


      英 [rɪˈzɔ:t]

      美 [rɪˈzɔ:rt]



      过去式: resorted 过去分词: resorted 现在分词: resorting 第三人称单数: resorts


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  •       手段
  •       诉诸,凭借,依靠,倚靠
  •       旅游胜地,名胜,常去的休闲度假之处,常去的地方,常去之地
  •       依靠的东西
  •       热闹场所,娱乐场,商业区
  •       人多,人群
  •       登临之处


  •       诉诸,求助
  •       经常去,去
  •       依靠,倚靠,凭借
  •       群往,会集
  •       采用,采取,使用
  •       申请


  •       vi. 求助于; 诉诸 make use of sth for help; adopt sth as an expedient


  •       [U]求助,凭借,诉诸 resorting to sth
  •       [C]求助〔凭借〕的对象,采用的手段〔办法〕 person or thing that is turned to for help; expedient
  •       [C]度假胜地 popular holiday center


      1. act of turning to for assistance

      e.g. have recourse to the courts
      an appeal to his uncle was his last resort

      Synonym: recourserefuge

      2. something or someone turned to for assistance or security

      e.g. his only recourse was the police
      took refuge in lying

      Synonym: recourserefuge

      3. a frequently visited place

      Synonym: haunthangoutrepairstamping ground

      4. a hotel located in a resort area

      Synonym: resort hotelholiday resort


      1. move, travel, or proceed toward some place

      e.g. He repaired to his cabin in the woods

      Synonym: repair

      2. have recourse to

      e.g. The government resorted to rationing meat

      Synonym: fall backrecur

      1. 诉诸;采取
      If you resort to a course of action that you do not really approve of, you adopt it because you cannot see any other way of achieving what you want.

      e.g. His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs...
      e.g. Some schools have resorted to recruiting teachers from overseas.

      2. 采取;凭借;诉诸;求助
      If you achieve something without resort to a particular course of action, you succeed without carrying out that action. To have resort to a particular course of action means to have to do that action in order to achieve something.

      e.g. Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted before resort to war.

      3. (度假)胜地
      A resort is a place where a lot of people spend their holidays.

      e.g. ...the ski resorts.

      4. 最后的办法;最终手段
      If you do something as a last resort, you do it because you can find no other way of getting out of a difficult situation or of solving a problem.

      e.g. Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort...
      e.g. As a last resort you may have to accept their point of view.

      5. 最终
      You use in the last resort when stating the most basic or important fact that will still be true in a situation whatever else happens.


      e.g. They would in the last resort support their friends whatever they did.

      1. 手段:未来十年,做外科手术只会是最后的手段(resort),尽可能减少到最低程度. 机器人将帮助实施时间长或复杂(tricky)的手术,比如器官(organ)移植手术. 极细小的探针(Nano-probe)可能用来清除动脉(artery)中的障碍物,

      2. resort的近义词

      2. 求助:记忆:联想记忆:在重要港口(port)建筑堡垒(fort)记忆:联想记忆:奇奇(odd)相加(add)为偶记忆:联想记忆:向上级打报告(report)求助(resort)记忆:联想记忆:调味汁(sauce)是香味的来源(source)

      3. 度假胜地:在地理、人文、交通自然等各方条件相互配合之下,酒店显现出度假胜地(resort)的潜力. xx开业x年来,迎来了四方宾客,多次接待了高规格的会议,同时开展星级饭店和绿色饭店的创建活动,被中国饭店协会和省饭店协会授予绿色饭店称号,

      4. 凭借:R永远不要凭借(Resort)支配和控制来克服异议. G永远不要送走(GiveAway)到手的机会去说服客户收回他们的异议. U永远不要低估(Underestimate)探索式推销技巧的力量. E永远不要因为争论而放弃(Eliminate)一个回访的机会.

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      1. in the last resort : 作为最后一着;


  •       One has sometimes to resort to these little devices.
  •       She resorted to stealing when she had no more money.


  •       If this can't be settled reasonably, it may be necessary to have resort to force.
  •       He couldn't have passed the exam without resort to cheating.
  •       I've tried everyone else and now you're my last resort.
  •       As a last resort we could borrow more money from the bank.
  •       Sewing and watching television are her resorts when she is alone.
  •       The park is one of his favorite resorts.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       A letter to The Times, the usual resort of an Englishman with a grievance.

    出自:G. A. Birmingham
  •       A..boy who..resorts to alcohol for peace of mind.

    出自:T. Roethke
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       resort一般用作不及物动词,基本意思是“求助于”,常与介词to连用构成及物动词短语 。
  •       ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的resort:re (重新) + sort (外出),意为来源,帮助。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.resort

      You can use me as a last resort, and if nobody else volunteers, then I will do it.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs.(他那累人的工作日程已经使他不得不求助于毒品了。)

      In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.(在这个度假胜地你可享受所有现代旅游的舒适与便利。)

      Why do they always have to resort to violence ?(为什么他们总是非要诉诸暴力不可呢?)

      There are plenty of activities at the resort for the less daring.(度假胜地有许多活动是供不太敢于冒险的人玩的。)

      It's a favourite resort for the rich and famous.(这是富人和名流最喜欢去度假的地方。)

      We took a bus to a ski resort in the Canadian Rockies.(我们乘公共汽车去了加拿大落基山脉的一个滑雪胜地。)

      The resort is a playground of the rich and famous.(这个度假胜地是富翁名流的娱乐场所。)

      In the era of e-commerce, companies and enterprises can resort to the Internet for more business opportunities.(在电子商务时代,公司与企业能诉诸网络以寻求更多的商业机会。)

      There are good bus and train connections between the resort and major cities.(在度假胜地与主要城市之间有着便利的汽车和火车运输。)

      Nudism, the council decided, was doing the resort more harm than good.(该员会认定在休闲胜地的裸体行为弊大于利。)

      resort是什么意思 resort在线翻译 resort什么意思 resort的意思 resort的翻译 resort的解释 resort的发音 resort的同义词
