

      英 [rɪˈsekt]

      美 [rɪ'sekt]

      vt. 将 ... 切除; 割除

      形容词: resectable 名词: resectability 过去式: resected 过去分词: resected 现在分词: resecting 第三人称单数: resects


  •       英英释义

  •       网络解释


      1. surgically remove a part of a structure or an organ

      Synonym: eviscerate

      1. 切除:骨科疾病的治疗有很大发展,从切除(resect)、修复(repair)、置换(replacement)到再生医学(regeneration)的出现,每一阶段的发展,都离不开康复医学(reha-bilitation)的参与和支持.

      2. 后方交会法;切除:reseaux reseau 的复数 | resect 后方交会法;切除 | resected point 后方交会点


      3. 割除:reseaureticulation 网状物 | resect 割除 | resectable 可切除

      4. 切除, 割除 (动):researcher 研究员; 调查者 (名) | resect 切除, 割除 (动) | resection 切除; 切除术 (名)

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Men dream of amoebae: indicates that you will solve some very troublesome thing, let you win everyones favor, will resect you as a erson.(男人梦见肉足虫:预示着你将会解决一些很麻烦的事情让你赢得了大家的好感都会尊重你的为人。)

      Conclusion: It's an important step to resect the necrotic muscles in the limb salvage surgery for the popliteal artery inferior segment trauma with delayed diagnosis.(结论:小腿坏死肌肉彻底切除是动脉下段损伤延迟诊断后采取保肢治疗的重要措施;)

      Objective to resect colorectal flat sessile polyps by endoscopic polypectomy safely and effectively.(目的探讨安全有效地在内镜下摘除结、直肠扁平无蒂大息肉。)

      It is very important to block up the tumor's blood supply during early period of the operation and to resect tumor piecemeally.(早期阻断肿瘤血供并行瘤内分块切除减容是手术的重要步骤;)

      Objective To discuss the application of functional resect in patients with superficial multiform adenoma of parotid glands.(目的探讨腮腺多行性腺瘤保留功能性的切除在腮腺浅叶中的应用。)

      Conclusion it is safe and effective to resect cranio-orbital tumor by the frontal-temporal-orbital-zygomatic approach with microsurgery.(结论颅眶沟通肿瘤经额颞眶颧联合入路显微镜下切除是一种安全、有效的方法。)

      If residual tumor is seen on postoperative imaging, the patient should have a second craniotomy to resect the entire tumor.(如果在术后影像上有残余肿瘤,则可行第二次手术切除整个肿瘤。)

      There was no difference in cytomegaloviral infection rate and resect rate of transplant kidney between two groups(P> 0.05).(而巨细胞病毒感染发生率及移植肾切除人数无差异(P>0.05)。)

      Recurrence of lingual carcinoma usually involve multiple important anatomic structures, thus making it difficult to entirely resect and reconstruct.(舌癌复发后往往累积多个重要解剖结构,给外科手术切除和修复增加了极大的困难。)

      Objective: to investigate the value of enhanced ct scan of inflate stomach in evaluating the resect - ability of cardiac-carcinoma.(目的:探讨胃充气状态下上腹部增强CT扫描对贲门癌可切除性的预测价值。)