


      英 [steə(r)]

      美 [ster]




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  •       楼梯
  •       梯级
  •       在仆人住的地方
  •       阶梯
  •       一级
  •       扶梯
  •       码头


  •       [P] 楼梯 stairs; series of fixed steps from one floor of a building to another, usually inside
  •       [C] 梯级 any of the steps in a set of stairs


      1. support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway

      e.g. he paused on the bottom step

      Synonym: step

      1. 楼梯
      Stairs are a set of steps inside a building which go from one floor to another.

      e.g. Nancy began to climb the stairs...
      e.g. We walked up a flight of stairs...

      2. 一层楼梯;一段楼梯
      A stair is a flight of stairs.


      e.g. I followed her down the stair.

      3. 一级楼梯
      A stair is one of the steps in a flight of stairs.

      e.g. Terry was sitting on the bottom stair.

      1. 阶梯:2.1.11 操作及控制所需之平台、阶梯(Stair)及扶手. 2.3.10 石棉(Asbestos)材质均不可被采用. 2.4.4 曲柄轴主要轴承须为重责型(Heavy Duty)自动调心对位球面滚筒轴承或同等品. (6) 除特别指定外,基座灌浆须用无收缩水泥.

      2. 梯:1 楼梯(Stair)由一个或若干连续的梯段和平台的组合,用以连通不同标高的平面. 2 楼梯间(Stari enclosure)用以容纳楼梯,并由墙面或竖向定位平面限制的空间. 3 楼梯间开间(Stair opening)楼梯间定位轴线之间宽度的水平距离.

      3. stair的反义词

      3. 台阶:51.户外淋浴 OUTDOOR SHOWER | 52.拉膜结构 TENSILE STRUCTURE | 53.台阶 STAIR

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The old man got up the stairs slowly.
  •       It is regarded as natural behavior that a man helps the old down stairs.
  •       The old lady broke her leg when she climbed the stairs.
  •       From the bottom of the stairs Mary called up,“Have you seen my glasses?”
  •       I slipped on the stairs and broke my ankle.
  •       The invalid is now strong enough to get up the stairs.
  •       The blind boy felt his way up the stairs.
  •       A young man was assisting a disabled man up the stairs.
  •       He slipped on the stairs and put his ankle out.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       She..climbed the winding stair.

  •       27 Duntarvie Quad was a solid sandstone tenement...The stair was clean and smelled of disinfectant.

    出自:P. Turnbull
  •       Risks..caused by..objects left on the stairs.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误


  •       stair的意思是“楼梯”“梯级”,是可数名词。
  •       “一级楼梯”一般用 a flight of stairs, a pair of stairs, staircase, stairway表示。
  •       below stairs的意思是“地下室”, stair head的意思是“楼梯顶”, above stair的意思是“在正房”。


stair, step
  •       这两个词都可表示“台阶”。其区别是:
  •       step通常指室外的台阶, stair通常指室内的台阶。例如:
  •       He went up the door steps.他上了大门的台阶。
  •       He hurried down the stair.他匆匆忙忙下楼梯。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 We walked down the stair instead of taking the elevator.

            正 We walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

            析 在英语中,表示“楼梯”多用 stair 的复数形式。但当要表示“楼梯的一级”“梯级”时,可用单数形式 stair。

    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Lift and electronic stair in the school.(提升和电子在学校楼梯。)

          Wipe off the ground of stair armrest and.(抹扶手和拖楼梯的地面。)

          The stair kickboards are painted in Farrow & Ball's “Pitch Blue. ” The words are made from laser-cut decals.(楼梯的里面用的是Farrow&Balls的“漆蓝”油漆(PitchBlue).字是激光切割的贴纸。)

          And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.(而我的人生没有晶莹的阶梯。)

          Time to turn back and descend the stair.(说话间时间转身走着楼梯往下。)

          Stair... is there any other proof?(楼梯…有其他的证明吗?)

          We stepped down the stair.(我们走下楼梯。)

          Curved canopies float above elevator lobbies, reception, and the stair.(弧形天篷飘浮在电梯大厅、接待区和楼梯的上方。)

          The house had a panelled hall and a fine oak stair.(房子的门厅装有镶板墙裙,楼梯是用高级栎木建造的。)

          I often do stair climbing with my friends.(我经常和朋友一起爬楼梯。)

          stair是什么意思 stair在线翻译 stair什么意思 stair的意思 stair的翻译 stair的解释 stair的发音 stair的同义词
