


      英 [sæd]

      美 [sæd]


      副词: sadly 比较级: sadder 最高级: saddest 名词: sadness


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  •       悲哀的,悲伤的,可悲的,显得悲哀的,令人悲哀的,难过的,让人难过的
  •       糟透了的
  •       黯淡的
  •       让人无法接受的
  •       该受责备的
  •       乏味的
  •       过时的
  •       状况不佳的
  •       发得不好的
  •       凄惨的,可怜的
  •       不可救药的
  •       认真的
  •       阴郁的


  •       =seasonal affective disorder 季节性情绪失调


  •       伤心地


  •       使悲伤


  •       悲哀的,忧愁的,难过的 showing or causing sorrow; unhappy
  •       [A] 糟糕的,不成样子的,不像话的 unsatisfactory or unacceptable

      1. 悲哀的;悲伤的;伤心的
      If you are sad, you feel unhappy, usually because something has happened that you do not like.

      e.g. The relationship had been important to me and its loss left me feeling sad and empty...
      e.g. I'm sad that Julie's marriage is on the verge of splitting up...

      ...a gallant man who will be sadly missed by all his comrades...
      Judy said sadly, 'He has abandoned me.'
      It is with a mixture of sadness and joy that I say farewell.

      2. (故事、消息)凄惨的,可悲的,令人难过的
      Sad stories and sad news make you feel sad.

      e.g. ...a desperately humorous, impossibly sad novel...
      e.g. I received the sad news that he had been killed in a motorcycle accident.

      3. (事件、境况)不幸的,令人遗憾的
      A sad event or situation is unfortunate or undesirable.

      e.g. It's a sad truth that children are the biggest victims of passive smoking.

      Sadly, bamboo plants die after flowering...
      Things are sadly different in Britain.

      4. 可悲的;荒唐的
      If you describe someone as sad, you do not have any respect for them and think their behaviour or ideas are ridiculous.

      e.g. ...sad old bikers and youngsters who think that Jim Morrison is God.

      5. 可惜的是;很遗憾
      You can use the expression sad to say when you are describing an situation which you find unfortunate.

      e.g. How does a suffering alcoholic get into one of these hospitals? Sad to say, there are not very many of them around...
      e.g. He died five or six years ago I'm sad to say.

      1. 悲哀:眼角下垂的人,三角眼:有的人天生就眼角下垂,看起来很悲哀 ( sad ) 的样子,眼角向上拉提后立刻显得精神奕奕,眉开眼笑,连周围的人也感受到这幸福的滋味呢!

      2. 高级美术指导:有经验的文案及美术指导将会晋升为高级文案(SCW)及高级美术指导(SAD),但工作与以前大同小异. 创意总监下会有不同的小组,每小组由一位文案(CW)及一位美术指导(AD)组成. 基本上两人会共同构思广告. 由于美术指导的执行工作一般都较繁复,


      3. 伤心:⑤以一个辅音字母结尾其前面的元音字母发短元音的形容词的比较级和最高级是双写该辅音字母然后再加 -er和-est. 记忆口诀:一个小孩上面胖(fat),下面瘦(thin),他很伤心(sad),他吃着一个又大(big)又红(red)的苹果,他很热(hot).


      4. sad:selective area diffraction; 选区电子衍射

      5. sad:seasonal mood disorder; 季节性情感障碍

      6. sad的意思

      6. sad:sulphuric acid dregs; 硫酸渣

      7. sad:sensor applications design; 传感器应用设计

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

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  •       经典引文



      A:You look sad today.

      B:My girlfriend just dumped me.


    不幸的是 unfortunately


  •       Mary dissolved into tears when she heard the sad news.
  •       Shocked by the sad news, she broke out in tears.
  •       It was a sad day for our team when we lost the final.
  •       He almost burst into tears every time he saw a sad film.
  •       She gave me a sad look.
  •       She wept over her sad fate.
  •       The affection between them has worn off, leaving only a sad memory of endless quarrels.
  •       It was a sad state of affairs when children aren't taught to read properly.
  •       Her sad circumstances made me unhappy.
  •       This once beautiful ship is in a sad condition now.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       Eric is sad because his idol has feet of clay.

    出自:A. Wilson
  •       A sad autumn day with the leaves nearly all fallen..with no promise of brightness.

    出自:B. Pym
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       sad的基本意思是“悲哀的,忧愁的,难过的”,指由于不好的消息或结果等而使人在内心感到难过,也可指“糟糕的,不成样子的,不像话的”,指某人或某物以一种令人难以接受的形象出现而使人感到非常糟糕。
  •       sad在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作表语时,其后可接介词短语、动词不定式或由that引导的从句。
  •       sad to say意为“不幸的是”,常放在句首。
  •       sad的比较级一般用sadder,偶尔也可用more sad,如the more..., the more sad...。


sad, sorry
  •       这两个词都可表示“难过”。其区别是:
  •       sorry表示对悲痛的事感到难过,但不一定表现出来; sad表示对不幸感到难过,往往表现在表情上。例如:
  •       I'm sorry to hear you have been ill.听说你病了,我很难过。
  •       The children are sad because their dog has died.孩子们因为狗死了感到很难过。
  •       adj.(形容词)


            误 She felt sadly because she lost her job.

            正 She felt sad because she lost her job.

            析 feel在句中是系动词,后面可接形容词或名词作表语,但不可接副词。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的sad,意为腻的,心满意足的。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.sad

          "It makes me really sad to learn that a forest has disappeared.



          中考真题例句OG 2.sad

          Encouraging  words help sad people make it through the day.



          中考真题例句OG 3.sad

          The sad end came at last, Millet died, not really.



          高考真题例句OG 1.sad

          As sad as it was, I couldn't help smiling.

          尽管很难过, 我还是忍不住笑了。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          What a sad story!(真是一个悲伤的故事!)

          She felt very sad.(她感到很伤心。)

          The relationship had been important to me and its loss left me feeling sad and empty.(这种关系对我一直都很重要,失去它让我感到难过而空虚。)

          I was sad that she had to go.(知道她得走了,我心里很难过。)

          We were all sad at her going.(我们对她的离去都很难过。)

          Her moods kept changing—now happy, now sad.(她的情绪总是变幻不定—时而欢喜,时而忧伤。)

          It was a room filled with sad, sober faces.(这是一个满是忧伤和严肃面孔的房间。)

          It is desperately sad news and I am absolutely shattered to hear it.(这是极为令人悲伤的消息,我听后完全被击垮了。)

          He was walking around with a sad face.(他四处走着,面带哀伤。)

          How sad that all his hard work should come to nothing.(他的所有辛勤劳动竟全部付诸东流,太让人伤心了。)

          sad是什么意思 sad在线翻译 sad什么意思 sad的意思 sad的翻译 sad的解释 sad的发音 sad的同义词
