


      英 [ˈlɑ:ftə(r)]

      美 [ˈlæftə(r)]



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  •       笑声
  •       笑
  •       力量悬殊得可笑的体育比赛
  •       讪笑
  •       哄笑声
  •       笑意
  •       好笑的事,可笑的事情


  •       [U]笑;笑声 the act or sound of laughing



      1. the activity of laughing
      the manifestation of joy or mirth or scorn

      e.g. he enjoyed the laughter of the crowd

      2. the sound of laughing

      Synonym: laugh

      1. 笑声
      Laughter is the sound of people laughing, for example because they are amused or happy.

      e.g. Their laughter filled the corridor...
      e.g. He delivered the line perfectly, and everybody roared with laughter.

      2. 笑;快乐
      Laughter is the fact of laughing, or the feeling of fun and amusement that you have when you are laughing.

      e.g. Pantomime is about bringing laughter to thousands...
      e.g. My interests: eating out, fun nights in, music and laughter.

      1. 笑声:(4)笑声(laughter) 幽默是一种最为需要的性格,它使男人或女人觉得对方有吸引力. 笑在身体上或心理上都会带来健康. 制造乐趣是你们相互间有好感的绝佳办法. (5)情欲(lust) 对情欲的需求,会具有磁力般地将你拉向对方,对于一种关系来说,

      2. 欢笑:生命(Life)、爱(Love)与欢笑(Laughter)、生命只是一颗种子,爱是一朵花,欢笑则是它的芬芳、只是被生下来是不够的,一个人必须去学习生活的艺术,那是静心的「甲',然后一个人必须去学习爱的艺术,那是静心的「乙」,然后一个人必须去学习欢笑的艺术,

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    哄堂大笑the whole room rocking with laughter

      1. burst into laughter : 哈哈大笑起来;

      2. roar with laughter : 哄笑;


  •       I don't know how my story caused so much laughter.
  •       Tom burst into laughter in the classroom.
  •       Laughter filled the theater.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       He made another joke whereupon they dissolved in relieved laughter.

    出自:R. P. Jhabvala
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      I could hear laughter all around.(我可以听见周围的笑声。)

      The audience was shrieking with laughter.(观众放声大笑。)

      There were roars of laughter as he stood up.(他站起来时出现阵阵哄堂大笑。)

      Ellen pealed with laughter.(埃伦忽然大笑起来。)

      His stories caused howls of laughter.(他的故事引起阵阵大笑。)

      Laughter resounded through the house.(笑声在屋里回荡。)

      We howled with laughter.(我们放声大笑。)

      It was scarcely an occasion for laughter.(笑得实在不是时候。)

      The sound of their laughter died away.(他们的笑声渐渐消失了。)

      The audience was helpless with laughter.(观众情不自禁地大笑。)

      laughter是什么意思 laughter在线翻译 laughter什么意思 laughter的意思 laughter的翻译 laughter的解释 laughter的发音 laughter的同义词
