


      英 [red]

      美 [rɛd]



      副词: redly 比较级: redder 最高级: reddest 名词: redness


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  •       红色的,红的
  •       革命的,激进的
  •       血腥的,血淋淋的,残酷的
  •       赤色的
  •       赤热的
  •       因...而胀红的
  •       共产主义的
  •       【磁石】北极的
  •       左翼的


  •       红色,红
  •       激进分子
  •       负债,亏空
  •       红葡萄酒
  •       赤色
  •       红色绘画颜料
  •       镇静剂
  •       红布,红衣
  •       印第安人
  •       红头发的人
  •       红球
  •       共产党(员),共产主义者
  •       左派,左翼人士
  •       月经
  •       大发脾气
  •       红级,是美国制造的供应船


  •       =Random Early Detection,随机早期检测


  •       变成红色,(使)成为红色


  •       红色的,褐红色的,深红的,深紫色的 of the colour of blood or fire, reddish-brown; of a dark pink to dark purple colour
  •       布满血丝的,眼眶发红的,充血的; 涨红的 sore and having red veins and rims; bloodshot; flushed with shame, anger, etc.
  •       支持左翼政治观点的,社会党的,共产党的 supporting left-wing political ideas; socialist or communist
  •       革命的,共产主义的 revolutionary; communist


  •       [C][U]红色 red colour
  •       [U]红衣服 red clothes
  •       [C]拥护社会主义和共产主义的人; 革命分子,激进分子 person supporting Socialism or Communism; person supporting revolution or radical policies

      1. 红色;血色
      Something that is red is the colour of blood or fire.

      e.g. ...a bunch of red roses...
      e.g. She had small hands with nails painted bright red.

      2. (因为尴尬、生气或气短)脸红的
      If you say that someone's face is red, you mean that it is redder than its normal colour, because they are embarrassed, angry, or out of breath.

      e.g. With a bright red face I was forced to admit that I had no real idea...
      e.g. She was red with shame.

      3. (头发)红褐色的
      You describe someone's hair as red when it is between red and brown in colour.


      e.g. ...a girl with red hair...
      e.g. He is still vain enough to dye his hair red.

      4. (细胞)红的
      Your red blood cells or red corpuscles are the cells in your blood which carry oxygen around your body.


      5. 红酒
      You can refer to red wine as red .

      e.g. The spicy flavours in these dishes call for reds rather than whites.

      6. 共产党员;社会主义者;左翼思想者
      If you refer to someone as a red or a Red, you mean that they are a communist, a socialist, or have left-wing ideas.


      e.g. They're all so terrified of Reds.

      7. 有赤字;亏空;负债
      If a person or company is in the red or if their bank account is in the red, they have spent more money than they have in their account and therefore they owe money to the bank.


      e.g. The theatre is £500,000 in the red...
      e.g. If you do go into the red you get charged 30p for each transaction.

      8. (突然)发怒;震怒
      If you see red, you suddenly become very angry.


      e.g. I didn't mean to break his nose. I just saw red.

      9. like a red rag to a bull -> see rag


      1. 红色的:这个单元教学中,我积极地运用彩色粉笔,红色的(red)就用红色的粉笔来写,蓝色的(blue)就用蓝色粉笔来写,黄色的(yellow)绿色的(green)等就分别用黄色的和绿色的等不同颜色的粉笔来写.


      2. 红的:是表示颜色的,这样就可以补写两个颜色的单词,红的(red),蓝色(blue)等. 是文具类,补上两个文

      3. red:random realy detection; 随机早期检测

      4. red

      4. red:random early detect; 随机早期察觉

      5. red:random early detection; 随机早期丢包限red

      6. red:repeat expansion detect; 进行重复扩增检测

  •       情景对话

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  •       经典引文


      A:Would you care for some red wine?

      B:No, thanks.



      B:Man, that sunset is beautiful. I’ve never seen one so red.


      A:Yeah, it’s pretty nice, but its so red because of air pollution.


      A:Yeah, the smog from all these cars gets into the air and turns the sunlight red.

      B:I never knew that.


      A:Yeah, more people need to take public transportation or carpool.


      B:Well, we’ve already done our part.

      A:Yeah, it’s your turn to drive next week. Don’t be late picking me up.

      B:Don’t worry. I’m getting more sleep these days. The baby’s finally growing up a little more.

      A:Well, give me a call if you can’t make it for some reason.


      A:What do you think about this dress, Geoff?


      B:I like the pattern, but I’m not sure I like the red on you.


      A:Do you think it fits?

      B:Very nicely.

      A:Would you go to check if they have the same dress in blue, then? You can just bring it back to the fitting room.


      A:One more thing, what do you think about these pants? Do you think they would need hemming?


      B:No, I think they’re the right length.

      A:Do you like the pattern? I just can’t decide between the plain or the striped ones. What do you think?

      B:I like plain clothes myself, but they both look fine on you. Which ones do you like more?

      A:I think I’ll go for the striped pair of pants, then.

      B:Good decision. I’ll just go and look for that dress then.


      A:Thanks dear.


    满脸通红 very red in the face, especially because one is embarrassed


    激怒的憎恨、愤怒、暴力行动等 likely cause strong resentment, anger, violence, etc.

      1. see red : 火冒三丈;

      2. paint the town red : 狂欢庆祝, 饮酒作乐;


  •       She has a red hat.
  •       She wore red lipstick.
  •       The red flag is a symbol of revolution.
  •       The red flowers are relieved against the green leaves.
  •       There is a little red house amid the forest.
  •       Give me some red ink.
  •       The boy gave the girl a red rose.
  •       We often denote danger by red letters.
  •       The blue team was defeated by the red team.
  •       He was fetched up short by the red light.
  •       Peter is laying in with good red wine for his wedding party.
  •       I'm collecting for the Red Cross, please give generously.
  •       Red Ken won seat in Parliament.
  •       The Red Army's glorious revolutionary traditions have carried over to the present day.


  •       The sky is red when the sun rises.
  •       He clenched his fist and his face was very red.
  •       It is too cold and his face was red.

      用作形容词 (adj.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Women paint their lips..shades of red.

    出自:N. Tinbergen
  •       I stepped out into..traffic as lights changed from red to green.

    出自:Edmund Ward
  •       Helen..felt a dull red come up her neck.

    出自:M. Binchy
  •       When the sun rises red, rain may be expected.

    出自:H. Stephens
  •       My back..was scored welts.

    出自:M. Amis
  •       We'd gotten two cans paint.

    出自:K. Vonnegut
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       red的基本意思是“红色的”,也可指“褐红色的,深红的,深紫色的”等颜色,引申可表示眼睛“布满血丝的,眼眶发红的,充血的”或脸因羞惭、愤怒等而“涨红的”。
  •       Red可表示“支持左翼政治观点的,社会党的,共产党的”“革命的,共产主义的”。
  •       red作“深红的,深紫色的”“支持左翼政治观点的,社会党的,共产党的”“革命的,共产主义的”解时无比较级和最高级形式。
  •       red在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。


  •       red用作名词的基本意思是“红色”,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词; 既有复数形式reds,也可说much red。
  •       red也可作“红衣服”解,是不可数名词,往往不带冠词。
  •       red也可表示“拥护社会主义和共产主义的人”,首字母要大写。
  •       在非正式用语里, red还有“革命分子,激进分子”的意思。


in red, in the red
  •       两者意思不同:in red的意思是“穿红衣服”,而in the red的意思是“亏损,负债”。
  •       adj.(形容词)


            误 He is red for anger.

            正 He is red with anger.

            析 be red with表示“因为…而脸红”,表达人们的感情或感觉,介词用with不用for。



            误 The girl in red clothes is my sister.

            正 The girl in red is my sister.

            析 “in+色彩名词”表示“穿着…颜色的衣服”,后面不需加clothes。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的read,意为红色的。
    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句


          Your cat can't see bright colors such as red and green.

          你的猫看不到明亮的颜色, 如红色和绿色。



          I chose a red rubber ball—simple, universally available.

          我选择了一个红色的橡皮球——这种玩具很简单, 到处都能得到。



          You might feel your heart racing or your face turning red.




          In some settings, red sneakers or dress T-shirts can convey status; in others not so much.




          When nursery colours were introduced, pink was actually considered the more masculine colour, a pastel version of red, which was associated with strength.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The traffic lights were on red.(当时是亮红灯。)

          Sam felt her cheeks flush red.(萨姆感觉她满脸通红。)

          He wore a faded red flannel shirt.(他穿着一件褪了色的红色法兰绒衬衫。)

          Her eyes were red from crying.(她的眼睛都哭红了。)

          There was a red sunset over Paris.(巴黎上空有一片红色晚霞。)

          Red wine gives me a headache.(我喝红酒会头痛。)

          The end of his cigarette glowed red.(他的烟头发着微弱的红光。)

          Red wine leaves a stain.(红葡萄酒会留下污渍。)

          Red squirrels are uncommon in England.(红松鼠在英格兰很少见。)

          Red lights flashed a warning at them.(红灯闪亮向他们发出警告。)

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          red是什么意思 red在线翻译 red什么意思 red的意思 red的翻译 red的解释 red的发音 red的同义词
