


      英 [ˌrekəˈlekʃn]

      美 [ˌrɛkəˈlɛkʃən]




  •       详情解释

  •       英英释义

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  •       回忆,记忆,回想,追忆往事
  •       往事,回忆起的事物
  •       回忆录
  •       心境平静
  •       记忆力,记性
  •       【宗】冥想
  •       想到,想起
  •       印象


      1. the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)

      e.g. he has total recall of the episode

      Synonym: recallreminiscence

      2. the ability to recall past occurrences

      Synonym: remembranceanamnesis

      3. something recalled to the mind

      1. 记忆;回忆
      If you have a recollection of something, you remember it.

      e.g. Pat has vivid recollections of the trip...
      e.g. He had no recollection of the crash...

      1. 记忆:我们对於过去与现在的知识建基於现在心灵(present mind) 的概念和记忆(recollection) . 且只有这些概念与记忆是精确的. 我们的记忆是有限的,因著与新的经验或更好的点子的冲突. 因此记忆并非供给我们对知识的不可动摇的基础,

      2. (追忆):并且每个形式都是单一的从而在结构上没有可分解的组成部分的进一步地,我们在知识论层面上对一个形式的把握是通过在不朽灵魂中的追忆(recollection)而得以实现的这些论点使人容易相信在语义学上柏拉图是一个原子主义者(atomist)这里语义学中的原子主义认为,

  •       经典引文

  •       Sister Josephine announced a day of prayer.

    出自:M. Gordon
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      All right. So the next question is, is the argument from recollection a good one?(那么下一个问题是,回忆论是否是无懈可击的呢。)

      Do you have an independent recollection of these events?(你能清楚的回忆起整件事吗?)

      Then she saw it was the long flat head of a serpent, and the recollection of the prophecy rushed into her mind.(然后她看到一个又长又扁的蛇头,预言一下子从她的记忆中跳出来。)

      The recollection of the trip is entirely personal and private.(对旅程的回忆完全是个人的和隐私的。)

      She had no recollection of sending the emails when awake.(她在醒来后完全记不起曾发过电子邮件。)

      That’s one of the reasons she wrote Homesick, a fond recollection of growing up in Mississippi, published last year.(这也是促使她撰写《思乡》一书的原因之一。该书去年发表,描述了她在Mississippi长大的美好回忆。)

      The windscreen was smashed, though I had no recollection of it breaking.(挡风玻璃碎了,不过想不起来是怎么碎的。)

      Howell recalled those silver teeth. He didn't have much of a recollection of his mother.(豪厄尔记得那些银色的牙齿,但却不怎么能想起他的母亲。)

      My recollection of this is based solely on the story's frequent retelling in our family.(我对这些事的记忆完全基于家庭故事的不断重复。)

      She had a dim recollection of the visit.(她依稀记得那次访问。)

      recollection是什么意思 recollection在线翻译 recollection什么意思 recollection的意思 recollection的翻译 recollection的解释 recollection的发音 recollection的同义词
