


      英 [ˈrʌbɪʃ]

      美 [ˈrʌbɪʃ]





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  •       英英释义

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  •       废话,瞎说,胡说,胡扯,鬼话,胡说八道
  •       无聊的想法
  •       垃圾,碎屑,碎块,废弃物
  •       废物
  •       劣质的东西,蹩脚货,拙劣的作品
  •       荒唐的事情,荒诞不经
  •       无意义的东西


  •       抨击,狠批
  •       贬低,把…看得一文不值,轻视,蔑视
  •       消灭,销毁
  •       破坏,将…一扫而光


  •       [U]垃圾,废弃物 things or material of no use or value that will be or have been thrown away
  •       [U]无意义的东西; 废话,胡说八道 sth worthless that does not deserve serious attention; nonsense


  •       vt. 把…说得一钱不值; 贬损 … say that sb/sth is bad or worthless; severely criticize



      1. nonsensical talk or writing

      Synonym: folderoltripetrumperytrashwish-washapplesaucecodswallop

      2. worthless material that is to be disposed of

      Synonym: trashscrap


      1. attack strongly

      1. 垃圾;废弃物
      Rubbish consists of unwanted things or waste material such as used paper, empty tins and bottles, and waste food.

      e.g. ...unwanted household rubbish...
      e.g. They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.

      in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用garbage, trash

      2. 劣质物品;垃圾;废物
      If you think that something is of very poor quality, you can say that it is rubbish .

      e.g. He described her book as absolute rubbish.

      3. 废话;胡说八道
      If you think that an idea or a statement is foolish or wrong, you can say that it is rubbish .

      e.g. He's talking rubbish...
      e.g. These reports are total and utter rubbish.

      4. 极不擅长的;非常差劲的
      If you think that someone is not very good at something, you can say that they are rubbish at it.


      e.g. He was rubbish at his job...
      e.g. I tried playing golf, but I was rubbish.

      5. 贬低;诋毁;将…说得一文不值
      If you rubbish a person, their ideas or their work, you say they are of little value.

      e.g. Five whole pages of script were devoted to rubbishing her political opponents...
      e.g. Officials have simply rubbished all positive ideas.

      in AM, use 美国英语用 trashIn British English, rubbish is the word most commonly used to refer to waste material that is thrown away. In American English, the words garbage and trash are more usual. ...the smell of rotting garbage... She threw the bottle into the trash. Garbage and trash are sometimes used in British English, but only informally and metaphorically. I don't have to listen to this garbage... The book was trash.
      在英国英语中,rubbish最常用来表示丢弃的废物,但是在美国英语中garbage和trash更为常用,如:the smell of rotting garbage (腐烂垃圾的臭味),She threw the bottle into the trash (她把瓶子扔进了垃圾堆)。garbage和trash有时也在英国英语中使用,但仅限于非正式语体和比喻用法:I don't have to listen to this garbage (我不需要听这些废话),The book was trash (这本书简直是垃圾)。

      1. rubbish在线翻译

      1. 废物:5.咱们把那些废物(rubbish)从阁楼清除掉吧.11.学英语从基础(ABC)开始.7.英国作家培根(Bacon)说知识就是力量.3.新年聚会上他装扮成圣诞老人(Father Christmas)给孩子们礼物.11.工作中我们还面临不少问题.要实现我们的目标我们

      2. 碎屑,垃圾:rubber washer 橡皮垫圈 | rubbish 碎屑,垃圾 | ruby laser 红宝石激光器

      3. rubbish

      3. 垃圾;废物:rubber 橡胶,合成橡胶 | ▲rubbish 垃圾,废物 | rude 无理的,粗鲁的

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The rubbish should be thrown into the dustbin.
  •       The rubbish had dammed up the creek so that it had overflowed.
  •       See to the disposal of that rubbish.
  •       They dumped a load of rubbish in the river.
  •       There is a pile of rubbish in the corner of the street.
  •       What rubbish he writes!
  •       That new TV show is absolute rubbish.
  •       He would never do such a thing. You're talking rubbish! Rubbish!


  •       She is often accused of rubbishing her opponent.
  • 1
  •       The film was rubbished by the critics.
  •       The government's plan was rubbished by the opposition parties.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       You..are not to drink until the others arrive!..Rubbish! We have priority claims!

    出自:L. Nkosi
  •       How you can sit and watch rubbish..You hardly used to watch television.

    出自:K. Ishiguro
  •       His second book was also rubbished.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       rubbish的基本意思是“垃圾,废弃物”,指已经或将要被扔掉的无价值或无用途的东西,是不可数名词。引申可表示“无意义的东西”“废话,胡说八道”,多用于贬义。
  •       “一堆垃圾”可说a pile〔collect〕 of rubbish。


  •       rubbish用作动词的意思是“贬损…”“把…说〔看〕得一钱不值”,是非正式用语,尤用于英国和澳大利亚。
  •       rubbish是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。


rubbish, refuse, waste
  •       这三个词都有“废弃物”的意思。其区别是:
  •       waste 作“废物”解时,是最普通用词,指失去原使用价值的、陈旧、破损了的物品; refuse通常指积聚成一堆的废旧物品或垃圾; rubbish 通常泛指垃圾,包括一切废物,这些废物已毫无用处,毫无价值。例如:
  •       There are many heaps of refuse along the street. 沿街有许多垃圾。
  •       The rubbish here must be cleared away as soon as possible.这儿的垃圾必须尽快清除。
    •       ☆ 直接源自中古英语的robous,意为摩擦掉的。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Pat never throws rubbish on the floor.(帕特从不在地板上扔垃圾。)

          The racoons knock over the rubbish bins in search of food, and strew the contents all over the ground.(浣熊为了找吃的弄翻了垃圾箱,垃圾撒的到处都是。)

          We burnt up all the garden rubbish.(我们将花园中的垃圾全部烧掉了。)

          Children scavenge through rubbish.(孩子们在垃圾中捡破烂。)

          But how can you reuse rubbish?(但是要怎样重复利用垃圾呢?)

          The rubbish blows into your yard.(垃圾被吹进了你的院子。)

          The factories produce hugely subsidized rubbish they can't pawn off on anybody but the Russians.(这些工厂生产享受了巨额补贴的垃圾产品,除了兜售给俄国人外,找不到其他买主。)

          I kicked a rubbish bin very hard and broke my toe.(我狠狠踢一个垃圾桶,踢破了脚趾头。)

          An unattended backpack was found in a rubbish pile.(在垃圾桶里发现了一个无人看管的背包。)

          She thought it was rubbish.(她认为这是垃圾。)

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