


      英 [skəʊp]

      美 [skoʊp]





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  •       机会,余地
  •       范围
  •       眼界,见识,视界,视野
  •       能力,力量
  •       广度,广袤
  •       发挥能力的"用武之地"
  •       地域
  •       占星图
  •       望远镜瞄准器,观测器,显微镜,望远镜
  •       射程
  •       作用域


  •       仔细研究


  •       [U] 余地,机会 opportunity to do or achieve sth
  •       [S] (处理、研究事务的)范围 range of matters being dealt with, studied, etc.

      1. 机会;施展余地
      If there is scope for a particular kind of behaviour or activity, people have the opportunity to behave in this way or do that activity.

      e.g. He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative...
      e.g. Banks had increased scope to develop new financial products.

      2. (活动、话题或作品的)范围
      The scope of an activity, topic, or piece of work is the whole area which it deals with or includes.

      e.g. Mr Dobson promised to widen the organisation's scope of activity.
      e.g. ...the scope of a novel.

      1. 适用范围:首先,可以看到国际足联的这份规定是全球性的,在第一章序文条款(INTRODUCTORY PROVISION)中的第一条适用范围(Scope)中提到,下述规定适用于全球不同的足球协会,其规定适用于确认球员身份,他们参加组织比赛的合法性以及在不同足球协会所属下俱乐部之间转会.

      2. 环境问题科学委员会:此外,环境问题科学委员会(SCOPE)从经济、社会、环境三方面出发提出了一套高度合并的指标体系. 这种模式揭示了环境、人、经济的关系,紧扣可持续发展的主题,但却显示需要人们对可持续发展目标的认识是一致的,显然,不同国家或地区的意见是有差异的,

      3. scope的反义词

      3. scope:scientific committee on problems of the environment; 环境问题科学委员会

      4. scope:special committee on problems of the environment; 环境问题专门委员会

      5. scope的翻译

      5. scope:scopeofaconvention; 公约的范围

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       There is little scope for initiative in this job.
  •       He has no scope for his ability.
  •       Such subjects are not within the scope of this book.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Fluctuate idly without term or scope.

    出自:M. Arnold
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


scope, compass, range
  •       这三个词的共同意思是“范围”。range强调事物或行动可涉及或包括的范围; scope强调范围的极限; compass多指确定的和趋于永恒的范围。
    •       ☆ 1534年进入英语,直接源自意大利语的scopo,意为目标,目的;最初源自拉丁语的scopus。
    •       考研真题例句

          考研真题例句OG 1.scope

          Arc helps limit the scope of futurological studies.



          考研真题例句OG 2.scope

          When social scientists do tackle practical issues, their scope is often local.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          You may not realize the scope.(你可能没有意识到这个范围。)

          Depending on the complexity and scope of the concern being addressed, the resulting tangle can be anywhere from minor to significant.(根据要解决的问题的复杂性和范围,所引起的混乱可大可小。)

          There's still plenty of scope for improvement.(还有很大的改进余地。)

          Most of our work is in higher education, but occasionally, we do projects that go beyond that scope.(我们的大多数工作都是在高等教育范围,但我们偶尔做些超出那个范围的项目。)

          He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.(他赞成给他的员工主动的机会。)

          China will further expand the scope of its opened-up areas.(中国要进一步扩大开放范围。)

          Mr. Dobson promised to widen the organization's scope of activity.(多布森先生答应扩大该组织的活动范围。)

          Both of the things are beyond the scope of people to either really effectively to describe or in any way to control.(这两件事都超出了人们的范围,既无法真正有效地描述,也无法以任何方式加以控制。)

          He spoke out against the idea of "white" and "black" as distinct groups, claiming that these distinctions ignored the scope of human diversity.(他公开反对将“白人”和“黑人”划分为两个截然不同的群体,声称这些区别忽视了人类多样性的范围。)

          The land was flat, giving no scope for defence.(土地非常平坦,无法做防卫之用。)

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