

      英 [rɪˈspaɪə(r)]

      美 [rɪ'spaɪər]


      过去式: respired 过去分词: respired 现在分词: respiring 第三人称单数: respires


  •       英英释义

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      1. draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs

      e.g. I can breathe better when the air is clean
      The patient is respiring

      Synonym: breathetake a breathsuspire

      2. undergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration by taking up oxygen and producing carbon monoxide

      3. breathe easily again, as after exertion or anxiety

      1. 呼吸:respiratory 呼吸的 | respire 呼吸 | respirometer 呼吸计

      2. respire是什么意思

      2. 呼吸 (动):respiratory 呼吸的 (形) | respire 呼吸 (动) | respirometer 呼吸计 (名)

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      It is also produced when living organisms respire.(二氧化碳也可经由活体生物的呼吸作用而产生。)

      Fish generally respire through gills. most bony fish es have a swim bladder a gas-filled organ used to adjust swimming depth.(一般是经由鳃呼吸。大部分硬骨鱼有鳔,这是源于消化管的憩室,司控制浮力或为辅助呼吸器官。)

      The respire symptoms are significant in large airflow track due to organic dust and in small airflow track due to inorganic dust.(且有机尘女工呼吸道症状多,大气道受损明显,而无机尘女工,较多见的是小气道受损。)

      In this condition it is propitious to aerate and filter in the soil and respire in the roots, at the same time it meliorates roots growth environment.(在这种新型的节水措施下,有利于中层土壤的通透性和根系的呼吸,使根系的生长条件改善。)

      Because I wish I can respire the natural fresh air during exercise, which is more health and benefit to my body.(因为我喜欢在运动的同时能呼吸到大自然的清新空气,这样更健康,更有益。)

      This demonstrates that plants respire to consume oxygen.(这实验证明植物进行呼吸作用时消耗氧气。)

      Sensitive varieties apprently respire mainly by the glycolysis pathway whereas resistant varieties depend more on the pentose phosphate pathway.(显然敏感品种的呼吸主要通过糖酵解途径,而抗性品种比较依赖戊糖磷酸途径。)

      All the results showed that, compared with the mesophilic bacterium, the psychrotrophs can respire and have a certain ability to decompose the organic compounds in sewage at low temperature.(结果表明:与中温菌相比,耐冷菌在低温条件下能够生长并具有较高的降解能力。)

      Some products, such as asparagus, corn, and strawberries, respire at a higher rate than other products, such as apples, oranges, and potatoes.(一些产品,如芦笋、玉米和草莓,比其他产品,如苹果、橘子和土豆的呼吸速率要高。)

      All living things respire as long as they live.(一切生物只要活着都要呼吸。)