


      英 [səʊl]

      美 [soʊl]




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  •       灵魂
  •       人
  •       化身
  •       心灵
  •       气魄
  •       精髓,精华
  •       精神,精力
  •       中心人物,核心,主脑
  •       热情
  •       要素
  •       典范,典型
  •       鬼魂
  •       推动力
  •       黑人灵歌
  •       首脑


  •       美国黑人文化的,黑人文化的
  •       美国黑人的, 黑人的
  •       黑人控制的
  •       (尤指在黑人文化中)激发情感的
  •       黑人(特有)的
  •       黑人般的
  •       黑人用的
  •       对黑人文化起共鸣的


  •       [C] 灵魂,心灵 the part of a person that is not the body and is thought not to die; the central or most important part of a person, the quality that makes a person human
  •       [U] 高尚情操,热情,感情,精神 the attractive quality produced by honesty or true deep feeling
  •       [C] 人 a person
  •       [C] 精髓,精华; 中心人物 a central, most important or most active part
  •       [S] 典型,化身 the perfect example


      1. a human being

      e.g. there was too much for one person to do

      Synonym: personindividualsomeonesomebodymortal

      2. the human embodiment of something

      e.g. the soul of honor

      3. a secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre in the 1960s and 1970s

      e.g. soul was politically significant during the Civil Rights movement

      4. deep feeling or emotion

      Synonym: soulfulness

      5. the immaterial part of a person
      the actuating cause of an individual life

      Synonym: psyche

      1. 灵魂
      Your soul is the part of you that consists of your mind, character, thoughts, and feelings. Many people believe that your soul continues existing after your body is dead.

      e.g. She went to pray for the soul of her late husband...
      e.g. 'I will put my heart and soul into the job,' he promises.

      2. (民族或政治运动的)精神,精髓
      The soul of a nation or a political movement is its basic nature and beliefs.


      e.g. ...a struggle for the soul of the Republican Party.

      3. (某种类型的)人
      You can refer to someone as a particular kind of soul when you are describing their character or condition.

      e.g. He's a jolly soul...
      e.g. Her mother, poor soul, came to an even worse end.

      4. (用于否定句中)一个人(也没有)
      You use soul in negative statements like not a soul to mean nobody at all.


      e.g. I've never harmed a soul in my life...
      e.g. There was not a soul there.

      5. 灵乐(一种主要由美国黑人音乐家表演的流行音乐,源出福音唱诗及布鲁斯乐曲)
      Soul or soul music is a type of pop music performed mainly by black American musicians. It developed from gospel and blues music and often expresses deep emotions.


      e.g. ...American soul singer Anita Baker.

      6. (尤指居住在某一地方的)人
      You can refer to the number of people who live in a particular place as souls .

      e.g. ...a tiny village of only 100 souls.
      一个只有 100 位居民的小村庄

      7. 出卖灵魂;做违背良心的事
      If you say that someone sells their soul, you mean that they do something immoral or bad in order to get something they want such as success or money.

      e.g. ...politicians who would sell their soul for the sake of office.

      8. to bare one's soul -> see bare
      body and soul -> see body
      to keep body and soul together -> see body
      the life and soul of the party -> see life

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    做个好人或好孩子 be a good child


      1. keep body and soul together : 仅能维持生活;


  •       Does the soul live forever?
  •       Her body died but her soul went to heaven.
  •       They said a prayer for the souls of the men who had been drowned in the storm.
  •       Discipline is the soul of an army.
  •       They say that hardship is good for the soul.
  •       Most old overseas Chinese keep in the depth of their souls a longing for their motherland.
  •       She has a soul above material pleasures.
  •       He worked for the company with his whole soul.
  •       He loved her with his heart and soul.
  •       “I pledge you, with all my soul,”said I, filling my glass to the brim.
  •       Your writings lack soul.
  •       Not a soul was to be seen.
  •       I swear I will never tell a soul.
  •       She was a dear old soul.
  •       The ship sank with 200 souls.
  •       Brevity is the soul of English.
  •       Celerity is the soul of warfare.
  •       He is the soul of the army.
  •       He was the life and soul of the enterprise.
  •       He is the soul of honor.
  •       Your secret's safe with him, he's the soul of discretion.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Weary in body and mind, but in soul perhaps as fresh as rain-green grass.

    出自:P. Kavanagh
  •       Soul and body can exist without one another.

    出自:R. A. Knox
  •       词语用法

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  •       词源解说


  •       soul用作名词时的基本意思是“灵魂,精华”,是可数名词。引申还可表示“高尚情操,热情,感情,精神”,作此解时是不可数名词,其前不加任何冠词。
  •       soul还可作“人,家伙”解,指有精神与灵魂的人,常带有褒义。
  •       soul也可作“精髓,精华; 中心人物”解,主要指集体的骨干或精神支柱或某事物最好的部分,引申还可作“典型”解,常与介词of连用。soul of在be后作表语时, soul前面通常要加定冠词the。


soul, mind, spirit
  •       这组词都有“精神”“灵魂”“心灵”的意思。其区别在于:
  •       1.mind指人思维、感觉和意志官能。例如:
  •       I will keep your advice in mind.我要把你的劝告记在心里。
  •       She called to mind a character in a novel.她想起了小说中的一个人物。
  •       For some reason, her name did stick in my mind.由于某种原因,她的名字就是令人难忘。
  •       2.soul指“灵魂”“精力”“精华”。例如:
  •       May his soul rest in peace!愿他的灵魂安息吧!
  •       Her body died but her soul went to heaven.她的肉体虽已死亡,但她的灵魂却升入天堂。
  •       Discipline is the soul of an army.纪律是军队的灵魂。
  •       He put his heart and soul into the work.他把精力全部贯注在工作上了。
  •       3.spirit包括生者的灵魂和死者的鬼魂,也可指“精神”。例如:
  •       Are there such things as spirits?有鬼魂这样的东西吗?
  •       He showed the spirit of selflessness.他表现出忘我精神。
  •       He dedicated himself to his country, body and spirit.他把自己的身心都贡献给国家了。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 He has hardly enough food to keep body and a soul together.

            误 He has hardly enough food to keep body and the soul together.

            正 He has hardly enough food to keep body and soul together.

            析 body and soul是固定短语,意为“生命”, soul前不可加冠词。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的sawol,意为灵魂。
    •       考研真题例句

          考研真题例句OG 1.soul

          Eberle notes, such ritualistic behaviour helps us "step outside time's flow" into "soul time."



          考研真题例句OG 2.soul

          In any case it must have something to do with the soul of the human being.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

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          Joe, I never meant to 'pon my soul and honor, I never meant to.(乔,我以我的灵魂和名誉起誓,我从来没有想过这样做。)

          All of you carry these traumas within you as scars on your soul.(你们所有人内心都有这些创伤,就像你们灵魂上的伤疤。)

          She went to pray for the soul of her late husband.(她去为已故丈夫的灵魂祈祷。)

          She sold her soul for money.(她为金钱而出卖她的灵魂。)

          I've never harmed a soul in my life.(我一生中从未伤害过任何人。)

          Some people pray for the soul of one of the brothers, others quietly grieved.(一些人为其中一个兄弟的灵魂祈祷,另一些人则默默地哀悼。)

          He believed his immortal soul was in peril.(他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。)

          She's lost all her money, poor soul.(可怜的人,她的钱全没了。)

          This is because he believes that the soul exists, will continue to exist after the death of the body, and the soul is immortal.(这是因为他认为灵魂是存在的,在肉体死后仍会继续存在,而且灵魂是不朽的。)

          The place is balm to the soul.(这个地方是对心灵的抚慰。)

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