


      英 [mɑ:sk]

      美 [mæsk]



      形容词: maskable 过去式: masked 过去分词: masked 现在分词: masking 第三人称单数: masks


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  •       假面具,面具
  •       掩饰,伪装
  •       口实
  •       面罩;口罩
  •       防护面具,防毒面具
  •       化装舞会
  •       戴假面具的人
  •       面模,面部模型
  •       【建】怪状人面装饰
  •       护面
  •       面膜
  •       掩蔽物
  •       【物】掩模
  •       假面剧
  •       蜡模遗容
  •       【计】 掩码


  •       化装
  •       使模糊
  •       掩饰,伪装,使不被察觉
  •       在戴面具,戴假面具
  •       参加化装舞会,化装准备参加假面舞会
  •       蒙蔽,遮蔽,屏蔽
  •       隐
  •       覆
  •       【军】掩蔽,隐蔽(兵力、炮位)
  •       掩护
  •       妨碍(友军)炮火射程
  •       【印】用蒙片修正(底片色调)
  •       【摄】用蔽光框修改
  •       掩盖,掩藏
  •       使...发昏
  •       用面具遮住


  •       [C]面具,面罩 covering for the face, or part of it, worn as a disguise
  •       [S]用作掩饰的事物; 掩饰; 伪装 thing that hides the truth; pretence


  •       vt. 用面具遮住;掩盖,掩饰 hide with a mask;keep from being seen or noticed


      1. activity that tries to conceal something

      e.g. no mask could conceal his ignorance
      they moved in under a mask of friendship

      2. a covering to disguise or conceal the face

      3. a protective covering worn over the face

      4. a party of guests wearing costumes and masks

      Synonym: masquerademasquerade partymasque



      1. put a mask on or cover with a mask

      e.g. Mask the children for Halloween

      2. shield from light

      Synonym: block out

      3. cover with a sauce

      e.g. mask the meat

      4. hide under a false appearance

      e.g. He masked his disappointment

      Synonym: dissemblecloak

      5. make unrecognizable

      e.g. The herb masks the garlic taste
      We disguised our faces before robbing the bank

      Synonym: disguise

      1. 面具;面罩;假面
      A mask is a piece of cloth or other material, which you wear over your face so that people cannot see who you are, or so that you look like someone or something else.

      e.g. The gunman, whose mask had slipped, fled.
      e.g. ...actors wearing masks.

      2. (防细菌或有害物质的)防护面罩,面具,口罩
      A mask is a piece of cloth or other material that you wear over all or part of your face to protect you from germs or harmful substances.


      e.g. You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes...
      e.g. She wore a surgical mask and rubber gloves while she worked with the samples.

      3. (掩盖真实感情或性格的)伪装,掩饰
      If you describe someone's behaviour as a mask, you mean that they do not show their real feelings or character.

      e.g. His mask of detachment cracked, and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man.

      4. (护肤用的)面膜
      A mask is a thick cream or paste made of various substances, which you spread over your face and leave for some time in order to improve your skin.

      e.g. This mask leaves your complexion feeling soft and supple.

      5. 掩饰(情感);伪装
      If you mask your feelings, you deliberately do not show them in your behaviour, so that people cannot know what you really feel.


      e.g. Dena lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation.

      6. 遮住;掩蔽;使…不易察觉
      If one thing masks another, it prevents people from noticing or recognizing the other thing.

      e.g. A thick grey cloud masked the sun...
      e.g. Too much salt masks the true flavour of the food...

      7. see also: death mask;gas mask;oxygen mask

      1. 面膜:温热效果还会使角质软化,毛细孔扩大,让堆积在里撕拉式面膜(Mask)是利用面膜(Mask)和皮肤的充分接触和黏合, 在面膜(Mask)被撕...一边泡澡一边敷面膜(Mask)实在是一个很省时的聪慧做法,但要视你所选择的面膜(Mask...面膜(Mask)是护肤品中的大餐,虽然效果很好,

      2. mask

      2. (遮罩):通道和遮罩 9.1 通道的基本功能 9.2 通道控制面板组成 9.3 通道的操作 9.3.1 新建通道 9.3.2 复制和删除通道 9.3.3 分离与合并通道 9.3.4 Spot Color(复合点彩色)通道 9.4 使用遮罩(Mask) 9.4.1 遮罩(Mask)的基本功能 9.4

      3. 口罩:2. 隔热原料可能对人身体尤其肺部有损害. 所以在阁楼(attic)内要戴护目镜(Goggle),口罩(mask),手套(work glove),穿长袖衣裤,长筒袜和鞋子,裤腿扎好.

      4. mask:multiple amplitude shift keying; 多进制幅移键控

      5. mask:multilevel amplitude shift keying; 多级振幅换档键控

  •       常用短语

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  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    用…来掩饰… hide sth with sth
    mask sth behind sth

          He is good at masking his real character behind an assumed manner.



  •       Surgeons wear masks to prevent the spread of infection.
  •       Many of the dancers at the fancy dress ball wore colorful masks.
  •       Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature.
  •       He hid his hatred under a mask of loyalty.
  •       He conceals his worries behind a mask of nonchalance.


  •       The bank robbers masked their faces.
  •       If you put in too much pepper you'll mask the delicate flavour of the sauce.
  •       The shadow masked her face.
  •       This perfume won't mask the unpleasant smell.
  •       They masked their true intentions.
  •       His smile masked his anger.
  •       He managed to mask his feelings rather well.
  • 1
  •       Her eyes were masked by huge round sunglasses.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       I had no Mask but I ruffled my Hoods..about my face.

  •       I have no one to blush with me..To mask their brows and hide their infamy.

    出自:Rape of Lucrece,Shakespeare
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       mask的基本意思是用假面具或类似物伪装遮掩事物的真实特征、性质或人的真实意图或感情等。
  •       mask可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       mask的过去分词masked可用作形容词,在句中作定语。
  •       ☆ 16世纪30年代进入英语,直接源自中古法语的masque,意为盖起来隐藏,或者保护面部。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Too much salt will mask the true flavour of the food.(太多的盐会盖住食物本来的味道。)

      He longed to throw off the mask of respectability.(他渴望丢掉那副道貌岸然的伪装。)

      Increasingly, this apparent diversity is becoming a mask for a new type of conformity.(这种明显的多样性正日益成为一种新型一致性的面具。)

      He displays fire fighters' equipment, including the oxygen mask, which he encourages his listeners to play with and put on.(他展示了消防员的装备,包括氧气面罩,他鼓励听众把玩并试戴氧气面罩。)

      Get that mask off.(把那个面具摘掉。)

      All the people out of the door, wearing a mask, a hat, and gloves.(出门的人都戴上口罩,帽子和手套。)

      She says nothing after this encounter, remaining silent or speechless for the rest of the mask, but Milton clearly finds, I think, something threatening here.(在这次相遇后她什么都没说,在接下来的掩饰中也保持着沉默寡言,可我认为弥尔顿明显在这里找到了某种有威胁的东西。)

      Do you remember the rubber band on the back of that mask?(还记得面具后面的橡皮筋不?)

      She whipped the mask off her face.(她刷地一下子把脸上的面具摘掉了。)

      This is the kind of kite that has a wooden mask at the top of the frame—it's a mask of a human head—and you can clearly see it bas a tattoo and also a set of teeth.(这种风筝在框架的顶部有一个木制的面具——它是一个人头面具——你可以清楚地看到它有一个纹身和一副牙齿。)

      mask是什么意思 mask在线翻译 mask什么意思 mask的意思 mask的翻译 mask的解释 mask的发音 mask的同义词
