


      英 [ˈsælvɪdʒ]

      美 [ˈsælvɪdʒ]



      形容词: salvageable 名词: salvageability 过去式: salvaged 过去分词: salvaged 现在分词: salvaging 第三人称单数: salvages


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  •       抢救,船舶救助,货物救助,海难救助,救难工作,沉船打捞
  •       挽救
  •       废物利用
  •       可利用的废品
  •       【商】(海难)救助酬金,救货费,救难费
  •       【保险】残余财货,被救财货
  •       被救船舶 ,抢救出的财物
  •       (某一年代)流行的事物


  •       救助(失事船只、飞机等)
  •       抢救,营救,救援(失事船舶、火灾等中的财物)
  •       打捞(沉船)
  •       把...(从危难中)解救出来,解决...的困难
  •       【医】救,治,挽救(生命)
  •       挽回(声誉)
  •       回收利用(废料等)
  •       把…据为己有,窃取


  •       [U] 海上营救 the saving of a ship
  •       [U] 抢救出的财产 things saved from loss or destruction (as by a wreck or fire)


  •       vt. (从火灾、海难等中)抢救(某物) save (sth) from loss,fire,wreck,etc.


      1. the act of rescuing a ship or its crew or its cargo from a shipwreck or a fire

      2. the act of saving goods or property that were in danger of damage or destruction

      3. property or goods saved from damage or destruction


      1. collect discarded or refused material

      e.g. She scavenged the garbage cans for food

      Synonym: scavenge

      2. save from ruin, destruction, or harm

      Synonym: salverelievesave

      1. 营救,抢救(失事船舶、损毁大楼等中的财物)
      If something is salvaged, someone manages to save it, for example from a ship that has sunk, or from a building that has been damaged.

      e.g. The team's first task was to decide what equipment could be salvaged...
      e.g. The investigators studied flight recorders salvaged from the wreckage.

      2. (对财物等的)抢救,营救
      Salvage is the act of salvaging things from somewhere such as a damaged ship or building.

      e.g. The salvage operation went on.
      e.g. ...the cost of salvage.

      3. 抢救出的物品
      The salvage from somewhere such as a damaged ship or building is the things that are saved from it.


      e.g. They climbed up on the rock with their salvage.

      4. 挽救;挽回
      If you manage to salvage a difficult situation, you manage to get something useful from it so that it is not a complete failure.

      e.g. Officials tried to salvage the situation...
      e.g. Diplomats are still hoping to salvage something from the meeting.

      5. 挽回,保留,维持,找回(尊严、名声等)
      If you salvage something such as your pride or your reputation, you manage to keep it even though it seems likely you will lose it, or you get it back after losing it.

      e.g. We definitely wanted to salvage some pride for British tennis...
      e.g. Chantal was lucky to be able to salvage her career.

      1. 海难救助:(B)船上是否载有货物,若有,收货人之人数及他们在总救 助价值(salved valve)包括船舶价值中,所应分担之比例最后必须注意的是,已在拖曳契约(Contract of Towage)下之拖曳(Tug)其额外服务,可能构成海难救助(Salvage)要素.

      2. salvage在线翻译

      2. 营救:以下为 毛骨悚然/营救(Salvage) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址. 大学生克莱儿.帕克被一个连续杀人犯追踪并且杀害. 在醒来以后,她发现自己还活着好好的,所以克莱儿认为这应该只是个可怕的恶梦.

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       Salvage was hampered.
  •       The salvage was piled upon the pier.


  •       All attempts to salvage the wrecked ship failed.
  •       The Admiralty court..awarded..the Southampton tugs..a total salvage of s10,372.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      In the following months, two smaller ships were built from cedar trees and salvage.(接下来的几个月,他们用雪松和打捞起来的材料做了两艘小船。)

      They have to salvage some of their business relationship with China.(他们必须补救与中国的某些商业联系。)

      The decision whether or not to salvage the wreck was not an easy one, although an excavation in 1978 had shown that it might be possible to raise the hull.(决定是否打捞沉船并不是一件容易的事,尽管在1978年的一次挖掘表明,打捞船体是有可能的。)

      Salvage as much of the existing code as possible.(尽可能多地“抢救”现有代码。)

      Davis had to salvage his pride.(戴维斯不得不挽回自己的尊严。)

      Malaysian authorities are discussing possible salvage efforts with Sun Cruises, the Singapore owner of a luxury liner that sank off Malaysia last week, a news report said yesterday.(昨日有新闻报道称,马来西亚当局正与新加坡的太阳邮轮公司讨论可能采取的打捞行动。上周该公司的一艘豪华客轮在马来西亚海域沉没。)

      To salvage China from subjugation was an urgent mission for the Chinese nation.(救亡图存的民族使命迫在眉睫。)

      Conservationists hope a breeding program will salvage part of the genome.(环保人士希望繁殖计划能抢救出部分基因。)

      The salvage of the ship and cargo was under way.(打捞沉船和货物的工作正在进行之中。)

      Divers have been used to salvage valuable equipment from submerged plants.(已有潜水员到被淹的工厂中抢救贵重设备。)

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      salvage是什么意思 salvage在线翻译 salvage什么意思 salvage的意思 salvage的翻译 salvage的解释 salvage的发音 salvage的同义词
