


      英 [rɪˈzʌltənt]

      美 [rɪˈzʌltənt]


      n.结果;产物;[数学] 合矢量;结式

      副词: resultantly


  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

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  •       [A] 因而发生的,必然产生的 happening as a result or consequence


      1. a vector that is the sum of two or more other vectors

      Synonym: vector sum

      2. something that results

      e.g. he listened for the results on the radio

      Synonym: resultfinal resultoutcometermination

      3. the final point in a process

      Synonym: end point



      1. following or accompanying as a consequence

      e.g. an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems
      snags incidental to the changeover in management
      attendant circumstances
      the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness
      the ensuant response to his appeal
      the resultant savings were considerable

      Synonym: attendantconsequentaccompanyingconcomitantincidentalensuantsequent

      1. 作为结果的;由此引起的;因而发生的
      Resultant means caused by the event just mentioned.

      e.g. At least a quarter of a million people have died in the fighting and the resultant famines.

      1. 合成:12.10 每个句法结构都使我们看到两个(或者有时更多的)自由形式结合成一个短语,我们可以称之为合成(resultant)短语. 合成短语可能属于一个与任何成分的形类都不同的形类. 譬如,John ran既不是一个主格词语(如John),也不是一个定式动词(如ran).

      2. 组合:(1)P是A组合(resultant)(或相对于层次A的组合),当且仅当X的每一A分量(component)都具有P.

      3. 合:(1)P是A组合(resultant)(或相对于层次A的组合),当且仅当X的每一A分量(component)都具有P.

      4. 合量:restoring force 回复力 | resultant 合量 | resultant force 合力

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       There was a fight,and the resultant damage was serious.
  •       If two forces act in opposite directions, the resultant will be the the direction of the greater.

    出自:W. Whewell
  •       The overthrow of, and the resultant terror.

    出自:F. W. Farrar
  •       The resultant mapping will be used in the general development.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Listing 5 shows what the resultant XSLT looks like.(清单5显示了得到的XSLT。)

      The resultant diploma or degree should also be the same whether distance learning or on-campus study is employed.(无论是远程学习还是在校学习,所得到的文凭或学位也应该是一样的。)

      Resultant colour may vary between dark bronze and light blonde depending on your hair's natural pigmentation.(结果所得的颜色可能在深褐与浅金色之间,当然那取决于你毛发的本色。)

      Resultant values may be further propagated through properties.(产生的结果值还可以通过属性进一步传播。)

      The resultant RecipeJAUS step packet support file for the smart thermostat packet is in Listing 7.(智能自动调温器信息包最终的RecipeJAUS步骤信息包支持文件在清单7中。)

      Then you can double-click the resultant icon on the host diagram to open the referenced diagram.(然后,双击该主机图上面的图,就可以打开被引用的图。)

      If you exceed the limit, your resultant document from the REST invocation tells you so.(如果超出了此限制,REST调用所产生的文档将会告诉您这一点。)

      The resultant commotion creates clouds, storms and much of the rest of the world’s weather.(湍流是云层,风暴以及地面上大部分天气现象的成因。)

      The second method calculate takes two doubles, adds them, and returns the resultant double.(第二个calculate方法得到两个double型数值,把他们相加,并返回合并后的double型结果。)

      This next function is a quick way to output XHTML comments in resultant XHTML code, as shown in Listing 14.(下一个函数提供了一种快速的方法,用于在结果的XHTML代码中输出XHTML注释,如清单14所示。)

      resultant是什么意思 resultant在线翻译 resultant什么意思 resultant的意思 resultant的翻译 resultant的解释 resultant的发音 resultant的同义词
