


      英 [lɑ:f]

      美 [læf]



      副词: laughingly 名词: laugher 过去式: laughed 过去分词: laughed 现在分词: laughing 第三人称单数: laughs


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  •       笑,大笑,哈哈大笑,放声大笑,纵声大笑,呵呵一笑,笑出声来
  •       使笑得
  •       用嘲笑逼使对方
  •       发笑
  •       以笑表示
  •       笑得使...
  •       呈现令人欢快的形态
  •       谈笑风生
  •       嘲笑
  •       处于有利地位
  •       别开玩笑了
  •       别让我笑掉大牙了
  •       发大财而喜笑颜开
  •       公然蔑视
  •       转喜为忧
  •       以笑感动
  •       笑逐颜开


  •       笑声,笑
  •       笑料,引人发笑的事情,令人发笑的事,趣事
  •       嘲笑,取乐,逗乐,逗趣
  •       玩笑,开玩笑
  •       令人开心的时刻
  •       引人发笑的人,逗笑好玩的人
  •       欢乐,娱乐


  •       vi. 笑,发笑,嘲笑 express amusement, happiness, scorn by making explosive sounds with the voice while smiling
  •       vt. 以笑表示…,以笑感动或影响 express by laughing;move or influence by laughter


  •       [C]笑,笑声,笑态 sound or manner of laughing
  •       [S]笑料 amusing incident or person


      1. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter

      e.g. he told a very funny joke
      he knows a million gags
      thanks for the laugh
      he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest
      even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point

      Synonym: jokegagjestjape

      2. a facial expression characteristic of a person laughing

      e.g. his face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision

      3. the sound of laughing

      Synonym: laughter



      1. produce laughter

      Synonym: express joyexpress mirth

      1. 笑;大笑
      When you laugh, you make a sound with your throat while smiling and show that you are happy or amused. People also sometimes laugh when they feel nervous or are being unfriendly.

      e.g. He was about to offer an explanation, but she was beginning to laugh...
      e.g. He laughed with pleasure when people said he looked like his dad...

      2. 嘲笑;讥笑
      If people laugh at someone or something, they mock them or make jokes about them.

      e.g. I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly...
      e.g. She wanted to laugh at the melodramatic way he was acting.

      3. 开玩笑;逗趣
      If you do something for a laugh or for laughs, you do it as a joke or for fun.


      e.g. They were persuaded onstage for a laugh by their mates...
      e.g. It's a project she's doing for laughs.

      4. 引人发笑;逗笑
      If a person or their comment gets a laugh or raises a laugh, they make the people listening to them laugh.


      e.g. If you can get a laugh by wearing a silly hat, you must have been born a comic...
      e.g. The joke got a big laugh, which encouraged me to continue.

      5. 好玩/ 开心/有点意思
      If you describe a situation as a laugh ,a good laugh, or a bit of a laugh, you think that it is fun and do not take it too seriously.

      e.g. Working there's great. It's quite a good laugh actually...
      e.g. It was a good laugh there!

      6. 开心果;逗笑好玩的人
      If you describe someone as a laugh or a good laugh, you like them because they are amusing and fun to be with.

      e.g. Mickey was a good laugh and great to have in the dressing room.

      7. (尤指经历了最初的苦恼不快后)觉得…可笑,对…一笑置之
      If you have a good laugh about something, you find it amusing and realize that it is funny, especially when the situation was at first upsetting.

      e.g. We've both had a good laugh about the accident despite what's happened.

      8. 笑到最后;取得最后胜利
      If you say that you have the last laugh, you mean that you become successful at something so that people who criticize or oppose you look foolish.

      e.g. Des O'Connor is expecting to have the last laugh on his critics by soaring to the top of the Christmas hit parade.

      9. 别让我笑掉大牙了;别逗了
      Some people reply to other people's comments or opinions by saying 'Don't make me laugh' when they disagree with them and think they are foolish or inaccurate.

      e.g. Claire, a poisoner? Don't make me laugh — She was just a lousy cook.

      10. (对于困境或令人失望的境况)何妨一笑,还有可笑之处
      If you say 'you've got to laugh' or 'you have to laugh', you are trying to see the amusing side of a difficult or disappointing situation rather than being sad or angry about it.

      e.g. The bikers have shown enough contempt of the law to ride their machines over police cars. 'You've got to laugh at their audacity,' said Mr Starkey.

      11. to laugh someone out of court -> see court
      to laugh in someone's face -> see face
      to laugh your head off -> see head
      no laughing matter -> see matter
      to laugh all the way to the bank -> see way

      相关词组:laugh off

      1. laugh的解释

      1. 大笑:根据王同亿主编的<>,大笑(Laugh)是指在爆发式的狂笑到抑制着的窃笑这一范围内,由于发声的结果将空气从肺部逐出,以此对某种感情(如欢乐、喜悦、嘲弄、窘迫或恐惧)作出一种有声可闻的表示,常伴有嘴或脸部肌肉的运动和眼睛的闪亮.

      2. 动词 笑:汉语中有些动词在及物方面对英语是起正迁移作用的,如买(buy)、看见(see)、抓住(seize)等等都是作及物动词,笑(laugh)、走(go)等等都用作不及物动词,而有些动词却是起负迁移作用的,如发生(happen或take place)、出现(appear)等等,

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

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  •       经典引文


    对…感到好笑而发笑 be amused about (sth)
    laugh about sb/sth

          We were laughing about your brother.


          They all laughed about the joke.


          It's not a matter to laugh about.



    蔑视;对…满不在乎 disregard;be careless of

      1. laugh over : 笑着谈论;

      2. laugh at : 嘲笑, 漠视;

      3. laugh down : 用笑声打断;

      4. laugh away : 谈笑中消磨时间;


  •       We were all laughing when he came in.
  •       He laughs best who laughs last.
  •       He did nothing but laugh.
  •       The boys and girls are jumping and laughing on the playground.
  •       He laughed inwardly though his face remained grave.
  •       He laughed heartily.
  •       She laughed merrily.
  •       They'd be laughing making nasty remarks, and make passes at her.


  •       She laughed her satisfaction.
  •       She laughed her denial.
  •       John laughed his approval.
  •       She laughed her good mood when she saw her mother.
  •       He laughed a hearty laugh.
  •       She laughed a merry laugh.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Mr. Pratte had very blue eyes with a great deal of laugh in them.

    出自:S. J. Duncan
  •       Jean Marie laughedsa gusty chuckle of genuine amusement.

    出自:M. West
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       laugh的基本意思是“笑”“嘲笑”“以笑表示”,指某人因高兴、惊奇等而笑或指某人、某事让人觉得好笑,尤指出声地开怀大笑,重在笑出声,常伴有表情和动作。laugh作“笑”解时是不及物动词;作“笑着表示”解时是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。laugh可接同源宾语,该同源宾语前通常有形容词hearty, merry等修饰。
  •       laugh与away〔off〕连用,意为“以笑表示,用笑来驱除…”;与at连用时用于贬义,表示“因…而笑”,也可表示“嘲笑”;接 about 表示“对…感到好笑而发笑”,接 over 表示“想到或谈到某事而发笑”。


  •       laugh作“笑,笑声,笑态”解时是可数名词,指具体的笑的动作,可指一般地发笑或出声地大笑。
  •       laugh还可作“笑料”解,指引人发笑的事情或人,常用单数形式。
  •       在口语中, laugh也可表示“有趣”,常用复数形式,有时含有讽刺意义。


laugh, beam, chuckle, giggle, grin, smile, sneer
  •       这组词的共同意思是“笑”。其区别是:
  •       1.laugh指一般地“笑”或“出声大笑”;smile指“不出声微笑”;beam指“面带笑容”;chuckle指“吃吃笑”或“暗自发笑”;giggle指“咯咯地笑”“傻笑”;grin指“咧嘴笑”“露齿笑”;sneer指“冷笑”“嘲笑”。例如:
  •       Father smiled his approval.父亲以微笑表示赞许。
  •       The boys and girls are jumping and laughing on the playground.孩子们在操场上又跳又笑。
  •       The girl giggled.那个女孩咯咯地笑。
  •       She grinned with delight.她高兴地咧开嘴笑。
  •       He beamed as he opened the door.他开门时以微笑表示欢迎。
  •       I could hear him chuckling to himself as he read his book.他看书时,我能听见他在轻声发笑。
  •       Don't sneer at their religion.不要嘲笑他们的宗教。
  •       2.smile表示愉快、兴奋、同情、轻蔑、讽刺、无奈等各种心情;beam暗示对他人友好、善良或内心满意;chuckle有得意或领略到其中趣味的含义;giggle是不好意思地笑或由某一趣味而连续“痴笑”;grin多因高兴、满足或轻蔑而笑;而sneer则以表情、声调或语言表示对某人〔事〕的轻蔑与嘲弄。
  •, laugh是一般用语;beam是正式用语;chuckle多用于书面语中;giggle多用于女人或孩子。
  •       v.(动词)


            误 Tom laughed this idea.

            正 Tom laughed at this idea.

            析 laugh作“嘲笑”解时,是不及物动词,其客体必须由介词at引出。


            误 His jokes often make us laugh to tears.

            正 His jokes often make us laugh ourselves to tears.

            析 表示“笑出眼泪”,英语是laugh oneself to tears,不能省略oneself一词。



            误 They gave loud laugh.

            正 They gave a loud laugh.

            析 laugh作名词表示“笑声”时是可数名词,前面可以加不定冠词a。

    •       ☆ 直接源自中古英语的hlahhan,意为大笑。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.laugh

          While watching the film yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at some humorous moments.



          中考真题例句OG 2.laugh

          However, when my grandfather looked at my paintings on the truck, he laughed loudly.



          中考真题例句OG 3.laugh

          Second, most foreigners are friendly and will not laugh at you.



          考研真题例句OG 1.laugh

          Have you ever noticed how much children laugh?



          考研真题例句OG 2.laugh

          It allows us to have the ability to laugh at ourselves and to see that things will work out.



          考研真题例句OG 3.laugh

          Stop laughing: it's not just cost effective but helps you balance your diet.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Murray Pick's hollow laugh had no mirth in it.(默里·皮克虚伪的笑声里没有一点快乐。)

          I resisted the impulse to laugh.(我强忍着没有笑出来。)

          She made a valiant attempt not to laugh.(她试图强忍住不笑出来。)

          I've never seen Terry laugh so hard.(我从没见过特里笑得如此厉害。)

          She gave a strained laugh.(她勉强笑了一下。)

          She gave a little laugh.(她笑了一笑。)

          He uttered a snorting laugh.(他扑哧一声笑了。)

          Bev made her laugh, the way she was always clowning around.(贝芙令她大笑,用她常用的扮小丑手法。)

          Don't laugh, it's a serious suggestion.(别笑,这是一条严肃的建议。)

          I felt an irresistible urge to laugh.(我禁不住想笑出来。)

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          laugh是什么意思 laugh在线翻译 laugh什么意思 laugh的意思 laugh的翻译 laugh的解释 laugh的发音 laugh的同义词
