

      英 [ˈri:sntli]

      美 ['risṇtlɪ]



  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       最近
  •       近来
  •       新近
  •       不久前


  •       最近,近来 not long ago; lately


      1. in the recent past

      e.g. he was in Paris recently
      lately the rules have been enforced
      as late as yesterday she was fine
      feeling better of late
      the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also

      Synonym: latelatelyof latelatterly

      1. 近来;最近
      If you have done something recently or if something happened recently, it happened only a short time ago.

      e.g. The bank recently opened a branch in Germany...
      e.g. It is only fairly recently that historians have begun to investigate the question...

      1. recently的解释

      1. 最近,近来:immediately 立刻;马上 | recently最近;近来 | know of 知道;知晓

      2. 最近的:Reboot 重新启动 | recently 最近的 | Reprint 再印

      3. recently什么意思

      3. 新近 the near future 最近,不久 | 102.recently 新近 | 103.lately 近来

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句


      A:Why are you so glum?

      B:My girlfriend recently broke my heart.


      A:Who’s your favorite actor?

      B:Tom Cruise, of course!

      A:You’ve got to be kidding me! He’s horrible!


      B:He may be a strange person in real life, but he’s a talented actor.

      A:He used to be. He was good in Rain Man, Jerry McGuire, and Cocktail. But the films he’s done recently aren’t worth seeing.

      B:Do you mean that you didn’t like Mission Impossible III?

      A:That’s exactly what I mean. I actually left the theater halfway through the film!

      B:Who’s your favorite actor?


      A:I like John Cusack.


      B:What’s your favorite John Cusack’s film?

      A:I like one of his older ones, Say Anything. Have you seen it?

      B:Sure, that’s a good film.

      A:Some people say that he always plays the same role. Do you think that makes him a bad actor?

      B:Not necessarily. Maybe he just knows what he does well and sticks withthat.

      A:Regardless, I think he’s great.


  •       He has recently learned English.
  •       The book was published as recently as last week.
  •       词义讲解


recently, late, lately, of late
  •       这是一组同根词,都表示时间的“迟”“晚”“近”。其区别是:
  •       late的意思是“迟”“晚”,反义词是early;lately的意思是“不久前”“最近”,即not long ago;of late的意思是“最近以来”,强调时间持续的过程;recently的意思是“最近”“近来”,比lately和of late更加庄重。例如:
  •       We went to bed late.我们很晚才上床睡觉。
  •       Have you been there lately?你近来到那里去过吗?
  •       He has been behaving strangely of late.他近来的行为一直很古怪。
  •       I have seen him quite recently.我最近见过他。
    •       中考真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.recently

          I haven't seen Cindy recently.



          中考真题例句OG 2.recently

          The garden has turned into a tourist attraction (旅游胜地) recently.



          中考真题例句OG 3.recently

          Recently I took part in a program to study Chinese.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          I've gained weight recently.(最近我的体重增加了。)

          Laws on gambling have tightened up recently.(有关赌博的法律最近变得更加严厉。)

          She has recently franchised her business.(她最近已出售了其公司的特许经营权。)

          The reforms have recently become law.(这些改革最近已成为法律。)

          Your French has come along a lot recently.(你的法语最近进步很大。)

          This work has grown in volume recently.(这项工作的量最近增加了。)

          Sue and Ben have recently become parents.(苏和本最近当了爸爸妈妈了。)

          She has recently been appointed to the bench.(她最近当上了法官。)

          The town has recently been given a facelift.(该镇最近进行了整修。)

          She's been going through a bad patch recently.(她最近很不走运。)

          recently是什么意思 recently在线翻译 recently什么意思 recently的意思 recently的翻译 recently的解释 recently的发音 recently的同义词
