayan
  •       The American Embassy was being mobbed.

    出自:D. Johnson
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       mob用作名词时的基本意思是“成群的暴徒”,引申还可表示“有势力的犯罪集团〔团伙〕”。mob是可数集合名词,当以其单数形式作主语时,如强调一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式,如强调其成员,谓语动词用复数形式。


  •       mob用作名词时意思是“暴民”“下层民众”,转化为动词时表示“聚众包围”,多指不善意地“围攻”。
  •       mob多用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
  •       mob的过去式、过去分词均为mobbed。


mob, band, circle, crowd, gang, group, herd, host, mass, multitude, set
  •       这组词的共同意思 是“一伙人”。其区别在于:
  •       1.从组成上说:band常指有共同目的的、有领导者的一群人。 circle指因志同道合而形成的圈子或结成的团体,聚会频繁,文明高雅。crowd指毫无秩序地挤在一起的人群, 含有混乱、拥挤的意味。gang指为一个目标而聚在一起的一伙人, 常指在一起干坏事的人。group既可指有组织、有秩序的一群人, 也可指为一定目的临时聚在一起的一伙人;可指志趣相投的人,也可指社会团体;关系可密切,也可以是泛泛之交。herd 指有盲目追随心理的一群人。host指散落开来的一群人,也指军队或备有武装的人。mass指群众, 民众。mob指乌合之众或心怀不满而聚在一起寻衅滋事的一群人。multitude常指人数庞大的人群。set指有共同社会地位或相同目的的社会团体,也可泛指广泛的人群, 有时可指势力集团。
  •       2.从用法上说:mass常用于复数形式;set常用于单数形式。
  •       3.从修辞色彩上说:band, gang, herd, mob多含贬义;set指势力集团时也含有贬义。
  •       4.从语体上说:host, set是口语用词;multitude是正式用词或较陈旧用词。
    •       ☆ 17世纪80年代进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的mobile vulgus,意为喜怒无常的群众。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          So during good times, I make as much as a top drug dealer or mob guy-legally! Ethically.(赶上个好时机,我挣得和大毒枭或者犯罪集团一样多,合情又合法!)

          The riot police batoned the mob.(防暴警察用警棍打聚众闹事者。)

          People don’t mob me too bad.(人们对我还不算太过分。)

          He makes ends meet by working as a forger for the Mob.(他通过为犯罪团伙造假来养家糊口。)

          He gripped his brother's arm lest he be trampled by the mob.(他紧抓着他兄弟的胳膊,怕他让暴民踩着。)

          She pushed her way through the mob and confronted him face to face.(她从那群暴民中挤出来,与他当面对峙。)

          An angry mob gathered outside the courthouse.(一群愤怒的民众聚集到了法院外面。)

          One is definitely aware of another intelligence online: it's this hollering mob.(你肯定会意识到另一个在线者的智慧:那是这些沸腾的民众的智慧。)

          The mob advanced on us, shouting angrily.(暴民愤怒地喊叫着向我们逼近。)

          It's simple: The Internet turns us into a mob.(很简单:在网络上,每一个个体都成了群伙的一分子。)

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          mob是什么意思 mob在线翻译 mob什么意思 mob的意思 mob的翻译 mob的解释 mob的发音 mob的同义词
