


      英 [reɪn]

      美 [ren]



      形容词: rainless 过去式: rained 过去分词: rained 现在分词: raining 第三人称单数: rains


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  •       (一场)雨,雨水
  •       雨季
  •       雨天
  •       阵雨,降雨,下雨,淫雨
  •       大西洋北纬4-10度的多雨地带
  •       降落物, 雨点般降落的东西
  •       电子流
  •       落下
  •       一阵
  •       季节性降雨
  •       (R-)郑智薰(韩国艺人)


  •       下雨,降雨,下倾盆大雨,有雨
  •       大量地给,厚施
  •       (雨一般地)落下,散下,(使)大量降落
  •       频频地送
  •       雨水般地淌下
  •       祸不单行
  •       煞风景,破坏原定的计划
  •       赛事
  •       倾注


  •       郑智薰,来自韩国的音乐人


  •       [U][S]雨 water falling in separate drops from the clouds


  •       vi. & vt. (雨)降下; (使)降落 (of rain) fall; (cause to) fall like rain


      1. anything happening rapidly or in quick successive

      e.g. a rain of bullets
      a pelting of insults

      Synonym: pelting

      2. water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere

      Synonym: rainfall

      3. drops of fresh water that fall as precipitation from clouds

      Synonym: rainwater


      1. precipitate as rain

      e.g. If it rains much more, we can expect some flooding

      Synonym: rain down

      1. 雨;雨水
      Rain is water that falls from the clouds in small drops.

      e.g. I hope you didn't get soaked standing out in the rain...
      e.g. A spot of rain fell on her hand.

      2. 雨季
      In countries where rain only falls in certain seasons, this rain is referred to as the rains .

      e.g. ...the spring, when the rains came...
      e.g. The rains have failed again in the Horn of Africa.

      3. 下雨;降雨
      When rain falls, you can say that it is raining .

      e.g. It rained the whole weekend...
      e.g. It was raining hard, and she hadn't an umbrella.

      4. (使)如雨点般落下;(使)大量降下
      If someone rains blows, kicks, or bombs on a person or place, the person or place is attacked by many blows, kicks, or bombs. You can also say that blows, kicks, or bombs rain on a person or place.

      e.g. The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park...
      e.g. Rockets, mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings.

      5. (从空中落下的)一阵,一连串
      A rain of things is a large number of things that fall from the sky at the same time.

      e.g. A rain of stones descended on the police.

      6. 祸不单行
      You can use the expression it never rains but it pours to mean that several unfortunate events often happen at the same time.

      7. 完全康复;完全恢复
      If you say that someone is as right as rain, you mean that they are completely well or healthy again, for example when they have recovered from an illness or a shock.

      e.g. You'll be as right as rain as soon as you are back in your own home with your baby.

      8. 不管晴天或下雨;风雨无阻
      If you say that someone does something rain or shine, you mean that they do it regularly, without being affected by the weather or other circumstances.

      e.g. Frances took her daughter walking every day, rain or shine.

      相关词组:rain offrain out

      1. 鱼:下面特别送上鲨鱼(rain)的<发如雪>,大家多多踩场.....!!!

      2. rain:regional access information network; 地区接入信息网

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

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  •       经典引文


      A:It looks like it’’s going to be sunny.

      B:Yes, it’’s much better than yesterday.

      A:They say we’’re going to get some rain later.

      B:Oh, let’’s just hope it stays warm.


      A:Who’s your favorite actor?

      B:Tom Cruise, of course!

      A:You’ve got to be kidding me! He’s horrible!

      B:He may be a strange person in real life, but he’s a talented actor.

      A:He used to be. He was good in Rain Man, Jerry McGuire, and Cocktail. But the films he’s done recently aren’t worth seeing.


      B:Do you mean that you didn’t like Mission Impossible III?

      A:That’s exactly what I mean. I actually left the theater halfway through the film!

      B:Who’s your favorite actor?

      A:I like John Cusack.

      B:What’s your favorite John Cusack’s film?

      A:I like one of his older ones, Say Anything. Have you seen it?


      B:Sure, that’s a good film.

      A:Some people say that he always plays the same role. Do you think that makes him a bad actor?

      B:Not necessarily. Maybe he just knows what he does well and sticks withthat.

      A:Regardless, I think he’s great.


    无论如何 anyway


    大量地流〔落〕下来 (of water, etc.) fall in large amounts
    rain down

          Long after the storm, water still rained down from the roofs where it had collected.


    rain down sth

          The old woman rained down curses on our heads.


      1. as right as rain : 非常健康;

      2. rain or shine : 无论如何;

      3. rain out : 因下雨取消;



  •       Rain was beating on the windows.
  •       They put the oil cloth on the roof to block out rain.
  •       The rain kept falling for a few days.
  •       The rain greatly advanced the spring crops.
  •       When the rain stopped, the floods began to fall away.
  •       The sun broke through after days of rain.
  •       It feels like rain.
  •       Following the heavy rain, the storage tanks were filling up again.
  •       I had not bargained for the heavy rain, and got very wet without a coat.
  •       The crops were beaten down by the heavy rain.
  •       The ground became softer after a heavy rain.
  •       Early in April, just before a rain begins, broadcast tomato seeds.
  •       Owing to a heavy rain, all our plans fell through.
  •       We decided to brave a rain of bullets.
  •       His face was bathed in a rain of tears.
  •       It is probable that rains will fall tomorrow.
  •       The rains that year were good, they were coming nicely just as the crops needed them.


  •       It's raining.
  •       It will rain in the afternoon.
  •       He went out though it was raining hard.
  •       It has rained over.
  •       It never rains but pours.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Swoll'n with..late descending rains.

    出自:T. Gray
  •       One rains he died.

    出自:B. M. Croker
  •       The summer rains didn't come.

    出自:C. McCullough
  •       We must put the chairs on the verandah, otherwise they will be rained on.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  •       It never rains but it pours.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       rain的意思是“雨”,通常用作不可数名词, a rain指“一次雨、一阵雨、一场…样的雨”, rains指“几场雨,大阵雨”。
  •       the rains指“雨季”, rains可受May,July等修饰。
  •       “小雨”是light rain,“大雨”是heavy rain。


  •       rain用作动词时作“下雨”解,多用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,通常表示雨下得很大,可接drops等名词作宾语。
  •       rain表示“下雨”时,主语一般用代词it。当主语不是it时,常表示“…雨点般地落下”。
  •       “因雨取消会议、比赛”等常用被动结构,英式英语常用rain off,而美式英语则常用rain out。
  •       rain用作动词时表示持续的动作,因此不能跟表示确切的时间点的状语连用。


  •       Today's football match has been rained out.
  •       (AmE)
  •       Today's football match has been rained off.
  •       (BrE)
  •       今天的足球赛因下雨而取消了。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 The farmers want the rain.

            正 The farmers want rain.


            误 We've had many rain this year.

            正 We've had much rain this year.

            析 rain作“雨水”解时是不可数名词,不能用many修饰,须用much,也不需要定冠词。


            误 He was caught in rain.

            正 He was caught in the rain.

            析 “在雨中”英语是in the rain,需要用定冠词the。


            误 There was a small rain last night.

            正 There was a light rain last night.

            析 “一场小雨”,英文用a light rain,不用small。


            误 A big rain washed away much rich soil.

            正 A heavy rain washed away much rich soil.

            析 表示“大雨”通常应该说heavy rain,而不说big rain或great rain。


            误 Continuous rain overflowed the banks.

            正 Continuous rains overflowed the banks.

            析 rain作“几场雨”或“雨季”解时,习惯用复数。


            误 They played football under the rain.

            正 They played football in the rain.

            析 “冒着雨”应该说 in the rain,而不能说 under the rain。



            误 It rained at five o'clock.

            正 It began to rain at five o'clock.

            析 rain用作动词时表示持续的动作,不能跟表示确切的时间点的状语连用。


            误 If it isn't rain tomorrow, we'll go to the zoo.

            正 If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go to the zoo.

            析 “下雨”应该用动词rain。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的regn,意为雨。
    •       中考真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.rain

          It is raining heavily but I don't have an umbrella with me.



          中考真题例句OG 2.rain

          Mum and I were just going out when it began to rain.



          中考真题例句OG 3.rain

          In summer, it often rains heavily with strong wind in Southern China.



          中考真题例句OG 1.rain

          The rains were smart enough to come in time for the farmer's busy season.



          中考真题例句OG 2.rain

          Who offered help to families after the heavy rains?



          中考真题例句OG 3.rain

          With increased skills and experience, the people learnt how to make the boats stronger against rains and storms.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Rain pattered against the window.(雨点啪哒啪哒地敲击着窗子。)

          The rain began before sunrise.(雨是在日出前开始下的。)

          The roads were slick with rain.(下雨路滑。)

          The rain lashed at the windows.(雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。)

          He was bareheaded in the rain.(雨中他光着头。)

          The rain beat against the windows.(雨点击打着窗户。)

          The rain was teeming down.(大雨倾盆而下。)

          The rain fell steadily.(雨不紧不慢地下着。)

          The rain continued unabated.(雨势一直没减弱。)

          Rain splashed against the windows.(雨点啪啦啪啦打在窗户上。)

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          rain是什么意思 rain在线翻译 rain什么意思 rain的意思 rain的翻译 rain的解释 rain的发音 rain的同义词
